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- Lemon64 Donator!
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Keyboard mapping in VICE
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Postby majinbuu »
After a long hiatus from c64 programming, mostly in basic, I am now using emulation to do my programming as I don't trust disks or tapes to save my data. Only problem is finding out how some of the commodore keys correlate to a standard pc keyboard. For example SHIFT+Home will clear the screen and if used as ?"(SHIFT+Home") will be translated in the emu as ?"(inverted heart symbol)".
Does someone have a definitive list of the keyboard mapping to help me out, it is frustrating playing trial and error to find the correct keys. For example again, where the hell is the RUN/STOP and RESTORE keys?
If i am forgetting to look at a help file in the vice emu, please don't hesitate in pointing out my stupidity
Thanks again
Frankie Says Relax
I did not go to his funeral, but I wrote a nice letter saying I approved of it.
- Rick Dangerous
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Postby wiskow »
The page that expalins VICE keymap files is at http://www.viceteam.org/vice_4.html#SEC25
With the default english keymap file, RUN/STOP is mapped to the CAPS LOCK key, and RETORE is mapped to the PAGE UP key.
Cottonwood & Borderline BBS
- Jack The Nipper
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Postby Isepic »
These are the default keymaps I have in my .ini file for Vice64 1.22:
I have never made any changes to the default install definitions in Vice aside from the Drive, Cartridge and RS-232 settings.
ESC maps to RUN/STOP and PGUP is RESTORE. Since I was originally running 1.15 when I upgraded I DID NOT OVERWRITE my existing .ini file but did overwrite everything else. Or maybe I did, I may have had a few pints in me at the time.
I don't remember where I got this but I always have this handy when running Vice so I know which PC keys map to C64:
- Lemon64 Donator!
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Postby majinbuu »
Isepic wrote:These are the default keymaps I have in my .ini file for Vice64 1.22:
KeymapSymDeFile="win_sym_de.vkm"I have never made any changes to the default install definitions in Vice aside from the Drive, Cartridge and RS-232 settings.
ESC maps to RUN/STOP and PGUP is RESTORE. Since I was originally running 1.15 when I upgraded I DID NOT OVERWRITE my existing .ini file but did overwrite everything else. Or maybe I did, I may have had a few pints in me at the time.
I don't remember where I got this but I always have this handy when running Vice so I know which PC keys map to C64:
Ahhh, exactly what I need, thanks mate
Got a copy pasted on the wall in my computer room.
Frankie Says Relax
I did not go to his funeral, but I wrote a nice letter saying I approved of it.
- Rick Dangerous
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Postby wiskow »
Very nice!
I like how the Windows key has been replaced with a skull and crossbones.
And look! It's the infamous ANY KEY!
Cottonwood & Borderline BBS
- Rick Dangerous
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Postby Schema »
I got sufficiently annoyed with the VICE keyboard mappings that I've now
created my own keymap file. See below.
This provides a (hopefully sensible) symbolic mapping on US/Canadian
keyboards. I actually based it win_pos.vkm. Copy it as a text to your
.\C64 directory as a .vkm file and point VICE to it. You might have to do
some trickery to get VICE to recognize it, i.e. I just put it in place of
Code: Select all
-----------------------------------------------# VICE keyboard mapping file## Modified by Leif Bloomquist on March 23/2007 to# give a proper symbolic mapping on US kbds - finally!!!1## A Keyboard map is read in as patch to the current map.## File format:# - comment lines start with '#'# - keyword lines start with '!keyword'# - normal line has 'keysym/scancode row column shiftflag'## Keywords and their lines are:# '!CLEAR' clear whole table# '!INCLUDE filename' read file as mapping file# '!LSHIFT row col' left shift keyboard row/column# '!RSHIFT row col' right shift keyboard row/column# '!VSHIFT shiftkey' virtual shift key (RSHIFT or LSHIFT)# '!UNDEF keysym' remove keysym from table## Shiftflag can have the values:# 0 key is not shifted for this keysym/scancode# 1 key is shifted for this keysym/scancode# 2 left shift# 4 right shift# 8 key can be shifted or not with this keysym/scancode# 16 deshift key for this keysym/scancode# 32 another definition for this keysym/scancode follows## Negative row values:# 'keysym -1 n' joystick #1, direction n# 'keysym -2 n' joystick #2, direction n# 'keysym -3 0' first RESTORE key# 'keysym -3 1' second RESTORE key# 'keysym -4 0' 40/80 column key# 'keysym -4 1' CAPS (ASCII/DIN) key#!CLEAR!LSHIFT 1 7!RSHIFT 6 4!VSHIFT RSHIFT#0 -1 -1 0 /* (no key) */1 7 7 8 /* ESC -> Run/Stop */2 7 0 8 /* 1 -> 1 */3 7 3 40 /* 2 -> 2 */3 5 6 16 /* @ -> @ */4 1 0 8 /* 3 -> 3 */5 1 3 8 /* 4 -> 4 */6 2 0 8 /* 5 -> 5 */7 2 3 40 /* 6 -> 6 */7 6 6 16 /* ^ -> ^ */8 3 0 40 /* 7 -> 7 */8 2 3 1 /* & -> & */9 3 3 40 /* 8 -> 8 */9 6 1 16 /* * -> * */10 4 0 40 /* 9 -> 9 */10 3 3 1 /* ( -> ( */11 4 3 40 /* 0 -> 0 */11 4 0 1 /* ) -> ) */12 5 3 8 /* Minus -> Minus */13 6 5 40 /* Equal -> Equal */13 5 0 16 /* + -> + */14 0 0 8 /* Backspace -> Del */15 7 2 8 /* TAB -> Ctrl */16 7 6 8 /* Q -> Q */17 1 1 8 /* W -> W */18 1 6 8 /* E -> E */19 2 1 8 /* R -> R */20 2 6 8 /* T -> T */21 3 1 8 /* Y -> Y */22 3 6 8 /* U -> U */23 4 1 8 /* I -> I */24 4 6 8 /* O -> O */25 5 1 8 /* P -> P */26 5 5 1 /* [ -> [ */27 6 2 1 /* ] -> ] */28 0 1 8 /* Return -> Return */29 7 5 8 /* Left Ctrl -> CBM */30 1 2 8 /* A -> A */31 1 5 8 /* S -> S */32 2 2 8 /* D -> D */33 2 5 8 /* F -> F */34 3 2 8 /* G -> G */35 3 5 8 /* H -> H */36 4 2 8 /* J -> J */37 4 5 8 /* K -> K */38 5 2 8 /* L -> L */39 6 2 40 /* ; -> ; */39 5 5 16 /* : -> : */40 3 0 33 /* ' -> ' */40 7 3 1 /* ' -> ' */41 7 1 40 /* ` -> Left Arrow */41 6 6 1 /* ~ -> Pi */42 1 7 2 /* Left Shift -> Left Shift */43 6 0 8 /* \ -> Pound */44 1 4 8 /* Z -> Z */45 2 7 8 /* X -> X */46 2 4 8 /* C -> C */47 3 7 8 /* V -> V */48 3 4 8 /* B -> B */49 4 7 8 /* N -> N */50 4 4 8 /* M -> M */51 5 7 8 /* , -> , */52 5 4 8 /* . -> . */53 6 7 8 /* / -> / */54 6 4 4 /* Right Shift -> Right Shift */55 6 1 8 /* Grey * -> * */#56 -1 -1 0 /* Left Alt -> (no key) */57 7 4 8 /* Space -> Space */58 7 7 8 /* Caps Lock -> Run/Stop */59 0 4 8 /* F1 -> F1 */60 0 4 1 /* F2 -> F2 */61 0 5 8 /* F3 -> F3 */62 0 5 1 /* F4 -> F4 */63 0 6 8 /* F5 -> F5 */64 0 6 1 /* F6 -> F6 */65 0 3 8 /* F7 -> F7 */66 0 3 1 /* F8 -> F8 */#67 -1 -1 0 /* F9 -> (no key) */#68 -1 -1 0 /* F10 -> (no key) */#69 -1 -1 0 /* Num Lock -> (no key) */#70 -1 -1 0 /* Scroll Lock -> (no key) */#71 -1 -1 0 /* Numpad 7 -> (no key) */#72 -1 -1 0 /* Numpad 8 -> (no key) */#73 -1 -1 0 /* Numpad 9 -> (no key) */#74 -1 -1 0 /* Numpad - -> (no key) */#75 -1 -1 0 /* Numpad 4 -> (no key) */#76 -1 -1 0 /* Numpad 5 -> (no key) */#77 -1 -1 0 /* Numpad 6 -> (no key) */#78 -1 -1 0 /* Numpad + -> (no key) */#79 -1 -1 0 /* Numpad 1 -> (no key) */#80 -1 -1 0 /* Numpad 2 -> (no key) */#81 -1 -1 0 /* Numpad 3 -> (no key) */#82 -1 -1 0 /* Numpad 0 -> (no key) */#83 -1 -1 0 /* Numpad . -> (no key) */#84 -1 -1 0 /* SysReq -> (no key) */#85 -1 -1 0 /* 85 -> (no key) */#86 -1 -1 0 /* 86 -> (no key) */#87 -1 -1 0 /* F11 -> (no key) */#88 -1 -1 0 /* F12 -> (no key) */89 6 3 8 /* Home -> CLR/HOME */90 0 7 1 /* Up -> CRSR UP */#91 -1 -1 0 /* PgUp -> (no key) */92 0 2 1 /* Left -> CRSR LEFT */93 0 2 8 /* Right -> CRSR RIGHT */#94 -1 -1 0 /* End -> (no key) */95 0 7 8 /* Down -> CRSR DOWN */#96 -1 -1 0 /* PgDown -> (no key) */97 0 0 1 /* Ins -> Shift-Del (Ins)*/98 0 0 8 /* Del -> Del */#99 -1 -1 0 /* Numpad Enter -> (no key) */#100 -1 -1 0 /* Right Ctrl -> (no key) */#101 -1 -1 0 /* Pause -> (no key) */#102 -1 -1 0 /* PrtScr -> (no key) */#103 -1 -1 0 /* Numpad / -> (no key) */#104 -1 -1 0 /* Right Alt -> (no key) */#105 -1 -1 0 /* Break -> (no key) */106 7 5 8 /* Left Win95 -> CBM */#107 -1 -1 0 /* Right Win95 -> (no key) */## Joystick 1##KP_0 -1 0#KP_1 -1 1#KP_2 -1 2#KP_3 -1 3#KP_4 -1 4#KP_5 -1 5#KP_6 -1 6#KP_7 -1 7#KP_8 -1 8#KP_9 -1 9## Joystick 2##w -2 7#e -2 8#r -2 9#s -2 4#d -2 5#f -2 6#x -2 1#c -2 2#v -2 3#space -2 0# Restore key mappings91 -3 0 /* PgUp -> RESTORE */
- Lemon64 Donator!
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- Location: Vienna, Austria (Europe)
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Postby sepp »
wiskow wrote:Very nice!
And look! It's the infamous ANY KEY!
Don't laugh, but in my very early days of owning a C64, i was playing Bard's Tale with a friend. After the introduction, one had to insert the Character Disk and "press a key." At that time, i thought i had to press a certain key, but "a" and "o" looked very similar in the text box of Bard's Tale and i couldn't make it out. I thought, if i pressed the wrong key, the program would crash. Well, at least Bard's Tale III was clear about the user having to press "any key", but by that time i had already learned that lesson. Also, i wasn't very fond of reading manuals back in those days.
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