(ENG) D&D 4a Ed. - Dark Sun - Creature Catalog - Flip eBook Pages 51-100 (2025)

IN AN ENVIRONMENT WHERE VIOLENT DEATH is SO common, ghosts frequently haunt sites ofgreat significance or terrible slaughter. Among them are an array ofspirits bound to the service oflong-forgotten gods. Called raaigs, these ghosts defend ancient shrines, temples, relics, and secrets. LORE Religion DC 23: In life, raaigs were devout priests or holy warriors charged with protecting sacred sites or relics. In death they still keep watch, though their charges have crumbled into ruin or vanished. They have been twisted by their ancient oaths into merciless, hateful apparitions that sWiftly slay any living intruder. Unlike ghosts or specters, raaigs briefly take solid form to attack, then fade into insubstantiality before foes can retaliate. Raaigs haunt old temples. They attack any who set foot in their shrines. considering them unbelievers who defile the sacred precinct. Few people on Athas know the ancient names or prayers that can satisfy a raaig's challenge. A given raaig is bound to a limited area or purpose and cannot abandon it to chase intruders even a short distance. A few guardians were so favored by their gods in life that they were granted a tiny spark of divine essence. Called soulflames, these raaigs still embody their gods' will. ·When a soulflame is badly injured, though, that divine spark escapes, leaving behind a spectral vessel empty of all but despair. ENCOUNTERS Intelligent and strong-willed , raaigs assume command over other undead such as mummies, ghosts, or skeletons. Those defending evil temples might ally with demons or devils that once served them. Soulflames are occasionally accompanied by angels that survived the disappearance ofAthas's gods by drawing upon the spark ofdivinity within these blessed spirits. RAAIG TOMB SPIRIT Dust swirls around the broken altar, obscuring the peculiar symbol carved on it. As the cloud surges forward, it takes the form of a human clad in ancient armor. It strikes, and its ghostly weapon slices cleanly through flesh. Raaig Tomb Spirit Level 9 Soldier Medium natural humanoid (undead) XP !JOO HP 66; Bloodied 33 Initiative +9 AC B, Fortitude 11, Reflex 21, Will 21 Perception +11 Speed 6, fly 6 (hover); phasing Darkvision Immune disease, poison; Resist insubstantial o Gripping Dread (cold. fear) + Aura 1 Enemies within the aura cannot shift. In addition. any enemy marked by the tomb spirit that makes an attack that does not include the tomb spirit as a target while within the aura takes S cold damal!e. CD Chilling Blade (cold) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. AC Hit: 3d6 + 7 cold damal!e. <~ Raaig's Challenge (charm) + At-Will (1/round) Attack: Close burst 3 (one enemy in burst); +12 vs. Will Hit: The tomb spirit pulls the target 2 squares. and the target is marked until the end of the tomb spirit's next turn. Skills Religion +11. Stealth +12 Str 20 (+9) Dex 17 (+7) Wls 1S (+6) Con lS (+6) Int 14 (+6) Cha 16 (+7) Alignment unaligned Languages Common

RAAIG TOMB SPIRITS IN COMBAT The tomb spirit chooses one enemy and uses raaia's challenae to force it into single combat, its arippina dread aura keeping the target close. Its weapon temporarily solidifies as it strikes, cutting with a supernatural chill. RAAIG CRYPT LORD Beyond the ranks ofundead guardians stands a phantasmal figure clad in heavy armor and a rich mantle. Medallions ofoffice mark it as the spirit of a high priest or a temple champion. Raaig Crypt Lord Level 14 Soldier (Leader) Medium nallirdl humanoid (undead) HP 96; Bloodied 48 AC 28. Fortitude 27, Reflex 26. Will 26 Speed 6, fly 6 (hover); phasing Immune disease, poison; Resist insubstantial XP 1,000 Initiative +14 Perception +15 Darkvision o Gripping Dread (fear) • Aura 2 Enemies within the aura cannot shift. In addition, any enemy marked by the crypt lord that makes an attack that does not include the crypt lord as a target while within the aura takes 5 cold damage. STANDAU!) ACTIONS CD Chilling Blade (cold, weapon) • At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +19 vs. AC Hit: 4d8 + 4 cold damage, and the target is marked until the end of the crypt lord's next turn. Ghostly Command • Recharge l!.!.1 Effect: Each undead ally within 5 squares of the crypt lord can use a free action to shift 2 squares and make a melee basic attack. Crypt Lord's Challenge (charm) • Recharge when first bloodied Attack: Close burst 5 (enemies in burst); +17 vs. Will Hit: The crypt lord pulls the target 4 squares, and the target is marked until the end of the crypt lord's next turn. Skills Religion +15, Stealth +17 Str 22 (+13) Dex 10 (+12) Wls 16 (+10) Con 17 (+10) Int 17 (+10) Cha 11 (+12) Alignment unaligned Languages Common RAAIG CRYPT LORDS IN COMBAT A crypt lord fights alongside other raaigs, directing the battle. It uses crypt lord's challenae to draw sev­ era l foes at once into range ofits arippina dread aura. While it is holding their focus, it moves allies into advantageous positions with ahostly command. RAAIG SOULFLAME A blinding light flares from the foreign symbols on the altar. Within that radiance a humanoid phantom coalesces. Although it looks little different from the other ghosts, vast power emanates from it. Raaig Soulflame Level 11 Skirmisher Medium natural humanoid (undead) XP 3,100 HP 138; Bloodied 69 Initiative +10 AC 35, Fortitude 31, Reflex 35, Will B Perception +15 Speed 8, teleport 3 (speed 8. fly 8 [hoverl Darkvision while bloodied); phasing Immune disease, poison; Resist insubstantial TRAITS Bloodied Defense While bloodied, the soulflame gains a +1 bonus to Fortitude and Reflex. CD Divine Blade (radiant, teleportation) • At-Will Requirement: The soulflame must not be bloodied. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +26 vs. AC Hit: 4d6 + 8 damage plus 1d6 radiant damage, and the soulflame teleports 3 squares after the attack. CD Deathly Blade (necrotic) • At-Will Requirement: The soulflame must be bloodied. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +23 vs. Fortitude Hit: 4d6 + 10 damage plus 1d6 necrotic damage, and until the end of the soulflame's next turn, when the target regains hit points, it regains only half the normal amount. +Flickering Phantom (radiant, teleportation) • Recharge ~.iIIJJj Requirement: The soulflame must not be bloodied. Effect: The soulflame teleports 4 squares. Primary Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +16 vs. AC Hit: 4d8 + 6 damage plus 4d8 radiant damage. Effect: After the attack, the soulflame teleports 4 squares and makes a secondary attack. Secondary Attack: Melee 1 (one creature other than the primary target); +16 vs. AC Hit: 3d8 + 7 damage plus 3d8 radiant damage. +Hollow Rage (necrotic) • Encounter Requirement: The soulflame must be bloodied. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. Fortitude Hit: 6d1 0 + 7 necrotic damage, and the target cannot regain hit points (save ends). Skills Acrobatics +13, Religion +18, Stealth +13 Str13 (+16) Dex 16 (+18) Wis10(+15) Con 11 (+15) Int 17 (+13) Cha 13 (+16) Alignment unaligned Languages Supernal RAAIG SOULFLAMES IN COMBAT Soulflames teleport throughout the enemies' ranks, rarely staying in the same spot. They focus attacks on enemies that pose a greater threat. Once bloodied, a soulflame becomes a being of murderous rage. It focuses its attacks on the enemy who bloodied it, even ifothers are dealing more damage.

ATHASIAN GIANTS DWELL IN SMALL TRIBES on islands throughout the Sea of Silt, which they guard fiercely. They are capable oftraversing the sea's shallower areas, wading through chest-deep terrain to reach their homes. LORI: Arcana DC 25: Many giants on Athas live on islands in the shallower areas of the Sea of Silt. Sometimes they can be bribed into carrying smaller beings as passengers to their islands or to other locations in the sea. Giants are fickle, though, so travelers must take care not to offend them. Powerful masters of the Way created the first beast giants long ago, and the race has persisted, though it is mutable in form. These giants supplement their ferocity with an inborn psychic power that lets them read the mind of an enemy, allowing them to copy a foe's powerful attack. Shadow giants are remnants ofgiants killed by the sorcerer-kings in ancient wars. Their hate-filled spirits have found a home in the deathly substance of the Gray. ENCOUNTERS Beast giants associate with others oftheir kind as well as with hill giants, firbolgs , brohgs, and other giantkin. Shadow giants are loners, feared by other giants, though on occasion a brohg renegade seeks one out to learn secrets of arcane magic. Shadow giants might ally with their elementally infused cousins, especially the powerful fire and stone giants in the Sea ofSilt. BI:AST GIANT Each of these hulking humanoids has the head of a beast, though everyone has slightly different features. The beasts represented are found throughout Athas and include those both living and long extinct. Beast Giant Level 15 Brute Large ndtural humanoid igidnt) HP 180; Bloodied 90 AC 27, Fortitude 27, Reflex 26, Will 27 Speed 7 XP 1.200 Initiative +9 Perception +11 Low-light vision .., CD Rending Bite + At-Will Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +20 vs. AC Hit: 3d10 + 9 damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends). -I- Red ofTooth + Encounter Effect: The giant uses rending bite three times, making each attack against a different target. -I- Psionic Release + Recharge when the giant uses psionic retention Requirement: The giant must have an attack retained with psionic retention. Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +18 vs. Fortitude Hit: The target takes the damage and any effects of the retained attack. TIlIGGERED Ac IION ~ -I- Psionic Retention + Recharge when an enemy within 5 squares of the giant spends a healing surge Trigger: An enemy damages the giant with an at·will or an encounter attack power. Effect (Immediate Reaction): The triggering attack is retained until the end of the giant's next turn. A retained attack dupli· cates the triggering attack's damage and any harmful effects as though originating from the triggering enemy, but not its range or targets. The giant can inflict the same damage and effects of the retained attack on an enemy it hits with psionic release. Str 17 (+10) Dex 15 (+9) Wis 18 (+11) Con 20(+12) Int 10(+7) Cha 15 (+9) Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Giant BEAST GIANTS IN COMBAT When faced with a threat, a beast giant reacts with savage ferocity. It uses red oftooth to start a fight and reacts to a serious injury with psionic retention, turning that attack against a foe on its next turn. z ~ :0 u ::. '" >­ t S ~ Z S I

• • SHADOW GIANT A vengeful spirit that seeks retribution for an ancient slaughter, this undead giant resembles a tall, thin shadow cast against a wall. Shadow Giant Level 18 Soldier Large shadow humanoid (gianI, undradl XP 1.000 HP 185; Bloodied 91 Initiative +16 AC 31, Fortitude 31, Reflex 30, Will 31 Perception +17 Speed 7, fly 3 (hover) Darkvision Immune disease, oison; Resist 10 necrotic. insubstantial Cr Shadow Malaise (fear) + Aura 5 Enemies within the aura regain half the normal hit points from healing powers. Revealed by Radiance Whenever the shadow giant takes radiant damage, it loses insubstantial until the end of its next turn. • • I i CD Necrotic Touch (necrotic) + At·WIII Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +21 vs. Reflex Hit: 4d8 + 8 necrotic damage, and the target is marked (save ends). +Death Touch (necrotic) + At·WIII Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +21 vs. Reflex Hit: 3d8 + 2 damage, and the target is marked and takes ongo· ing 10 necrotic damage (save ends both). +Cast Into Shadow + At·WIII Tri88er: An enemy marked by the shadow giant makes an attack that does not include the giant as a target. Attack (Immediate Reaction): Melee 2 (triggering enemy); +21 vs. Reflex Hit: The target is removed from play and is stunned until the end of its next turn. It then appears in its last location or in the nearest unoccupied space. Str 22 (+15) Dex 21 (+14) Wls 16 (+12) Con 23 (+15) Int 10(+9) Cha 23 (+15) Alignment evil Languages Common, Giant SHADOW GIANTS IN COMBAT A shadow giant marks the foe that has hurt it the most. It tries to keep the marked target within reach so it can strand that foe in the Gray with cast into shadow. BEAST TITAN The oldest beast giants have grown so much in strength that their ferocity sets them apart from their lesser fellows. Beast titans delight in tearing off the heads offoes and using the skulls as trophies. IZ < \.J Beast Titan Level 10 Elite Brute Huge natural humanoid (giant) HP 466; Bloodied 233 AC 32, Fortitude 34, Reflex 29, Will 33 Speed 8 Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 Beast Reflexes XP 5,600 Initiative +14 Perception +16 Low·light vision . • The titan can make a saving throw to avoid falling prone . CD Gnashing Bite + At·WIII Attack: Melee 3 (one creature); +25 vs. AC Hit: 3dl 0 + 9 damage, and ongoing 10 damage (save ends). +Head Rip + At·WiII Attack: Melee 1 (one creature grabbed by the titan); +23 vs. Reflex Hit: 4d8 + 25 damage, and ongoing 10 damage (save ends). The titan also pushes the target 10 squares and knocks it prone. +Psionic Release + Recharge when the titan uses psionic retention Requirement: The titan must have an attack retained with psionic retention. Attack: Melee 3 (one creature); +23 vs. Fortitude Hit: The target takes the damage and any effects of the retained attack. +ntan's Embrace + At·WIII (l/round) Requirement: The titan must not have a creature grabbed. Attack: Melee 3 (one creature); + 23 vs. Reflex Hit: 1 d8 + 9 damage, and the titan grabs the target. .. . +Psionic Retention + Recharge when an enemy within 5 squares of the titan spends a healing surge Tri88er: An enemy damages the giant with an at·will or an encounter attack power. Effect (Immediate Reaction): The triggering attack is retained until the end of the titan's next turn. A retained attack dupli· cates the triggering attack's damage and any harmful effects as though originating from the triggering enemy, but not its range or targets. The titan can inflict the same damage and effects of the retained attack on an enemy it hits with psionic release. +Vengeful Bite + 2/Encounter Tri88er: The titan is first bloodied or it drops to 0 hit points. Effect (Free Action): The titan uses 8nashin8 bite. Str 28 (+19) Dex 19 (+14) Wls 23 (+16) Con 23 (+16) Int 12 (+11) Cha 16 (+13) Alignment unaligned Languages Common. Giant BEAST TITANS IN COMBAT A beast titan opens with titan's embrace to grab an enemy, then follows up with head rip to savage the captured foe. As does its lesser kin, it turns a power· ful attack that hits it against an enemy.

ALTHOUGH DESCENDED from creatures said to come from beyond the Gray, Athas's gith are tribal and savage. The slide into barbarism did not extinguish their mental abilities, however. Combined with the giths' extreme brutality and absolute mercilessness, their psionic powers might be even more dangerous than those of their forebears. LORE Nature DC 19: Githyanki first visited Athas long ago aboard a vast, silvery craft that transported them from a place beyond the Gray. The githyanki sought a way back to their realm, but they found themselves trapped on Athas by the Gray, which serves as a nighimpassable planar barrier between the world and their home realm. Meanwhile, the visitors proved particularly sensitive to the corrupting nature of arcane magic. Today, the descendants of the first githyanki survive as shadows of their former selves, decayed in both mind and body. They have not forgotten their origins. however. A few tribes are dedicated to gathering shards of their long-lost ship. hoping to return home. Gith tribes wander the mountains and the Tablelands. living as nomadic hunters. Like thri-kreen tribes, gith grant humanoids no special status. hunting them as aVidly as any other prey. ENCOUNTERS Gith travel in small packs. though sometimes an individual can be found with other creatures, working as a mercenary or as a slave. Gith also keep pets. such as baazrags. Although most gith attack foulspawn on Sight. a few tribes have begun to collaborate with these aberrations toward some shared ambition. GITH SAVAGE These bloodthirsty degenerates are always eager to join the hunt. Gith savages' lives are nasty. brutish. and short. GITH SAVAGES IN COMBAT Gith savages stay mobile. constantly changing their positions as they viciously jab at enemies. They understand battle tactics. having survived the harsh and sometimes fatal lessons ofmore experienced members of the tribe. HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. AC 17. Fortitude 18. Reflex 15. Will 14 Speed 6 STANDARD Ac liONS CD Spear (weapon) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Hit: 6 damage. and the gith shifts 1 square. ::r Telekinetic Pierce + Encounter Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +7 vs. Fortitude Hit: 6 damage. and the gith pushes the target 1 square. Telekinetic Leap + Encounter Effect: The gith flies 5 squares. Str 16 (+5) Dex 10 (+2) Wis 10(+2) Con 14 (+4) Int 8 (+1) Cha 9(+1) Alignment evil Languages Deep Speech Equipment inix-shell armor. obsidian-tipped spear GITH HOBBLER A gith hobbler practices until it can hit a charging baazrag in the eye with a javelin from fifty feet away. It is a "trial by blood" that forgives no mistakes. Skilled throwers are welcomed back to the tribe; the rest are left to rot in the wastes. Gith Hobbler Level 4 Artillery Mediu m "dtural hUIll,lI1oid XP 17') HP 46; Bloodied 23 Initiative +3 AC 16. Fortitude 16, Reflex 14. Will 14 Perception +3 Speed 6 o Brain Fog + Aura 1 Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attack rolls and damage rolls. CD Bone Dagger (weapon) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Hit: 1 d6 + 3 damage. and the gith shifts 1 square. ®Javelin (weapon) + At·WIII Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature); +9 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d6 + S damage. ::r Pinning Javelin (weapon) + Encounter Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature); +9 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d6 + 6 damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends). MOVE 1\[ lIONS Telekinetic Leap + Encounter Effect: The gith flies 5 squares. Str 16 (+5) Dex 13 (+3) Wis 12 (+3) Con 16 (+5) Int 8 (+1) Cha 9 (+1) Alignment evil Languages Deep Speech Equipment inix shell armor, bone dagger. 10 obSidian-tipped javelins GITH HOBBLERS IN COMBAT Gith hobblers rely on brainfo8 to deter foes from approaching and telekinetic leap to escape if necessary. They use pinnin8javelin to immobilize the most dan­ gerous foes. leaving them vulnerable to the attacks of allied gith spearheads and drones.

GITH SPEARHEAD This vicious warrior favors an obsidian-tipped spear. It also harbors a dangerous pSionic talent that manifests only when its life is snuffed out by violence. + Gith Spearhead Medium natural humanoid Level 5 Brute XP 100 HP 76; Bloodied 38 AC 18, Fortitude 17. Reflex 15. Will 14 Speed 6 Initiative + 5 Perception +4 CD Vicious Spear (weapon) + At·WIII Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 7 damage. Focused Stab (weapon) + Recharge [;] [j] Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC Hit: 2d12 + 7 damage. and the target falls prone. If the target is bloodied, it takes 1d12 extra damage and is also dazed (save ends). Telekinetic Leap + Encounter E ect: The gith fl ies 5 squares. Ancestor's Appeal (psychic) + Encounter Tri88er: The glth drops to 0 hit points. Attack (Immediate Interrupt): Close burst 1 (enemies in burst); + 5 vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d6 + 3 psychic damage. The target takes ongoing 5 psychic damage. and whenever it uses a daily or an encounter power, it takes 5 psychic damage (save ends both). Skills Athletics +12. Intimidate +7 Str 20 (+7) Dex 16 (+5) Wls 14(+4) Con 16 (+5) Int 10 (+2) Cha 10 (+2) Alignment evil Languages Deep Speech Equipment inix shell armor, obsidian-tipped spear GITH SPEARHEADS IN COMBAT A gith spearhead rushes forward into combat, keeping an eye out for bloodied enemies. The gith uses focused stab early on. focusing its attacks on that foe until the creature is bloodied and focused stab recharges. Once wounded. the spearhead begins shifting or moving to surround itself with enemies so its psionic death throes have the greatest impact. GITH DRONE Gith that show early signs ofpsionic talent receive special training. isolated from others oftheir tribe. This seclusion protects the tribe as gith trainers tear away the drones' mental barriers. Ifthe drones survive this trauma. they develop explOSive psychic abilities. Gith tribes take great pride in their drones. GITH DRONES IN COMBAT A gith drone advances to bring its brainfo8 to bear on its opponent's defenses. The drone tries to place psychic nova so it affects more than one foe bloodied by its allies, but it also uses the power against tightly packed enemies. :r fLJ Gith Drone LevelS Controller Mediull1 natural humanoid XP 100 HP 62; Bloodied 31 Initiative +2 AC 19, Fortitude 17, Reflex 13, Will 14 Perception +3 Speed 6 o Brain Fog + Aura 3 Enemies within the aura take a -1 penalty to all defenses. CD Bone Dagger (weapon) + At·WIII Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 4 damage. ® Telekinetic Thrust (force) + At·WiII Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +9 vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d6 + 5 force damage. Effect: The drone slides the target 2 squares. -4~ Psychic Nova (psychic) + Recharge II!] Attack: Area burst 1 within 5 (enemies in burst); +8 vs. Reflex Hit: 4d6 + 4 damage. and the target takes 5 psychic damage whenever it uses a daily or an encounter power (save ends). If the target is bloodied. it also takes ongoing 5 psychic damage (save ends both). Telekinetic Leap + Encounter Effect: The gith flies 5 squares. Str 16 (+5) Dex 10 (+2) Wls 12 (+3) Con 14 (+4) Int 5 (-1) Cha 8 (+1) Alignment evil Languages Deep Speech Equipment inix shell armor, bone dagger

UNTHINKING AUTOMATONS energized by potent magic, golems can be found in desert ruins or in the treasuries ofthe sorcerer-kings. Powerful defilers craft golems from bone, clay, flesh, stone, and more unusual materials. The relative abundance of obsidian, salt, and sand on Athas has inspired creators to rely on these substances when constructing golems. LORI: Arcana DC 23: Golems abide by the instructions oftheir creators, or anyone their creators order them to obey. They are fearless and unflinching, executing their masters' commands without concern for their own survival. They plow straight ahead in battle, mashing anyone or anything that obstructs their progress. The creation ofa golem requires potent arcane rituals and expensive components. Such resources are exceedingly rare On Athas. Much ofthe lore regarding golems comes from ages past, and a great deal of it is lost even to sorcerer-kings. The few ritualists who can create golems do not necessarily even understand why their rituals work. Legends teIi ofgolems far more potent than any created today. Constructed from substances now rare on Athas, these creatures still haunt the depths of forgotten ruins, obeying orders uttered by creators thousands ofyears ago. The air grows hazy as a salt golem approaches. The ambient particles from its body sting the flesh and burn the eyes. A blocky, rocklike form ofwhite and gray becomes more distinct as it draws close enough for its heavy limbs to strike. Salt Golem Level 11 Elite Brute LJrge niltural <lIlilllalt' (collstrutt) XPlolOO HP 178; Bloodied 139 Initiative +6 AC 14, Fortitude 13. Reflex 11. Will 13 Perception +9 Speed 5 (cannot shift) Darkvislon Immune disease. poison, sleep Saving Throws +1; Action Points 1 o Toxic Salt (poison) + Aura 1 Any enemy that starts its turn within the aura takes a -1 penalty to all defenses until the end of its next turn. If the enemy is bloodied, it also takes 5 poison damage. STflNOIllCU AnIONS cD Slam (polson) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +16 vs. AC Hit: 4d6 + 6 damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 poison damage and a -1 penalty to attack rolls (save ends both). ~ Double Attack + At-Will Effect: The golem uses slam twice. <.. Horrid Dehydration + Recharge fBl [[i] Attack: Close burst 3 (enemies in burst); +11 vs. Fortitude Hit: 4d10 + 3 damage. and the target is weakened and slowed until the end of the golem's next turn. A bloodied target is instead weakened and slowed (save ends both). Str 11 (+11) Dex 12 (+6) Wis 18 (+9) Con 19 (+9) Int 3 (+1) Cha 3 (+1) Alignment unaligned languages ­

0 SALT GOLEMS IN COMBAT Salt golems leave tiny toxic shards in the wounds they inflict, causing agonizing pain. Like most golems, they aren't capable ofsophisticated tactics. They are cunning enough, though, to distinguish between strong and injured foes. DUNE GOLEM A sudden flurry sweeps the desert as the sands rise in a loosely humanoid form. Particles sift and flow as though blown by a constant wind , but the creature never loses its substance. Gaping pits at the top ofthe churning sand simulate a mouth and eyes. Dune Golem Level 13 Elite Soldier l~rge natur al animate (construct) XP 1,60 0 HP 184; Bloodied 92 Initiative +8 AC 29, Fortitude 25, Reflex 26, Will 24 Perception +7 Speed 5, burrow 5 (loose earth only) Darkvision Immune disease, poison, sleep; Resist half damage from melee and ranged attacks Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 TRAITS o Gusting Sands + Aura 2 Squares within the aura are difficult terrain for enemies. Whenever any enemy attempts to stand up while within the aura, it must make a saving throw. On a failed saving throw, the enemy remains prone and loses the action it used to try to stand. Unhindered When the golem moves, it pulls with it any creature grabbed by it. In addition, the creature remains grabbed, and the golem does not provoke an opportunity attack from the grabbed creature. <D Slam +At-Will Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +18 vs. AC Hit: 3d8 + 8 damage, and the golem can grab the target if the golem has fewer than two creatures grabbed. Sustain Free: The golem sustains each of its grabs. +Double Attack + At-Will Effect: The golem uses slam twice. If both attacks hit, the target or targets of the attacks fall prone. Shifting Sands + At-Will Effect: The golem shifts its speed. It ignores difficult terrain and can move through enemies' spaces during the shift. The golem can instead shift half its speed to also be phasing during the shift. While phasing, it can move through blocking terrain only if that terrain contains a hole or crack that allows air through. t • +Engulf + At-Will (l/round) Attack: Melee 2 (one creature grabbed by the golem); +14 vs. Fortitude Hit: 1d1 0 + 6 damage, and the target takes ongoing 15 damage until the grab ends. Str 24 (+13) Dex 15 (+8) Wis 13 (+7) Con 19 (+10) Int 3 (+2) Cha 3 (+2) Alignment unaligned Languages - DUNE GOLEMS IN COMBAT ~ w These semisolid animates ambush foes by bursting ...J upward from the ground. Once engaged in battle, a dune golem is a straightforward combatant, grabbing LJ and engulfing the first available target while pounding on others. OBSIDIAN GOLEM Crystallized darkness strides ponderously as the shriek ofglass grows louder. Powdered obsidian trails from the form's stiffly flexing joints. On its jagged fists are crimson stains, recalling the fate ofthe last trespasser. Obsidian Golem large natural anim,)t!' (eon,truet) HP 358; Bloodied 179 AC 35, Fortitude 32, Reflex 30, Will 31 Speed 4 (cannot shift) Immune disease, poison, sleep Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 o Razor Sharp + Aura 1 Level 19 Elite Soldier XP 4,800 Initiative +13 Perception +13 Darkvision Any enemy that moves from one square within the aura to another square within the aura takes 10 damage. Inexorable Action At the start of combat, the golem makes two initiative checks. The golem takes a turn on both initiative counts. STANDARD ACTIONS CD Slam + At-Will Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +24 vs. AC Hit: 4d6 + 8 damage, and the golem pushes the target 1 square and knocks it prone. The target takes ongoing 5 damage (save ends). Stunning Handclap (thunder) + Recharge [I] Attack: Close burst 5 (enemies in burst); +21 vs. Fortitude Hit: 4d6 + 8 thunder damage, and the target is stunned until the end of the golem's next turn. Str 25 (+16) Dex 15 (+11) Wis 19 (+13) Con 19 (+13) Int 3 (+5) Cha 3 (+5) Alignment unaligned languages - OBSIDIAN GOLEMS IN COMBAT Obsidian golems are festooned with sharp, glassy edges, and their crushing blows inflict deep cuts that bleed profusely. Although nearly mindless, they have sufficient acumen to try to catch at least two foes at a time with stunning handdap. ENCOUNTERS Golems cooperate with any creature their master dictates. They are often placed alongside other constructs, though they can be found with demons, devils, and other long-lived guardians. Golems are frequently stationed to protect a specific area, but some creators use them as loyal bodyguards.

KNOWN ALSO AS HALF-GIANTS within the city-states, goliaths are renowned for their physical power and fighting ability. They serve as gladiators, sentries, and elite bodyguards. Outside the city-states, goliaths are fearsome mountain raiders. LORE History DC 17: Goliaths are not a natural race. Using dark magic, sorcerer-kings created them generations ago by combining humans and giants. Although most goliaths now live in the city-states, a number ofthem wander the high mountains of Athas. They raid the lowlands for slaves and spoils, withdrawing to the high vales when pursued. Given enough incentive, whole tribes of barbaric mountain goliaths travel to the cities to serve as mercenaries or soldiers for nobles or a sorcerer-king. ENCOUNTERS In the cities, goliaths are often thugs or agents of oppression, acting as hired muscle for templars, criminals, and slavers. Anyone who needs a strong warrior and has a few coins to spare might hire a goliath to intimidate or kill foes. In the Ringing Mountains, goliaths are violent reavers taking what they can from others. They have little use for companions that are not pets or slaves. A few goliaths dwell among the giant tribes of the Sea ofSilt. Although treated as menial servants, they're permitted to guard the islands and join in raiding. For goliaths with barbaric natures, this existence is preferable to dwelling among civilized peoples. GOLIATH ENFORCER A towering, muscle-bound thug clamps a meaty hand on a trespassing human, nearly toppling the diminutive figure. Glancing up at the formidable guard, the human realizes he has only two options: beg for his life or flee for it. Judging from the bone and blood covering the goliath's greatclub, he knows neither has much likelihood ofsuccess. AC 21, Fortitude 20, Reflex 20, Will 19 Speed 6 ,-y, CD Greatclub (weapon) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC Hit: 4d6 + 6 damage. nUb (llfEil"r. '" Push Through + Recharge when first bloodied Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. Fortitude Hit: The goliath pushes the target, knocks it prone, and shifts 1 square to the square the target vacated. Stone's Endurance + Encounter Effect: The goliath gains resist 5 to all damage until the end of its next turn. 4- Vengeful Clout (weapon) + Encounter Triyyer: The goliath drops to 0 hit points. Attack (Immediate Interrupt): Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. Fortitude Hit: 4d6 + 6 damage, and the target falls prone. Skills Athletics +14, Intimidate + 10, Nature +11 Str 20 (+9) Dex 17 (+7) Wls 15(+6) Con 15 (+6) Int 11 (+4) Cha 12 (+5) Alignment unaligned Languages Common Equipment hide armor, greatdub Goliath Enforcer Legbreaker Level 16 Minion Brute Medium natura' humanoid XP ~)O HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +13 AC 28, Fortitude 29, Reflex 28, Will 27 Perception +12 Speed 6 STI\NnARD I\CTIONS CD Greatclub (weapon) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +21 vs. AC Hit: 15 damage. Stone's Endurance + Encounter Effect: The goliath takes no damage from the next attack that hits it before the end of its next turn. '" Vengeful Clout (weapon) + Encounter Triyyer: The goliath drops to 0 hit points. Attack (Immediate Interrupt): Melee 1 (one creature); +19 vs. Fortitude Hit: 15 damage, and the target falls prone. Str24(+15) Dex21 (+13) Wls19(+12) Con 19 (+12) Int 11 (+8) Cha 12 (+9) Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Giant Equipment hide armor, greatdub GOLIATH ENFORCERS IN COMBAT As thugs, raiders, and mercenaries, goliath enforcers gravitate toward brute force and strength in numbers rather than skill and finesse. They throw themselves recklessly into the middle of the action, heedless of the danger.

I GOLIATH GLADIATOR The sands of the arena crunch beneath a ponderous tread. The roar of the crowd rises to a crescendo. A muscular warrior with an enormous bone axe grins with fervor at the audience and then sets a fierce gaze upon the opponent whose blood will soon stain the sands. Goliath Gladiator Level 11 Soldier (Leader) Medium natural humanoid XP 600 HP 114; Bloodied 57 Initiative +11 AC 27, Fortitude 24, Reflex 23, Will 22 Perception +6 Speed 6 Saving Throws +S against weakened ill Bone Greataxe (weapon) ... At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +16 vs. AC Hit: 4d6 + 5 damage. and the target's marks on the goliath's allies end. +Leg Strike (weapon) ... At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. Fortitude Hit: 4d6 + 5 damage, and the target Is slowed and cannot shift until the end of the goliath's next turn. +Skull Cleaver (weapon) ... Recharge if the power misses Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. Fortitude Hit: 5d8 + 6 damage. and the target is dazed and takes a -2 penalty to saving throws (save ends both). Aftereffect: The target grants combat advantage (save ends). .. Get Upl ... Recharge !;::J ITII Effect: One ally adjacent to the goliath can stand up as a free action or make a saving throw against an effect that includes the dazed, the immobilized. or the restrained condition and that a save ca n end. Offensive Form'" At-Will (1/round) Effect: Each enemy adjacent to the goliath is marked until the end of the goliath's next turn. Stone's Endurance'" Encounter Effect: The goliath gains resist 10 to all damage until the end of its next turn. Skills Athletics +16,lntimldate +13, Nature +11 Str 22 (+11) Dex 18 (+9) Wls 13 (+6) Con 18 (+9) Int 11 (+5) Cha 17 (+8) Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Giant Equipment leather armor, greataxe GOLIATH GLADIATORS IN COMBAT More skilled than the average rampaging warrior, a goliath gladiator combines might with tactical cunning. It shouts orders to allies, directing them to flank, concentrate their attacks, and take advantage offoes distracted by the gladiator'S challenges. The gladiator wades into the heart of melee, but it always keeps an eye out for fallen or hindered allies. ,..... GOLIATH KING'S GUARD IZ Like statues, the guards stand along the cavernous < hall, gazing unblinkingly at all who pass. Their still· l.J, ness conceals their potential for sudden violence, u.. which is manifest only in their watchful eyes and ...J their ready armaments. < :c Goliath King's Guard Level 16 Soldier Medium natll' al lulllldlloid XP 1,400 ~ HP 154; Bloodied 77 Initiative +15 ...J AC 32, Fortitude 30, Reflex 28, Will 27 Perception +17 o Speed 6 tJ Threatening Reach The guard can make opportunity attacks against enemies within 2 squares of it. • . t ill Halberd (weapon) ... At-Will Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +21 vs. AC Hit: 4dl 0 + 2 damage, and the guard slides the target 1 square and marks it until the end of the guard's next turn. +Mighty Clout (weapon) ... Recharge j [UI Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +19 vs. Fortitude Hit: 4d10 + 14 damage, and the guard slides the target 1 square and knocks it prone. MINOt! A CT IONS Stone's Endurance'" Encounter Effect: The guard gains resist 1 0 to all damage until the end of its next turn . Skills Athletics +20,lntimidate +15 Str 25 (+15) Dex 21 (+13) Wls 19 (+12) Con 18 (+12) Int 13 (+9) Cha 15 (+10) Aiignment unaligned Languages Common, Giant Equipment scale armor, halberd GOLIATH KING'S GUARDS IN COMBAT These elite palace warriors protect sorcerer-kings, high-ranking templars, and nobles. When serving as bodyguards, they congregate around their ward, keeping attackers at bay with their halberds. In battle, a guard uses mi8hty dout at the first opportunity. It saves stone's endurance until an enemy has shown the ability to hurt it.

NATIVES OF THE RAIN-KISSED FOREST RIDGE, halflings are tribal people who maintain their distance from other humanoid races ofAthas_ They interact little with the Seven Cities or the people of the desert and are notorious for eating captured enemies. They're not above stealing livestock or ambushing unwary travelers to remedy an empty cook pot. Most halflings want nothing to do with outsiders, though. They defend their home with poisoned darts and primal magic. Some hal flings roam the desert, although they are a rare Sight in the Seven Cities. Small bands venture down from the Forest Ridge and find employment as guides, trackers, hunters, and occasionally slavers. Individual halflings indulge their wanderlust by exploring unfamiliar areas of the world. On occasion, bloodthirsty renegade tribes aggressively raid villages or waylay caravans in the vast wastes. LORE Nature DC 17: Halflings are among the oldest of the speaking peoples ofAthas, and they have a rich oral tradition, a deep understanding of nature, and a complex culture. Halfling tribes on Athas openly practice cannibalism, though usually as a ritualistic matter. Though they rarely deal with outsiders, halflings have been known to work with others for mutual gain. However, anyone who breaks an oath to a hal fling tribe will find himself or herself quickly pursued by a band of head hunters. These marauders pose a threat to any traveler who wanders into their hunting grounds. ENCOUNTERS Halflings distrust other intelligent humanoids and are rarely found in their company_ They do take forest monsters as pets, domesticating drakes, griffons, kirres, panthers, and similar beasts. HALFLING FOREST RUNNER As masters of ambush, forest runners embody the halfling reputation for stealth and cunning. Whether patrolling halfling lands or wandering the wastes, they harry enemies rather than engaging them in pitched battles. HALFUNG FOREST RUNNERS IN COMBAT Fierce warriors, forest runners do not fear enemies even two or three times their size. They rely on stealth, poison, teamwork, and pure savagery to defeat their foes. They favor moving up to their enemies and then using strike and slip away to vanish back into the surrounding terrain. AC 16, Fortitude 13, Reflex 15, Will 14 Speed 6 TRAITS Nimble Reaction The forest runner gains a +2 bonus to AC against opportunity attacks. "1","10)3'''11,,' CD Poisoned Spear (polson, weapon) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + , damage plus 1d6 poison damage. +Strike and Slip Away (poison, weapon) + Recharge [;] l~ Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage. and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends). Effect: After the attack, the forest runner shifts 5 squares. The forest runner can make a Stealth check to become hidden if it has any cover or any concealment. Skills Acrobatics +9, Stealth +9, Thievery +9 Str 14 (+3) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 14 (+3) Con 13 (+2) Int 12 (+2) Cha 11 (+1) Alignment unaligned languages Common Equipment leather armor, spear HALFLING WILDER Halflings mastered pSionics thousands ofyears ago. Their adepts are accomplished at burroWing into the minds ofenemies and distracting them. Halfling Wilder Level 3 Artillery Small natural humanoid XP 150 HP 38; Bloodied 19 Initiative +4 AC 15, Fortitude 14. Reflex 15, Will 16 Perception +2 Speed 6 P'!TIIAITS Nimble Reaction The wilder gains a +2 bonus to AC against opportunity attacks. Combat Advantage The wilder deals 1d6 extra damage against any target granting combat advantage to it. STANDI\ RD Ac liONS CD Club (weapon) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 2 damage. ® Mind Thrust (psychic) + At-Will Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +8 vs. Will Hit: 2d8 + 3 psychic damage, and the target grants combat advantage until the start of the wilder's next turn. Skills Acrobatics +9, Stealth +9, Thievery +9 Str 11 (+1) Dex 16 (+4) Wis 12 (+2) Con 14 (+3) Int 11 (+1) Cha 17 (+4) Alignment unaligned languages Common Equipment club HALFUNG WILDERS IN COMBAT Halfling wilders are as fearless as other halflings, but they keep their distance from foes. They rely on disruptive mind thrust attacks. Two or more wilders cooperate to ensure that at least one is gaining the benefit of attacking with combat advantage.

liALFIJNG FOREST KEEPER Shamanistic forest keepers tap both the benevolence and the threat ofnature. They wield great influence among their kind, repaying that respect by preserving halfling traditions and lore and by shielding the tribe from harm. Halfling Forest Keeper Level 6 Controller (Leader) Small natural humanoid XP 250 HP 72; Bloodied 36 Initiative +6 AC 20, Fortitude 17. Reflex 18, Will 19 Perception + n Speed 6 Nimble Reaction The forest keeper gains a +2 bonus to AC against opportunity attacks..' . CD Distracting Staff (weapon) + At-Will Attock: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC Hit: 3d6 + 3 damage, and one ally within 5 squares of the forest keeper can shift 1 square as a free action. ® Thorn Dart (polson) + At-Will Attock: Ranged 10 (one creature); +11 vs. AC Hit: 2dl 0 + 3 poison damage. and the target gains vulnerable 5 poison until the start of the forest keeper's next turn . ..~ Spirit Creepers (healing) + Recharge 18] [i] Attock: Area burst 2 within 10 (enemies in burst); +10 vs. Reflex Hit: 2dl 0 + 3 damage, and the target is restrained (save ends). Effect: Each ally within the burst regains 5 hit points. Constricting Creepers + Encounter Attock: Close burst 3 (enemies in burst); + 10 vs. Fortitude Hit: 3d6 + 4 damage, and the target falls prone. Skills Acrobatics +11, Nature +12, Stealth +11, Thievery + 11 Str 13 (+4) Dex 17 (+6) Wls 19 (+7) Con 16 (+6) Int n (+4) Cha 13 (+4) Alignment unaligned Languages Common Equipment hide armor, staff HALFUNG FOREST KEEPERS IN COMBAT Forest keepers prefer to remain at range. They open a battle with thorn dart, hoping to render a prominent enemy vulnerable to poison attacks from other halflings. They save spirit creepers for the second or third round of a fight, when multiple foes and wounded comrades have gathered in one place. HALFLING HEADHUNTER A halfling headhunter is a tribal champion who inspires its fellows through its grisly deeds. A headhunter acts with stealth and ruthless efficiency to dispatch the worst enemies that a halfling tribe might encounter. Halfling Headhunter Level 11 Skirmisher Small nilturill humanoId XP 600 HP 114; Bloodied 57 Initiative + n AC 25, Fortitude 23, Reflex 24, Will 22 Perception + n Speed 6 Nimble Reaction The headhunter gains a +2 bonus to AC against opportunity attacks. Combat Advantage The headhunter deals ld6 extra damage on melee attacks against any target granting combat advantage to it. .. ~ . CD Kukri (poison, weapon) + At-Will Attock: Melee 1 (one creature); +16 vs. AC Hit: 2d4 + 5 damage plus 2d8 poison damage. @) Javelin (polson, weapon) + At-Will Attock: Ranged 10 (one creature); +14 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 3 damage plus 2d8 poison damage. The target is slowed until the end of the headhunter's next turn. +Harrying Attack + Recharge [};I ~jJ Effect:The headhunter uses d088er, shifts 3 squares. and then uses d088er against a different target. Skills Acrobatics +15, Athletics + n, Stealth +15, Thievery +15 Str 15 (+7) Dex 21 (+10) Wls 14(+7) Con 18 (+9) Int n (+6) Cha 17 (+8) Alignment unaligned Languages Common Equipment leather armor, kukri. 3 javelins HALFUNG HEADHUNTERS IN COMBAT A headhunter skirts a fight, scouting a good opportunity to rush an enemy leader or ranged combatant. It isn't afraid to withdraw from a fight , provoking opportunity attacks if necessary, to reach a new hiding place and prepare another ambush.

THE RAMPANT MISUSE OF ARCANE POWER not only altered Athas's environs, it also birthed numerous abominations. Among these monsters are the burrowing humanoids called hejkins. Hejkins are cursed to see beyond the world into a heaving, squirming space filled with nightmares. They draw power from this place and from the twisted primal spirits ofthe blasted Athasian land. These diminutive creatures might appear to be crazed monsters, but they have a rudimentary cuI· ture. They revere the earth and its dark spirits as terrifying and callous forces that nonetheless supply life. Their connection to the earth gives hejkins a hatred ofcreatures that misuse arcane magic or carve into the earth. They murder spellcasters and miners with glee, taking meat, supplies, and other spoils to their hidden abodes. No creature is safe from the cook fires ofhejkins, even other hejkins. The creatures also covet treasure. As long as they don't have to scar the earth to acquire their spoils, they collect gems and gold. LORE Dungeoneering DC 15: Hejkins are deformed in both body and mind. They gibber and behave erratically, occasionally engaging in elaborate alien rites to unnameable spirits. They prefer to raid at night and return to their caverns during the day. Hejkins make their homes in natural caverns, chOOSing those with an existing water supply. They do not shape earth or stone. The only marks the hejkins leave are strange, charged runes on cave walls. These runes hold power that can harm the unwary or drive the sane to madness. Hunger or bloodlust draws hejkins from their caverns. Astronomical events, such as a comet's appearance in the sky, can drive hejkin tribes into a frenzy. During these times, they are found in nearly any kind of environment, murdering and plundering. ENCOUNTERS Hejkin tribes or patrols might be encountered in any subterranean setting. At times, they ally with beasts and wicked earth creatures, especially those that burrow. They have an affinity for insects and similar creatures, such as kruthiks and ankhegs. Fell taints and other aberrant creatures sometimes join hejkin tribes and are occaSionally the subject of their worship. HEJKIN SPARKER Lightning discharges about the body of a hejkin sparker, granting a frenetic aspect to the monster's movements and ravings. The sparker surrounds itself with enemies, reveling in the shocking currents that arc among them. Hejkin Sparker Level 1 Soldier Small aberrant humanoid XP 100 HP 31; Bloodied 15 Initiative +4 AC 15, Fortitude 14, Reflex 13, Will 11 Perception -1 Speed 6 (earth walk), burrow 6 Darkvision Resist 5 lightning Arcing Defense The sparker gains a +2 bonus to AC and Will while adjacent to another hejkin. CD Claw. At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Hit: 1dB + 5 damage, and the target is marked until the end of the heJkin's next turn. Miss: If the target is bloodied, it is marked until the end ofthe hejkin's next turn. <.. Grounded Current (lightning) • Recharge [;.:11 111 Attack: Close burst 2 (enemies in burst); +2 vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d6 + 3 lightning damage, and the hejkin pulls the target 2 squares. <- Telluric Arc (lightning) • At·WiII Tri88er: An enemy marked by the hejkin moves away from it or makes an attack that does not include the hejkin as a target. Attack (Immediate Interrupt): Close burst 5 (triggering enemy in burst); +6 vs. Reflex Hit: 10 lightning damage. Str 16 (+3) Dex 14 (+2) Wis 8 (-1) Con 15(+2) Int9(-1) Cha12(+l) Alignment evil languages Dwarven

HEJKIN CHANTER The demented eyes of a hejkin chanter pulse in time to the creature's babbled songs. Although most of the words are unintelligible, a few chilling phrases sometimes break through the madness. Hejkin Chanter Level 2 Controller Small en dnl hu manoid _ XP 125 HP 37; Bloodied 18 Initiative + 3 AC 16, Fortitude 13, Reflex 14, Will 15 Perception +0 Speed 6 (earth walk), burrow 6 Darkvision Resist 5 lightning STANDARD AniONS cD Claw + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Hit: 1 d8 + 6 damage, and the target is slowed until the end of the hejkin's next turn. A bloodied or slowed target is immobilized instead of slowed. <.. Earth's Voice (thunder) + Recharge when first bloodied Attack: Close blast 5 (enemies in blast); + 5 vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d6 + 3 thunder damage, and the hejkin pushes the target 3 squares and knocks it prone. <.. Static Song (lightning) + Encounter Attack: Close burst 3 (enemies in burst); +5 vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d8 + 4 lightning damage, and the target is dazed (save ends). Miss: Half damage, and the target is dazed until the end of the hejkin's next turn. • +Twisted Earth (teleportation) • Recharge [iJ Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +5 vs. Fortitude Hit: The hejkin swaps positions with the target or swaps the positions of the target and an ally within 5 squares of the hejkin. Str 10 (+1) Dex 15 (+3) Wls 8(+0) Con 13 (+2) Int 10 (+1) Cha 17 (+4) Alignment evil Languages Dwarven HE)KIN RAVER These feral degenerates have no regard for personal safety. When blood flows nearby, they are drawn to it, heed less of any danger. Hejkin Raver Level 2 Brute 5",,, 11 "hl'rr,lIIt hUIll,moid XP 12 5 HP 45; Bloodied 22 Initiative +3 AC 14, Fortitude 15, Reflex 14, Will 13 Perception -1 Speed 6 (earth walk), burrow 6 Darkvision Resist 5 lightning • CD Claw (healing) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Hit: 2d10 + 4 damage, and if the target is bloodied, the hejkin regains 3 hit points. +Blood Shakes. At-Will (l/round) Attack: Melee 1 (one bloodied creature); +8 vs. Fortitude Hit: The target falls prone. TRIGG£lIFIJ A n J()N~ +Blood Marker + At-Will Tri88er: An enemy adjacent to the hejkin is first bloodied. Effect (Free Action): The hejkin uses claw against the triggering enemy. Str 17 (+4) Dex 14 (+3) Wls 7 (-1) Con 15 (+3) Int 8 (+0) Cha 12 (+2) Alignment evil Languages Dwarven HIJKIN CHIEF Hejkin chiefs are relentlessly dominating. They shriek incessant streams of orders in nearly incoherent Dwarven, to which their followers appear oblivious. Even so, combat against the hejkins reveals definite patterns to the tribe's actions as a result of the chief's exhortations. Hejkin Chief Level 3 Elite Brute (Leader) Sma ll "herr.lIlt humanoid XP 300 HP 112; Bloodied 56 Initiative +2 AC 15, Fortitude 16, Reflex 14, Will 15 Perception +0 Speed 6 (earth walk), burrow 6 Darkvision Resist 5 lightning Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 CD Claw • At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 7 damage, or 3d6 + 7 against a bloodied target. +Double Attack + At-Will Effcct: The chief uses claw twice. ~z. Static Rumble (lightning) + At-Will Attack: Area burst 1 within 10 (enemies In burst); +5 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d6 + 3 lightning damage, and the target falls prone. <.. Telluric Field (healing. lightning) + Recharge r;:;.iInl Attack: Close blast 3 (enemies in blast); +5 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d6 + 7 lightning damage, and if the target is bloodied, the chief or one of its allies in the blast regains 5 hit points. +Earth Grasp + At-Will (l/round) Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); + 5 vs. Fortitude Hit: The chief pushes the target 2 squares. and the target is slowed and grants combat advantage until the end of the chief's next turn. Str 17 (+4) Dex 12 (+2) Wls 8 (+0) Con 16(+4) Int10(+1) Cha 15 (+3) Alignment evil Languages Dwarven HEJKINS IN COMBAT Hejkins attack from ambush, rushing forward into melee as soon as pOSSible. They take full advantage of their burrowing ability to surprise an enemy, to get a better attack position, or to keep from being pinned down.

HUMANITY'S COMMUNITIES AND CULTURES are as diverse as they are widespread. Little unites humankind except the need to survive and the dictates of the oppressors under whom they toil. LORE History DC 10: Although not the oldest humanoids on Athas. humans are the most widespread and numerous. Human cultures. traditions. and beliefs are as plentiful as their neighborhoods and villages. Their adaptability makes them some ofthe world's greatest survivors. ENCOUNTERS Humans are found in every region and on every side of a political. philosophical. or moral divide. Because ofthis variety of motives. humans ally with. and fight beside. any creature that has the capacity or temperament for coordinated action. HUMAN SLAVE Ubiquitous as sand and equally unremarkable. human slaves scurry through Athas's city-states. Their sweat. blood. and industry are the true foundations of palaces. temples. and monuments. Their backs are the stairs on which nobles. priests. and merchants tread toward greatness. Human Slave Level 1 Minion Brute Mediulll niltu ral humanoid XP 2S HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +1 AC 13. Fortitude 15. Renex 13. Will 11 Perception +0 Speed 6 Laborer's Resilience When it drops to 0 hit points. the slave does not fall unconscious until the end of its next turn. Strength In Numbers The slave gains a +1 bonus to damage rolls for each ally adjacent to its target. CD Club (weapon) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Hit: 5 damage. The slave deals 1 extra damage for each ally adjacent to the target of its attack. Str 16 (+3) Dex 12 (+1) Wls10(+0) Con 13 (+1) Int 9 (-1) Cha 7 (-2) Alignment unaligned Languages Common Equipment club HUMAN SLAVES IN COMBAT Slaves fight in self-defense. when forced to do so by their overseers. or on the rare occasions that they find something worth fighting for. They know no other method than to swarm a foe until it drops. HUMAN WASTELAND RAIDER The desert teems with predators-merciless. voracious creatures that kill for any or no reason. A wasteland raider might be human. but it is as much a beast as the monsters inhabiting the wastes. Human Wasteland Raider Levell Soldier Medium natural humanoid XP 125 HP 40; Bloodied 20 Initiative +5 AC 18, Fortitude 16, Reflex 14, Will 13 Perception +2 Speed 6 CD Dagger (weapon) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Hit: 2d4 + 5 damage. CD Barbed Spear (weapon) + At-Will Requirement: The raider must not have a creature grabbed. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC. While the raider has a creature grabbed, It can use barbed spear against the grabbed creature only. +Gutting Dagger (weapon) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature grabbed by the raider); +7 vs. AC Hit: 3d4 + 5 damage, and ongOing 5 damage (save ends). Skills Intimidate +5 Str 18 (+5) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 12 (+2) Con 16(+4) Int 8 (+0) Cha 9 (+0) Alignment unaligned Languages Common Equipment hide armor, barbed spear. dagger HUMAN WASTELAND RAIDERS IN COMBAT Raiders attack in numbers. fighting alongSide others of their kind or other humanoid warriors. They skillfully pin foes with barbed spear and then stab the creatures to death with their daggers. They are bullies. qUick to take advantage ofseemingly weak opponents and just as quick to flee ifsignificant resistance is offered. HUMAN DUNE TRADER Flanked by two meaty guards. the slick-talking human draws customers with claims of cheap prices and quality goods. Of course. it's a sure bet the trader is lying about either or both. Human Dune Trader Level 4 Controller (Leader) Med ium natulallllJlll~noid XP 175 HP 55; Bloodied 27 Initiative +4 AC 18. Fortitude 16. Renex 16. Will 17 Perception +4 Speed 6 CD Hatchet (weapon) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 5 damage. and the target grants combat advantage until the end of its next turn. <... Furious Glare (fear) + Encounter Requirement: The trader must be bloodied. Attack: Close blast 3 (enemies in blast); +8 vs. Will Hit: The target is immobilized and grants combat advantage (save ends both).

Goading Command + At-Will (1/round) Requirement: The trader must not be bloodied. Effect: One ally within 6 squares of the trader can move its speed as a free action. Skills Bluff +11, Diplomacy +11, Insight +9 Str 13 (+3) Dex 14 (+4) Wis 14 (+4) Con 15 (+4) Int 12 (+3) Cha 18 (+6) Alignment unaligned Languages Common Equipment leather armor, hatchet HUMAN DUNE TRADERS IN COMBAT In combat, dune traders shout orders to orchestrate their allies' tactics. They're not afraid ofmelee, but they'd rather inspire others to take risks for them. HUMAN GLADIATOR NOVICE Not all contenders in the arenas ofAthas have gained renown. Only those that survive their initial fights can go on to become champions. Gladiator novices come and go, but a few have the strength, skill, and showmanship to distinguish themselves. Human Gladiator Novice M",IiIl.IIIl.llur .•1hUII. allll.O HP 55; Bloodied 27 AC 20, Fortitude 18, Reflex 16, Will 15 Speed 6 Level 4 Soldier XI' 17') Initiative +6 Perception +1 CD Short Sword (weapon) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 3 damage, and the target is marked until the start of the novice's next turn. +Hamstring Cut (weapon) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d8 + 3 damage, and the target falls prone. The target is slowed (save ends). +Stay Downl + At-Will Tri88er: An enemy adjacent to the novice stands up. Attack (Immediate Reaction): Melee 1 (triggering enemy); +9 vs. Reflex Hit: The target falls prone. Skills Acrobatics +8, Athletics +12 Str 20 (+7) Dex 15 (+4) Wls9 (+1) Con 15 (+5) Int 9 (+1) Cha 12 (+3) Alignment unaligned Languages Common Equipment carapace armor, short sword HUMAN GLADIATOR NOVICES IN COMBAT Gladiator novices understand that skill and cunning might keep you alive, but it's not what the crowd wants. The audience wants a spectacle, and thus, novices prefer dramatics over more tactical options. HUMAN OVERSEER Bereft ofmercy, empathy, or anything but greed, these humans oversee the sale, transport, and daily lives ofslaves. They might hate their "stock," or they might simply be apathetic to the suffering around them. Regardless, cruelty is the overseer's constant companion. Human Overseer Level 9 Controller (leader) Med iulI1 lI.llm,.1 hlllll,lIlllid XI' 1\ 00 HP 96; Bloodied 48 Initiative +4 AC 24, Fortitude 21, Reflex 20, Will 23 Perception +12 Speed 6 o Mental Mire + Aura 2 Any enemy that starts its turn within the aura is slowed until the start of its next turn. Q) Obsidian Sword (weapon) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 8 damage. Not So Fast (psychic) + At-Will Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +13 vs. Will Hit: 2d6 + 10 psychic damage, and the overseer pulls the target 3 squares. <.. Do My Bidding (charm) + Recharge when first bloodied Attack: Close burst 2 (one slowed creature in burst); +13 vs. Will Hit: The target is dominated until the end of the overseer's next turn. Skills Bluff +14, Diplomacy + 14. Insight +12, Intimidate +14 Str 13 (+5) Dex 10 (+4) Wls 16 (+7) Con 16 (+7) Int 15 (+6) Cha 20 (+9) Alignment evil Languages Common Equipment leather armor, obsidian longsword HUMAN OVERSEERS IN COMBAT Overseers use psionic talents to exert their authority over slaves and foes. Surrounded by bodyguards and servants, overseers manipulate enemies from safety, turning them against each other. HUMAN SLAVEHUNTER Slavehunters instigate misery on a broad scale. They roam the wilds and the streets, seeking victims to drag into a hellish life ofservitude. HUMAN SLAVEHUNTERS IN COMBAT Slavehunters use their whips to prevent their opponents from escaping. They reserve face smash for foes that resist too vigorously and swift pursuit for opponents that stray too far.

i Human Siavehunter Level 10 Skirmisher Medium natural humanoid XP 500 HP 103; Bloodied 51 Initiative +11 AC 14. Fortitude 11. Reflex 13. Will 10 Perception +13 Speed 6 G) Mace (weapon) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +15 vs. AC Hit: 3d6 + 6 damage. and the slavehunter shifts 1 square. t Obsidian-Toothed Whip (weapon) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. Reflex Hit: 1d8 + 9 damage. and the slavehunter pulls the target 1 square and knocks it prone. Swift Pursuit + Recharge when first bloodied Effect: The slavehunter shifts 3 squares. t Cutting Lash (weapon) + Encounter Attack: Melee 1 (one prone creature); +13 vs. Fortitude Hit: Ongoing 10 damage (save ends). Skills Athletics +15. Bluff +11. Intimidate +11 Str11 (+10) Dex10(+10) Wls16(+8) Con 15 (+7) Int 11 (+5) Cha 13 (+6) Alignment evil Languages Common Equipment chitin armor. mace. obsidian-toothed whip HUMAN TEMPLAR OF TVR Tyr's sorcerer-king is dead, slain by common rabble. His chosen-the templars ofTyr-are cast adrift, no longer wielding power in the tyrant's name. They now rely on each other and their eldritch might to impose their will. Human Templar ofTyr Level 10 Controller Medium n.Hur~1 humannid XP 500 HP 106; Bloodied 53 Initiative +7 AC 14, Fortitude 11, Reflex 11. Will 13 Perception +9 Speed 6 '.... ~ G) Eldritch Spear (force) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); + 15 vs. AC Hit: 3d6 + 7 force damage. and the templar slides the target 1 square. ® Eldrltch Bolt (force) + At-Will Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +15 vs. AC Hit: 3d6 + 7 force damage, and the templar pushes the target 1 squares. ~t- Eldritch Cage (force) + Recharge l3: [!] Attack: Area burst 1 within 10 (creatures in burst); +14 vs. Reflex Hit: The target is restrained and takes ongoing 10 force damage (save ends both). Skills Insight + 14. Intimidate +14. Religion +14 Str 14 (+7) Dex 15 (+7) Wls 19 (+9) Con 18 (+9) Int 18 (+9) Cha 21 (+10) Alignment evil Languages Common Equipment token of office HUMAN TEMPLARS OF TYR IN COMBAT Surrounded and protected by burlier allies, templars hurl blasts of pure force. They are not averse to catching lackeys or even fellow templars in their eldritch caBes. Small sacrifices are preferable to letting the disrespectful or the rebellious go unpunished. HUMAN DEFILER Even on a world as cruel as Athas. only the most vile, selfish, or insane dare cross certain moral boundaries. Despoiling the already ravaged landscape is taboo in all societies. Still. the awesome power of magic is irresistible to certain humans unfettered by conscience. They assume the mantle of the defiler, embracing the condemnation that accompanies it. Human Defiler Level 14 Artillery Medilllllnatural humanoid XP 1.000 HP 108; Bloodied 54 Initiative +9 AC 16. Fortitude 25. Reflex 17, Will 16 Perception +7 Speed 6 Defiling (necrotic) Whenever the defiler uses an implement power. each enemy within 3 squares of it takes 5 necrotic damage. • CD Staff (necrotic. weapon) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +19 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 5 damage plus 1d8 necrotic damage. ® Ughtnlng Lance (implement, lightning) + At-Will Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature); +19 vs. Fortitude Hit: 4d8 + 7 lightning damage. Ughtnlng Serpent (implement. lightning. polson) + Encounter Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature); +19 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d8 + 9 lightning damage, and the target is slowed and takes ongoing 10 poison damage (save ends both). Miss: Half damage. and the target is slowed until the end of its next turn. Dimension Door (teleportatlon) + Encounter Effect: The defiler teleports 10 squares. Defiling Serpent (healing) + Recharge when first bloodied Tri88er: An enemy within 10 squares of the defiler spends a healing surge. Effect (Free Action): The defiler regains a number of hit points equal to half the value of the triggering healing surge, and '18htnln8 serpent recharges. Skills Arcana +19. Bluff +17 Str 13 (+8) Dex 15 (+9) Wls 10(+7) Con 18 (+11) Int 24(+14) Cha 20(+12) Alignment evil Languages Common Equipment staff. spell book HUMAN DEFILERS IN COMBAT Mindful to conceal their forbidden magic under other circumstances, defilers eagerly unleash their might in battle. They prefer to fight from a distance, but they are not averse to letting their foes come within range of their defilinB trait and suffer its debilitating effect. HUMAN MIND ADEPT Shunning arms and armor-the usual tools of battle-adepts worm their way into the minds of their enemies. Alternately charming, disrupting. and stunning, these mind benders trick senses and hijack emotions. When truly angered. they grimly smother a victim's will and force their new puppet to commit atrocities.

Human Mind Adept Level 15 Controller Mpdium naturJI humanoid XP 1.200 HP 145; Bloodied 72 Initiative +10 AC 29, Fortitude 25, Reflex 27, Will 29 Perception +11 Speed 6 Saving Throws +5 against charm effects o Overwhelming Thoughts (charm) + Aura 2 Any enemy that ends its turn within the aura cannot make an attack that includes the adept as a target until the end of that enemy's next turn. CD Mind-Wracking Touch (psychic) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +19 vs. Will Hit: 3d1 0 + 7 psychic damage, and the target grants combat advantage until the end of the adept's next turn. <. Paralyzing Blast (psychic) + At-Will Attack: Close blast 5 (enemies in blast); +17 vs. Will Hit: 2d1 0 + 7 psychic damage, and the target is immobilized until the end of the adept's next turn. ;>r Will ofthe Master (charm, psychic) + Recharge If the power misses Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +19 vs. Will Hit: The target is dominated (save ends). Until the dominated condition ends, each enemy within 2 squares of the target at the start of the target's turn takes 5 psychic damage and is immobilized until the start of the target's next turn. . .. <. Mental Overload (psychic) + Encounter Tri88er: The adept drops to 0 hit points. Attack (Free Action): Close burst 1 (enemies in burst); +17 vs. Will Hit: 3d1 0 + 6 psychic damage, and the target is stunned until the end of its next turn. Skills Arcana +17. Insight +16 Str 13 (+8) Dex 16 (+10) Wls 19 (+11) Con 17 (+10) Int 20 (+12) Cha 25 (+14) Alignment unaligned Languages Common, telepathy 5 HUMAN MIND ADEPTS IN COMBAT Mind adepts rarely enter combat without subservient allies. While their brutish flunkeys engage foes, the adepts freeze opponents in place or disrupt their defenses. Once mind adepts have had the chance to observe which enemies are most dangerous and most susceptible, they dominate those foes, turning them against their allies. HUMAN BLADE NOBLE Noble garb, regal bearing, and a blithe attitude cannot hide the sinuous movements of a master duel· ist. These foppish aristocrats take pride in mastering combat techniques that date to the earliest civilizations. They are as quick to take offense as they are to draw their razor-sharp blades. HUMAN BLADE NOBLES IN COMBAT Blade nobles prefer the thick ofcombat, where they can choose from a variety of targets. They are arrogant and often fail to recognize a losing battle until it's too late to flee. Human Blade Noble Level 17 Controller Medium natural humano,d XP 1.600 HP 163; Bloodied 81 Initiative +1 5 AC 31, Fortitude 29, Reflex 31, Will 28 Perception +13 Speed 6 TRAilS Unpredictable Flank The noble has combat advantage against any enemy adjacent to one of the noble's allies. CD Duelist's Blade (weapon) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +22 vs. AC Hit: 4d8 + 8 damage, and the noble slides the target 1 square. Dance of Blades (weapon) + Recharge [UJ Attack: Close burst 2 (enemies in burst); +22 vs. AC Hit: 4d8 + 8 damage, and the target is immobilized and takes ongoing 5 damage (save ends both). Miss: Half damage Effect: The noble shifts 2 squares. Whirling Parry (weapon) + Encounter Trl88er: An ally within 2 squares of the noble is hit by a melee or a ranged attack. Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The noble shifts 2 squares, ending the shift adjacent to the triggering ally. The noble then makes an attack with a +22 bonus to the attack roll. If the result is higher than the triggering attack roll, that attack misses. Skills Acrobatics +20. Diplomacy +15, InSight +18 Str21 (+13) Dex24(+15) Wls20(+13) Con 19 (+12) Int 15 (+10) eha 15 (+10) Alignment unaligned Languages Common Equipment leather armor, obsidian sword

FEAR ON ATHAS is embodied in many tangible forms. Just as debilitating are the fears the mind conjuresthe anticipation, the dread, and the worry. Unknown, perhaps unknowable, dangers lie in wait on all sides: Boulders conceal vicious predators, a gloomy cave harbors cruel slavchunters, and forest canopies shadow far more than shrubs. The id fiend revels in these doubts, using them against its prey, magnifying anxieties until the line between fantasy and reality is shattered. LORE Arcana DC 11: Instructors at the House of the Mind in Draj pay top coin for living id fiend specimens. They use a number of the fiend's organs and fluids in concoctions that awaken latent talent in their students. Most mixtures distilled by these seers and alchemists are of dubious purpose. Still, the id fiend's cranial fluid is a key component of terror ichor (Adventurer's Vault, page 194). ENCOUNTERS Despite its monstrous appearance, an id fiend is intelligent and not above associating with other creatures. Still, such alliances (if they truly are alliances) are short-lived. A fiend's mere presence is often enough to set the dimmest creature's nerves on edge. When an id fiend is encountered with other creatures, they might be unwitting servants, seeing their fears manifested in the adventurers. Ifthe party destroys the id fiend first, the other opponents might stand down, flee, or even befriend the heroes for a time. Id Fiend Level 1 Solo Controller l~rge "berr<lI1t magic "I b<'d,t (reptilPj XP 500 HP 120; Bloodied 60 Initiative +0 AC 15, Fortitude 14, Reflex 12, Will 13 Perception +B Speed 6 Darkvision Immune fear; Resist 5 psychic Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2 <D Quick Slash + At·WIII Effect: Before the attack, the id fiend shifts 1 square. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Hit: 1 d6 + 5 damage. <D SnappingJaws + At-Will Effect: Before the attack, the id fiend slides the target 1 square. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 5 damage. .j. Double Attack + At-Will Effect: The id fiend uses quick slash and snappin8 jaws. Manifest Fear (fear, illusion) + Recharge r:-:1 [!f Attack: Close burst 5 (enemies in burst); +4 vs. Will Hit: The target is dazed and slowed until the end of the id fiend's next turn. Fearful Torment (psychic) + At-Will (l/round) Attack: Ranged 10 (one or two dazed creatures); +4 vs. Will Hit: 1d6 + 5 psychic damage, and the target is immobilized and takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of its next turn. .j. Whipping Tall + At-Will Tri88er: An enemy moves without teleporting to a square within 2 squares of the id fiend. Attack (Immediate Interrupt): Melee 2 (triggering enemy); +6 vs. AC Hit: 1dB + 5 damage, and the target falls prone. Overwhelming Dread + Encounter Tri88er (Free Action): The id fiend first becomes bloodied. Effect: Manifest fear recharges, and the id fiend uses it. Skills Insight +B, Stealth +5 Str 19 (+4) Dex 10 (+0) Wls 16 (+3) Con 14 (+2) Int 13 (+1) Cha 10(+1) Alignment unaligned Languages - ID FIENDS IN COMBAT Terrors come to life when an id fiend is near. Shadows darken and writhe, the ground crawls with vermin, and strange sounds echo all around. Against reason, a creature's deepest fears skulk nearby, lurking behind rocks or whispering from shadows. The id fiend magnifies the sensations until its prey can bear these fears no longer. Once gripped with terror, the id fiend's target comes to accept its doom.

BROAD AND LOW TO TilE GROUND. an inix is a reptilian behemoth. Used widely as a beast of burden. the inix is capable ofincredible feats ofstrength.lt is tough. plodding. and slow to anger. but once roused. it is nearly unstoppable. LORE Nature DC 11: Inixes eat plant matter. carrion. and tiny animals. They prefer to use their claws to dig up food rather than to attack. Inixes are strong and tough but rela ­ tively docile. They become hard to handle only ifhungry or thirsty. Female inixes lay eggs once per year. and they can produce viable eggs without a male. As a result. wild inixes have spread to remote locations and remain plentiful as livestock. ENCOUNTERS Inixes travel in small. homogenous clutches ofa few adults and juveniles. Domestication of the inix is widespread. Adult inixes make capable draft animals. and juveniles make good pets. INIXES IN COMBAT Although cantankerous ifhungry. an inix attacks only ifprovoked. It uses its tail to knock a foe down and then darts forward to bite. If it can fight without harassment from other attackers. an adult inix is content to use its powerful jaws to grab a creature. INIX JUVENILE At roughly halfthe length of an adult inix. the juvenile is sleeker and faster. Its bite contains painful blood-poisoning agents that disappear as the beast matures. Inix Juvenile Level 4 Skirmisher Mpd,UIlI 1l.ltlll,lllw3,t Ircptdp) XP 175 HP 57; Bloodied 28 Initiative +5 AC 18. Fortitude 17, Reflex 15. Will 16 Perception +4 Speed 8 I ill Bite (polson) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 1 d6 + 3 damage plus 5 poison damage. I+Tall Trip + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. Fortitude Hit: The inix shifts 1 square and knocks the target prone. Str 17 (+5) Dex 13 (+3) Wls 14 (+4) Con 17 (+5) Int 2 (-2) Cha 6 (+0) Alignment unaligned Languages ­ - INIX ADULT An adult inix is 16 feet long from snout to tail tip. but its highest point is no taller than a human's shoulder. The beast's carapaced back is wide enough to carry a howdah. a canopied platform for one or more travelers. Inix Adult Level 9 Brute large Ildtllrdl h",,,t (mount. "'plill') XP 400 HP no; Bloodied 60 Initiative +5 AC 21, Fortitude 23. Reflex 19, Will 21 Perception +7 Speed 6 STI\NDlIllD ACTIONS ill Bite + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. AC. While the inix has a creature grabbed. it can use bite against the grabbed creature only. Hit: 3d8 + 6 damage. If the target Is prone. it takes 1 d8 extra damage, is grabbed. and cannot stand up until the grab ends. Tall Slap + Recharge 9 [;J [::;.: [til Attack: Close blast 2 (enemies in blast); + n vs. Fortitude Hit: 3d6 + 6 damage, and the inix pushes the target 2 squares and knocks it prone. +Warding Tall (mount) + At-Will Tri88er: The inix has a friendly rider of 9th level or higher mounted on it. and the rider is hit by an opportunity attack provoked by a ranged or an area attack. Effect (Free Action): The inix uses tail slap in an area that includes the creature that made the triggering attack. Str 22 (+10) Dex 13 (+5) Wis 17 (+7) Con 20 (+9) Int 2 (+0) Cha 6 (+2) Alignment unaligned Languages ­

SMALL, SQUAT, AND PUGNACIOUS, a jhakar has keen senses and a vicious streak. These traits make jhakars exceptional guards and hunting beasts, though no training can ever make them safe to handle. They respect strength and pain, but also nurse grudges. If a master ever lets down his or her guard, a jhakar is quick to strike. LORE Nature DC 15: Jhakar loyalty lasts only as long as a master or pack leader can enforce it. Jhakars turn against their leader at any sign ofweakness. They sometimes withdraw from pursuing or finishing prey to fight among themselves, vying for dominance. ENCOUNTERS Wild jhakars are social creatures that gather into small packs around a dominant pack leader. "Tamed" jhakars can be found serving arena mas· ters, templars, and soldiers, leading the charge into battle. Owning and controlling a jhakar is considered a sign ofstrength. JHAKAR TRACKER The templar struggled with the jhakar's rope leash as it pulled and tugged, intent on its prey. The pair entered a warehouse, and the slave's scent grew stron· ger. The jhakar hissed and grew more frantic. Jhakar Tracker Levell Skirmisher Small natural beast (reptile) XP 100 HP 28; Bloodied 14 Initiative +3 AC 15, Fortitude 14, Reflex 13, Will 13 Perception +6 Speed 6 Low.light vision Uncanny Senses The tracker's attacks ignore concealment. CD Bite. At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 2 damage, or 3d6 + 4 against creatures granting combat advantage to the tracker. Effect: The tracker shifts 1 square. -I- Opportunist Chomp • Encounter Tri88er: An enemy ends its turn within 2 squares of the tracker. Effect: The tracker shifts 1 square before or after the attack. Attack (Immediate Reaction): Melee 1 (triggering enemy); +6 vs. AC Hit: 3d6 + 4 damage. Str 15 (+2) Dex 12 (+1) Wls 12 (+1) Con 12 (+1) Int 2 (-4) Cha 6 (-2) Alignment unaligned languages - JHAKAR TRAP)AW New Hope was once a prosperous settlement, but now it's a ghost town. vVhat happened, few can say, but travelers report hissing noises in the dark hours. Jhakar Trapjaw Level 3 Soldier 5mallnatural heast (reptile) XP 150 HP 47; Bloodied 23 Initiative +5 AC 19, Fortitude 16, Reflex 15, Will 14 Perception +7 Speed 6 Low·light vision Uncanny Senses The trapjaw's attacks ignore concealment. CD Bite • At-Will Primary Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 2d4 + 5 damage, and the trapjaw grabs the target. The target grants combat advantage until the grab ends. The trap· jaw makes a secondary attack against the target. Secondary Attack: Melee 1; +8 vs. Fortitude Hit: The target takes ongOing 5 damage until the grab ends. '" Drag Down • Recharge when first bloodied Attack: Melee 1 (one creature grabbed by the trapjaw); +8 vs. Fortitude Hit: 3d4 + 7 damage, and the target falls prone and cannot stand up until the grab ends. Str 17 (+4) Dex 14 (+3) Wls 12 (+2) Con 1S (+3) Int 2 (-3) Cha 6 (-1) Alignment unaligned languages - JHAKARS IN COMBAT Jhakars bound across the battlefield, eager to sink their prodigious teeth into hot flesh. They dart in and deliver a nasty bite before dancing away. Jhakar packs, whether wild or domesticated, work together, with one beast draWing the prey's attention long enough for the rest to leap in and make the kill.

•• OVERSIZED HIVE INSECTS, kanks viciously attack strangers. Patient trainers can domesticate these beasts to collect their tasty nectar or employ them as guard beasts. Kanks are also valued as hardy creatures that can survive in most Athasian environments. LORE Nature DC 12: Kanks are hive insects that can be tamed and trained. Spitters specialize in collecting organic forage and producing nectar that nourishes other kanks. Soldiers have vicious mandibles that help them defend the tribe. Every kank hive has a brood queen. This lethargic creature does little besides produce kank eggs. A brood queen is unable to defend herself from attack, and she has little actual control over the hive. She relies on soldiers to defend her and spitters to produce food . ENCOUNTERS A hive ofkanks is easy to domesticate-any creature that feeds the hive regularly can tame its kanks. Because kanks can consume any organiC matter, they require minimal care. They consider creatures that feed them to be part of the hive. KANK SPITTER Consummate foragers, kank spitters are capable of turning any organic material into food. They process noxious substances separately from nutritious ones. Kank Spitter Level 2 Artillery Sma ll natural beast XP 125 HP 30; Bloodied 15 Initiative +4 AC 14, Fortitude 13, Reflex 15, Will 14 Perception +3 Speed 8 Resist 5 acid, 5 poison CD Bite (acid) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Hit: 1d4 + 1 damage plus 1d8 acid damage. >r Kank Spit (acid) + At-Will Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +7 vs. Reflex Hit: 1d4 + 1 damage, and the target is slowed and takes ongOing 5 acid damage (save ends both). If the target is already slowed, it is instead immobilized (save ends). Str 13 (+2) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 14 (+3) Con 12 (+2) Int 2 (-3) Cha 6 (-1) Alignment unaligned LanguagesKANK SOLDIER ~ z Bulky and aggressive, kank soldiers protect the hive and drive off predators. Properly trained, these beasts < ::.:: make fine war mounts. Kank Soldier Level 4 Soldier Large natural beast (mount) XP 175 HP 54; Bloodied 27 Initiative +7 AC 20, Fortitude 17, Reflex 16, Will 14 Perception +8 Speed 8 Resist 5 acid, 5 polson Grabbed Advantage (mount) A friendly rider of 4th level or higher mounted on the soldier has combat advantage against any creature grabbed by the soldier. CD Bite + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC, or +11 against crea· tures grabbed by the soldier. While the soldier has a creature grabbed, it can use bite against the grabbed creature only. Hit: 2d4 damage, or 2d4 + 10 against creatures grabbed by the soldier. In addition, the soldier grabs the target. +Kank Venom (polson) + Recharge I!] Attack: Melee 1 (one creature grabbed by the soldier); +9 vs. Fortitude Hit: The target is slowed and takes ongoing 10 poison damage (save ends both). First Failed SavinB Throw: The target is immobilized (save ends). Str 18 (+6) Dex 16 (+5) Wls 12 (+3) Con 14 (+4) Int 2 (-2) Cha 6 (+0) Alignment unaligned Languages - KANKS IN COMBAT When a hive is threatened, kank soldiers confront the menace directly, charging into combat if necessary. They keep an orderly battle line, working in unison to defend weaker kanks.

THE HORRID CROAK OF AKESTREKEL is considered a harbinger of death, because these predators gather when a creature is about to die. Individually, a kes· treke! is a nuisance. A flock of these birds can be an immediate and dire threat, though. LORE Nature DC 15: Kestrekels seek out the sick and injured, their dark eyes watching for any sign of weakness. As the prey is sapped, the beasts probe their coming meal by darting closer for quick bites. Travelers dogged by these carrion birds can lure them close by feigning injuries, but this trick rarely works on any but the most eager beasts. ENCOUNTERS Death lures kestrekels, but they are patient and always watchful. Kestrekels seldom attack healthy creatures, but might follow them, especially into areas where the land and climate are hard or where other predators or dangers might be present. As a traveler moves deeper into these territories, other kestrekels join the first few, until a dozen or more have gathered. Together, they emit their grating calls, waiting until their meal can no longer fend off attack. KESTREKEL CARRION EATER A carrion eater is a grim, unwelcome companion for desert travelers. Attracted by movement, this beast gazes at wanderers with glassy black eyes that glitter in the hot sun. Kestre ke l Carrion Eater Level 1 Minion Skirmisher Tiny 1I.lllIr.1I 1"'.1,1 XP }r; HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +4 AC 16, Fortitude 11. Reflex 14. Will 13 Perception +6 Speed 2. fly 6 S I IINDIIRD An iON, cD Claw + At·WIII Attack: Melee 0 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Hit: 4 damage, or S against a bloodied target. +Darting Rake + At-Will Effect: The kestrekel shifts 3 squares and uses claw. Str 8 (-1) Dex 15 (+2) Wls 11 (+1) Con 11 (+0) Int 1 (-5) Cha 6 (-2) Alignment unaligned languages - KESTREKEL BLOOD FLOCK Wherever flesh rots and bloats, kestrekels flock. The more putrid meat and stinking blood, the more birds gather. Eventually, they cover a battlefield as thickly as flies. Kestrekel Blood Flock Le vel 2 Controller Mt·dillJ1l ll.lIlII.llllPJ\1 (,w.lffn ) XP Il~ HP 35; Bloodied 17 Initiative +4 AC 16. Fortitude 13. Reflex 16. Will 14 Perception +7 Speed 2, fly 6 Resist half damage from melee and ranged attacks; Vulnerable 5 against close and area attacks o Swarm Attack + Aura 1 Any enemy that starts its turn within the aura takes 4 damage and is slowed until the start of its next turn. Swarm The flock can occupy the same space as another creature, and an enemy can enter its space. which is difficult terrain. The swarm cannot be pulled, pushed, or slid by melee or range attacks. It can squeeze through any opening that is large enough for at least one of the creatures it comprises. CD Scrabbling Claws + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 3 damage, or 2d6 + 5 against a bloodied target. Loathsome Feast (fear, psychic) + Recharge when the flock bloodies an enemy Requirement: The flock must be adjacent to a bloodied enemy. Attack: Close burst 3 (enemies in burst); +S vs. Will Hit: 2d6 + 4 psychic damage, and flock pushes the target a number of squares equal to the target's speed. Str 8 (+0) Dex 16 (+4) Wls 13 (+2) Con 11 (+1) Int 2 (-3) Cha 6 (-1) Alignment unaligned languages - KESTREKELS IN COMBAT A patient watcher, this scavenger follows its victim overhead or alights some distance away. Cowardly by nature, kestrekels don't become aggreSSive until they sense their prey is injured, sick, dehydrated, or dying. Any carnage drives the birds wild with hunger.

PAWING SILENTLY THROUGH EMERALD SHADOWS, the leonine kirre stalks its prey. Muscles ripple beneath striped fur as eight legs tread closer to an unsuspecting victim. The forest quiets, and the air grows still-waiting for the mighty predator to claim its meal. A kirre is one ofmany breeds (others include the tigone and the reptilian lirr) believed to have evolved from antiquity's great cats. Kirres infest Athas's rare forests and jungles. Prides can be found in small numbers throughout the Crescent Forest or in the Forest Ridge, where they trouble halflings. LORE Nature DC 23): Kirres are no ordinary dumb beasts. They have a strange, feral cunning and patience, when not overly hungry. They are able to assess their opponents, identifying weapons, gear, and health. They adjust their tactics depending on the creature they hunt. They might make noises to unnerve their enemies and drive them into foolish actions. They could also be silent, keeping to the shadows until it is time to strike. They watch and wait or hit and run as circumstances allow, delaying their final assault until the heat and sun have taken their toll. ENCOUNTERS Kirres hunt in packs, stalking creatures for several hours, learning their prey's capacities, and wearing them down. They refuse to hunt with less intelligent allies, treating them as prey instead. The beasts sometimes accept humanoids as pack mates. They are found in the company of hal flings most often, but wilderness goliath and gith tribes also regularly hunt with kirres. HP 131; Bloodied 65 AC 27, Fortitude 27, Reflex 25, Will 23 Perception +13 Speed 8 (±) Bite + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +18 vs. AC Hit: 3d8 + 6 damage. (±) Claw + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +18 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 3 damage, and the target is slowed until the end of the kirre's next turn. -I- Double Attack + At-Will Effect: The kirre uses claw twice. -I- Springing Pounce + Recharge when flrst bloodied Effect: The kirre uses bite, shifts 4 squares, and then uses bite against a different target. Forceful Roar (force) + Encounter Attack: Close blast 3 (creatures in burst); +16 vs. Fortitude Hit: 3d10 + 3 force damage, and the kirre pushes the target 2 squares and knocks it prone. Scattering Leap + Encounter Effect: The kirre jumps 6 squares. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. It then pushes each enemy adjacent to It 2 squares and shifts 2 squares to a square adjacent to an enem . -I- Barbed Tall + At-Will Tri88er: An enemy moves to a square where it flanks the kirre. Attack (Immediate Reaction): Melee 2 (triggering enemy); +18 vs. AC Hit: The target falls prone. In addition, it takes ongOing 10 damage (save ends). Skills Stealth +15 Str 23 (+12) Dex19(+10) Wls 1S (+8) Con 19 (+10) Int S(+3) Cha 10(+6) Alignment unaligned Languages - KIRRES IN COMBAT A kirre is a cautious hunter, watching and tracking its prey for miles before engaging. During the hunt, the kirre stays back, growling and chirping to rattle the quarry. As the kirre grows hungry and its prey grows fatigued, the beast draws closer. The kirre attacks only when the quarry is weakened or distracted, or when it appears the prey might escape. The kirre leaps at its prey, raking with its claws before springing away. When it closes for good, the beast viciously rips its victim apart.

LARGE, PREDATORY CREATURES that have hundreds oflegs, tough shells, and intrinsic psionic attributes roam the wastes ofAthas. Called megapedes, these insectlike monsters live beneath the sands, burrow· ing swiftly and silently. They appear without warning to attack herd animals and other prey. LORE Nature DC 23: Most megapedes lair below the sands ofAthas, where they lay eggs in cavernous nests. Some of these mammoth creatures occupy nat· ural caves or tunnels. Many desert wanderers seeking shelter have inadvertently stumbled across megapede lairs; few live long enough to regret the mistake. ENCOUNTERS Megapedes are related to cilopses and occasionally share lairs with them. Because both creatures are highly aggressive, mega pedes tolerate the presence of only one or two cilopses in a lair. Megapede Levell S Elite Brute Huge natural beast XP 2.400 HP 368; Bloodied 184 Initiiltive + 10 AC 27, Fortitude 28, Reflex 25, Will 27 Perception +12 Speed 8, burrow 6 (loose earth only), climb 8 Darkvision Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 CD Bite (poison) + At-Will Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +20 vs. AC Hit: 4d8 + 6 damage plus 2d8 pOison damage. Legs of the Megapede + At-Will Attack: Close burst 2 (enemies in burst); +20 vs. AC Hit: 4d8 + 6 damilge. Effect: The megapede uses bite. <.. Psionic Erosion (psychic) + Encounter Attack: Close blast 5 (enemies in burst); +18 vs. Fortitude Hit: 4d6 + 6 psychic damage, and ongoing 10 psychic damage (save ends). Aftereffect: Ongoing 5 psychic damage (save ends). Miss: Half damage. MINOR AniONS CD Lashing Body + Recharge fiji Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +20 vs. AC Hit: 4d6 + 6 damage. ~~ Psionic Detonation (force, psychic) + Recharge If the power misses every target Attack: Area burst 1 within 5 (enemies in burst); +18 vs. Fortitude Hit: 4d8 + 6 psychic and force damage, and the megapede slides the target 3 squares. TIlIGGERED Ac IION~ -I- Psionic Augmentation (psychic) + Recharge when first bloodied Tri88er: The mega pede hits with bite or lashin8 body. Effect (Free Action): The mega pede's triggering attack deals 3d6 extra psychic damage. Str 20 (+12) Dex 17 (+10) Wls 21 (+12) Con 24 (+14) Int 1 (+2) Cha 15(+9) Alignment unaligned languages - MEGAPEDES IN COMBAT A savage fighter, the mega pede snaps with its clawed legs and poisonous mandibles. The beast activates its inherent psionic powers, catching foes off guard. A mega pede is especially dangerous when its egg clutch is endangered.

WITH THEIR ARMORED BACKS, these enormous, temperamental drakes make valuable mounts and formidable enemies_ Any mekillot rider knows that the line between mount and foe is a thin one_ Only careful handling or psionic control keeps an angry or a hungry mekillot from turning on its trainerLORE Nature DC 17: Wild mekillots roam the wastes in small herds, eating plants and animals and laying eggs near oases. The animals are tough, aggressive, and headstrong, but they can be domesticated if raised from birth. The demand for these beasts has resulted in humanoid collectors killing numerous feral mekillot adults and stealing their eggs. Defilers who serve sorcerer-kings perform intricate rituals on the eggs to create dreadful beasts ofwar. ENCOUNTERS Humanoids use mekillots as draft animals and war beasts. The largest mekillots carry numerous warriors or battle structures in times ofwarMekillot Level 10 Soldier Huge Il ,ltu, " I be,lst (mo un t. re ptile) XP 500 HP 108; Bloodied 54 Initiative +8 AC 26, Fortitude 25, Reflex 19, Will 23 Perception +9 Speed 7 (±) Bite + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +15 vs. AC Hit: 2d10 + 6 damage, or 2d1 0 + 10 against a target grabbed by the mekillot. +Tongue Lash + At-Will Attack: Melee 3 (one creature); +13 vs. Fortitude. While the mekillot has a creature grabbed, it can attack only with bite, which it must use against the grabbed creature. Hit: 4d6 + 5 damage, and the mekillot pulls the target 2 squares to a square adjacent to it. The mekillot then grabs the target. The mekillot can grab only one creature at a time. +Checking Charge (mount) + Encounter Requirement: The mekillot must be mounted by a friendly rider of 10th level or higher. Effect: The mekillot charges, and each time it moves through an enemy's space for the first time during the charge, it pushes that enemy 1 square and knocks it prone. At the end of the charge, the mekillot's rider can make a melee basic attack as a free action. Str 26 (+13) Dex 12 (+6) Wls18(+9) Con 20(+10) Int 2 (+1) Cha 4 (+2) Alignment unaligned Languages - Mekillot Dirk Level 11 Elite Soldier G<rrgantuan nat ura l beast (,e ptile) XP 8,3 00 HP 418; Bloodied 209 Initiative +16 AC 38, Fortitude 36, Reflex 30, Will 34 Perception +18 Speed 6 Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 WJdeBody Creatures can enter and end their moves in the dirk's space. Threatening Reach The dirk can make opportunity attacks against enemies within 2 squares of It. (±) Bite + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +27 vs. AC. While the mekillot has a creature grabbed, it can use bite against the creature grabbed by it only. Hit: 4d8 + 12 damage, or 4d8 + 16 against a target grabbed by the dirk. In addition, the dirk grabs the target. (±) Claw + At-Will Attack: Melee 2 (one or two creatures); +27 vs. AC Hit: 4d4 + 20 damage, and the dirk pulls the target 1 square to a square adjacent to it. The target falls prone. +Tongue Chomp + At-Will Attack: Melee 4 (one creature); +25 vs. Fortitude Hit: 4d6 + 16 damage, and the dirk pulls the target 1 square to a square adjacent to it. The dirk then uses bite against the target. +Trample + Recharge r;::J [~ Effect: The dirk shifts twice its speed and can enter enemies' spaces during the move. Each time the dirk enters an enemy's space for the first time during the move, it can use claw against that enemy. Str 30 (+21) Dex 16 (+14) Wis 24(+18) Con 25 (+18) Int 2 (+7) Cha 6 (+9) Alignment unaligned Languages - M:E:KILLOTS IN COMBAT A mekillot charges into combat, slamming into or running over its enemies. It rarely gives up once it joins a battle. The mekillot's bloodlust even leads it to charge after fleeing enemies.

BRED BY SORCERER-KINGS, muls combine what many consider the best traits of dwarves and humans. They are hardy, strong, resourceful , and quick to anger. With extensive and rigorous training, they make ideal soldiers. LORE History DC 17: A mul's performance in combat is never in question. But even the best gladiators and slaves are intractable and difficult to control. Many kill or maim their handlers. Nobles tolerate obstinate mul slaves because they make excellent warriors and draw crowds to the arenas. A powerful mul often takes command among slave gangs, substituting strength and ferocity for more traditional leadership skills. Many muls, unwilling to remain beneath the heel of another race, flee the cities to form savage desert tribes or stand as figureheads in resistances against the rule of the sorcerer-kings. MUL GLADIATOR The mul gladiator heaves his warhammer. The spinning weapon whistles through the air, its droning drowned by the roar of the crowd. The stop ofthe warhammer is punctuated with a sickening thud. Mul Gladiator Level 4 Elite Soldier Medium natural hUlllanoid XP 350 HP 112; Bloodied 56 Initiative +6 AC 20, Fortitude 18, Reflex 16. Will 14 Perception +2 CD Warhammer (weapon) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Hit: 1dl 0 + 7 damage. +Double Sweep + At-Will Effect: The gladiator uses warhammer twice. If both attacks hit the same target, the gladiator knocks the target prone. +Pursuing Shove + At-Will Tri88er: An enemy adjacent to the gladiator stands up. Attack (Immediate Reaction): Melee 1 (triggering enemy); +7 vs. Fortitude Hit: The gladiator pushes the target 3 squares and shifts 3 squares to a square adjacent to the target. Incredible Toughness + Encounter Tri88er: The gladiator starts its turn. Effect (No Action): The gladiator ends one effect that includes ongoing damage and the dazed, the slowed. the stunned, or the weakened condition. Str 19 (+6) Dex 14 (+4) Wls 11 (+2) Con 16 (+5) Int 9 (+1) Cha 7 (+0) Alignment unaligned Languages Common Equipment warhammer MUL GLADIATORS IN COMBAT Mul gladiators are rude, self-centered, and obstinate. They keep their conversations brief and resort to vio­ lence at the slightest excuse. MUL CHAINFIGHT£R The slight is not egregious-a sharp word uttered carelessly, perhaps. Even so, the mul furrows its bald brow in anger and then looses its cahulaks. MUL CHAINFIGHTERS IN COMBAT Cahulaks are favored by mul mercenaries, enforcers, and bodyguards. Muls use these weapons to bring foes close before savagely constricting them. Mul Chainfighter Level 8 Brute Mediulll natur.ll hurnanoiJ XP ·1',0 HP 106; Bloodied 53 Initiative +6 AC 20, Fortitude 21. Reflex 20, Will 19 Perception +6 Speed 6 STANDllrlO J\CTlONS CD Cahulaks (weapon) +At-Will Attack: Melee 2, or Melee 1 while the chainfighter has a creature grabbed; (one creature); +13 vs. AC Hit: 4d6 + 6 damage. +Ensnaring Tines (weapon) + Encounter Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +13 vs. AC Hit: 4d6 + 6 damage, and the chainfighter pulls the target 1 square. Ifthe target ends the pull adjacent to the chainfighter. the chainfighter grabs the target. The chainfighter can grab only one target at a time. +Wicked Ensnarement (weapon) + At-Will Tri88er: An enemy adjacent to the chainfighter attempts to escape the chainfighter's grab and fails. Attack (Immediate Reaction): Melee 1 (triggering enemy); +11 vs. Fortitude Hit: 3d8 + 7 damage, and the target falls prone. Incredible Toughness + Encounter Tri88er: The chainfighter starts its turn. Effect (No Action): The chainfighter ends one effect that includes ongoing damage and the dazed, the slowed, the stunned, or the weakened condition. Str 20 (+9) Dex 15 (+6) Wls 14(+6) Con 16 (+7) Int 10 (+4) Cha 12 (+5) Alignment unaligned Languages Common EqUipment hide armor, cahulaks MUL SAVAGE Scars mar the mul's sun-blasted flesh like cracks in the rock. The warrior seems a part ofthe desert- and just as unyielding. MUL SAVAGES IN COMBAT Mul savages are among the most brutal members of a race known for violence. They batter foes with their clubs, dealing fearsome damage while inspiring their allies.

Mul Savage Level 9 Brute (Leader) Mul Champion Level 17 Soldier Mediulll natural hUlTlanoid XP 400 MediulTl flatur.J1 hUlllafloid XP 1,600 HP 120; Bloodied 60 Initiative +7 AC 21, Fortitude 23, Reflex 21, Will 19 Perception +11 Speed 6 o Furious Inspiration + Aura 5 When any ally within the aura is first bloodied, it can make a melee basic attack as a free action. G) Bone-Studded Greatclub (weapon) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. AC Hit: 4d6 + 7 dama e, and the target falls prone. -<- Bloodied Fury (weapon) + Encounter Tri88er: The savage is first bloodied. Attack (Free Action): Close burst 1 (enemies in burst); +12 vs. Fortitude Hit: 4d6 + 7 damage, and the savage pushes the target 2 squares. The target falls prone. Incredible Toughness + Encounter Tri88er: The savage starts its turn. Effect (No Action): The savage ends one effect that includes ongoing damage and the dazed, the slowed, the stunned, or the weakened condition. Str 21 (+9) Dex 16 (+7) Wis15 (+6) Con 20 (+9) Int 9 (+3) Cha 11 (+4) Alignment unaligned languages Common Equipment chitin armor, bone·studded greatclub MUL CHAMPION The champion holds its head high and points its chin forward. The warrior's oiled muscles and polished armor gleam beneath the sun. This mul is a symbol of hope to the oppressed and a beacon ofdefiance against the corrupt elite. HP 167; Bloodied 83 Initiative +15 AC 33, Fortitude 30, Reflex 29, Will 28 Perception +11 Speed 6 G) Cahulaks (weapon) + At-Will Attack: Melee 2, or Melee 1 while the champion has a creature grabbed; (one creature); +22 vs. AC, or +21 against a target grabbed by the champion Hit: 4d8 + 7 damage. +Snagging Tines (weapon) + At-Will Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +24 vs. AC Hit: 2d10 + 7 damage, and the champion grabs the target. The champion can grab only one creature at a time. +Swinging Hook (weapon) + Encounter Requirement: The champion must have a creature grabbed. Effect: The champion slides a creature grabbed by it 4 squares. This slide does not end the grab unless the creature ends the slide more than 2 squares away from the champion. Attack: Melee 2 (one creature grabbed by the champion and one creature adjacent to the grabbed creature); +20 vs. Reflex Hit: 4d1 0 + 6 damage, and the target falls prone. Miss: Half damage. -<- Champion's Gaze + At-Will (1/round) Effect: The champion marks each enemy in a close burst 2 until the end of the champion's next turn. TRIGCEIIW ACTIONS +Wicked Parry (weapon) + At-Will Tri88er: An enemy marked by the champion makes a melee attack that does not include the champion as a target. Attack (Immediate Interrupt): Melee 2 (triggering enemy); +24 vs.AC Hit: 15 damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls on the triggering attack. Incredible Toughness + Encounter Tri88er: The champion starts its turn. Effect (No Action): The champion ends one effect that includes ongoing damage and the dazed, the slowed, the stunned, or the weakened condition. Skills Athletics +20, Endurance +19, Intimidate +17 Str 24(+15) Dex 21 (+13) Wls16 (+11) Con 23 (+14) Int 12 (+9) Cha 19 (+12) Alignment unaligned languages Common Equipment hide armor, cahulaks MUL CHAMPIONS IN COMBAT Mul champions hurl themselves into melee, inspiring others to take up arms against oppressors and enemies. These muls prefer to set themselves against other martial types, though they hold a particular hatred for spellcasters. ENCOUNTERS Muls mingle with other races, though humans and dwarves have little love for the creatures. Free muls become raiders, gang enforcers, or mercenaries, lending their superior strength and stamina to whatever force they join.

SOME SAGES SAY NIGHTMARE BEASTS are vestiges of an age when war consumed the world and blood flowed in rivers. Other scholars speculate that the responsibility for these terrors rests at the feet of the sorcerer-kings. Whatever their true origins, no creature on Athas, other than the sorcerer-kings and the Dragon, elicits more fear than a nightmare beast. LORE Nature DC 31: Sages believe the nightmare beasts were called from the Gray and bound to Athas through powerful defiling magic. These horrors are a cancer on the world, their noxious presence poisoning land and contaminating water. Creatures indigenous to the haunts of a nightmare beast sicken and die, if they aren't devoured first. Killing one of these monsters does little to remove its stain. The hulking corpse rapidly rots into bubbling bile that renders the area uninhabitable. Although little is known of the nightmare beast's life cycle, it is assumed that spawn are adolescent forms. How the beasts put aside their innate hatred long enough to mate is an open and disturbing question. ENCOUNTERS A nightmare beast does little to conceal its cavernous lair, for its mere presence is enough to cow the land and its inhabitants. Just as a defiler robs the soil of its nourishing properties, so does a nightmare beast despoil its habitat. A nightmare beast's lair lies at the center of a wasted real m, twisted by dark magic and pOisoned by its malevolent presence. No other creature is willing or able to cooperate for any period of time with a fully manifested nightmare beast. Nightmare beast spawn often hunt in packs. On occasion, a spawn joins a pack ofwhatever sort of predator it used to be. The spawn's former link to those creatures keeps its innate hatred in check, at least for a time. NIGHTMARE BEAST A maw ofgladius-sized teeth splits a hulking form covered in armored scales. Tusks as sharp and numerous as the spears of a phalanx sprout from this opening. Surely nothing so nightmarish could be a living being-and yet it is. The nightmare beast is always ravenous, a mobile source ofcarnage. The more the beast's hunger is frustrated, the greater the frenzy of its attacks. AC 39, Fortitude 37, Reflex 35, Will 39 Perception +22 Speed 6 Darkvision Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2 .•.~.I" (±) Claw + At-Will Attack: Melee 3 (one creature); + 30 vs. AC Hit: 5d8 + 11 damage, and the nightmare beast slides the target 3 squares. (±) Tusks + At·WIII Attack: Melee 3 (one creature); +30 vs. AC Hit: 5d1 0 + 6 damage, and the target falls prone. (±) Bite + At-Will Requirement: The nightmare beast must not have a creature grabbed. Attack: Melee 3 (one creature); +28 vs. AC Hit: 3d12 + 14 damage, and the nightmare beast grabs the target. +Double Attack + At-Will Effect: The nightmare beast makes two melee basic attacks. +Bloodied Fury + Recharge ;z) ilil Requirement: The nightmare beast must be bloodied. Effect: The nightmare beast moves its speed and uses claw twice, tusks once, and bite once, each at any point along the movement. It cannot use more than two attacks on the same target. <.. Black Lightning (lightning, necrotic) + Recharge r;;] [:.:1!UJ Requirement: The nightmare beast must not be bloodied. Attack: Close burst 5 (one or two creatures in burst); +28 vs. Reflex Hit: OngOing 30 lightning and necrotic damage (save ends). Each creature adjacent to the target takes 20 lightning and necrotic damage. First Failed Savin8 Throw: The target falls unconscious (save ends). Dream Step (psychic, teleportatlon) + At-Will Effect: The nightmare beast teleports 15 squares to a square adjacent to an unconscious creature it can see. Each unconscious creature adjacent to the beast after it teleports takes 15 psychic damage. ;Y Horrid Nightmares (fear, psychic) + At-Will Attack: Ranged 10 (one unconscious creature); +28 vs. Will Hit: 5d1 0 + 6 psychic damage, and the target cannot make saving throws until the end of its next turn . .-', Hideous Defiling (necrotic) + Encounter Tri88er: The nightmare beast misses a target using black li8htnin8· Attack (Free Action): Close burst 2 (living enemies in burst); +28 vs. Fortitude Hit: 5d8 + 11 necrotic damage. Effect: If this attack hits at least one creature, the nightmare beast can reroll the attack roll of the triggering attack. Str 28 (+21) Dex 22 (+18) Wls 20(+17) Con 24 (+19) Int 10 (+12) Cha 2S (+19) Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common

• • NIGHTMARE BEASTS III IN COMBAT Hatred consumes a nightmare beast-only through supreme willpower does it resist its brutish impulses. When possessed ofits full faculties, the beast torments its enemies, sending them into nightmare-filled slumber. While its victim thrashes, the beast appears at its side where it can sample the horror firsthand. Ifa nightmare beast becomes injured, all thought oftoying with its enemies vanishes. Its barely contained monstrous nature surges to the fore. Roaring with rage, it rises up on its hind legs, savagely slashing, impaling, and destroying its enemies. The putrid essence of a nightmare beast taints everything around it when the beast dies. At the Dungeon Master's option, the area within 10 squares of a slain nightmare beast becomes defiled terrain (see page 134). NIGHTMARE BEAST SPAWN A foulness with a tusk-filled maw burrows through the sandy wastes. Its serpentine body is covered with thick scales and sprouts tiny nubs ofvestigial limbs. Although smaller and less deadly than the adult version, a nightmare beast spawn is a fearsome foe. Nightmare Beast Spawn Level 16 Elite Artillery Large shadow magical beast XP 2.800 HP 244; Bloodied 122 Initiative + 12 AC 28, Fortitude 29, Reflex 27, Will 28 Perception + 13 Speed 8, burrow 4, climb 4 Darkvision Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 .. CD Tusks + At-Will Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +21 vs. AC Hit: 4d8 + 6 damage, and the spawn slides the target 2 squares. ;>r Black Lightning (lightning, necrotic) + At-Will Attack: Ranged 20 (one or two creatures); +21 vs. Reflex Hit: 4d6 + 5 lightning and necrotic damage, and ongoing 5 necrotic damage (save ends). First Failed SavinB Throw: OngOing 10 necrotic damage (save ends). Second Failed SavinB Throw: The target falls unconscious (save ends). ;>r Horrid Nightmares (fear, psychic) + Recharge II !J Attack: Ranged 10 (one unconscious creature); +21 vs. Will Hit: 4d6 + 5 psychic damage, and the target cannot make saving throws until the end of its next turn. +Barbed Tongue (necrotic) + At-Will TriBBer: An enemy enters a square within the spawn's reach. Attack (Immediate Reaction): Melee 3 (triggering enemy): +21 vs. Fortitude Hit: 4d10 + 4 necrotic damage, and the target cannot regain hit points until the end of the spawn's next turn. 5tr 24 (+15) Dex18(+12) Wis20(+13) Con 20 (+13) Int 6 (+6) Cha 16 (+11) Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common NIGHTMARE BEAST t­ SPAWN oct IN COMBAT UJ Unlike their "elders," spawn have neither the ability CO nor the inclination to control their destructive urges. W ~ They attack immediately, hoping to feast on both oct flesh and fear. They prefer to remain at a distance, ~ but can be vicious melee combatants. t­:I Like the grown beast, nightmare beast spawn taint LJ the land when they die, rendering everything within z 5 squares of a corpse defiled terrain. SECRETS F THE N1GHTMARE BEAST Few if any people currently living on Athas know the truth about nightmare beasts. The commonly held theories of the beasts, their origins, and their life cycle are wrong. Each nightmare beasl was once another, more mundane predator of the wastelands. In rare instances, as an animal consumes prey within areas connected to the Gray or imbued with substantial defiling magic, the creature slowly begins to change. Energy courses through it, causing it to grow and to develop a limitless hatred for all living things. Once the tainted creature begins to seek and consume sentient beings,lt mutates Into a nightmare beast. Nightmare beast spawn aren't progeny_ They are a stage of mutation that some creatures reach before full metamorphosis is achieved. This, of course, leads to other questions: Why do these creatures all mutate into the same form? Do other, related mutations haunt the farthest reaches of the wastes?

ABERRATIONS OF THE DEEP DESERT, psurlons are an unholy mix of extreme intelligence and a hideous, vaguely wormlike form. Powerful both in body and mind, psurlons sometimes take humanoid form to spy on nearby tribes and cities. Why psurlons gather such knowledge is unknown, though some scholars assert they intend to claim a dominion oftheir own one day. LORE Dungeoneering DC 25: Psurlons are an old race possessing deep lore. They are sometimes sought by masters ofthe Way, spellcasters, or historians to shed new light on old questions. Getting answers from a psurlon is fraught with danger, though-the exchange can end with the questioner's death ifgreat care is not taken. Psurlons are not native to Athas. They found their way through the Gray; some might still reside in the blasted graveyard of dead gods. They were drawn to Athas like moths to a flame, attracted by the high degree of psionic power regularly wielded by life forms on the planet. Centuries ago, the psurlons had a world all their own. In an act of hubris, they attempted to unite the minds of their race into a single godmind. Disaster struck, and the resulting psychic backlash destroyed the psurlon home world. Only their minds survived, and they managed that only by taking shelter in the Astral Sea and by anchoring themselves in the bodies ofmindless slugs. Over thousands ofworm generations, the psurIons modified their host forms until they reached their present aberrant embodiments. Although they might once have had forms similar to the humanoids ofAthas, they have come to prefer their wormlike host forms. ENCOUNTERS In their lairs, psurlons keep a variety ofindoctrinated or enslaved allies, including human defilers and beast giants. In an urban environment, they might be encountered as lone agents hiding in humanoid crowds or as influential power brokers deeply embedded in the local society. PSURLONS IN COMBAT Depending on its current goal or mission, a psurlon might retain its changed form and avoid battle. If combat is imminent, a psurlon burrows into the most advantageous position, using close or melee attacks to position foes or inhibit their movement. A psurlon might gather humanoid minions under its influence to do its fighting. Warded by these cat's-paws, it dominates weak-willed opponents or focuses its damage on the least armored enemies. PSURLON DUSTWORM Form-shifting psurlon dustworms infiltrate walled city-states. They observe and record a great deal of activity, but are particularly interested in the comings and goings ofsorcerer-kings. Psurlon Dustworm Levell7 Skirmisher Ml·dium .lh,'rr.J rll nrdgil,r l [,"0)\1 Xf' 1.bOO HP 164; Bloodied 82 Initiative +14 AC 31, Fortitude 29, Reflex 27, Will 30 Perception +12 Speed 8, burrow 8 Tremorsense 10 Resist 5 psychic o Psychic Deadpool + Aura 5 Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to saving throws against ongoing psychic damage. Armored Mind The dustworm makes saving throws against effects that dominate, including effects that don't normally end on a save, at both the start and the end of its turn. (f) Claw (psychic) + At·WIII Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +22 vs. AC Hit: 4d8 + 2 damage, and ongoing 5 psychic damage (save ends). ® Mlndknlfe (psychic) + At-Will Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +20 vs. Will Hit: 3d8 + 4 psychic damage, and the target cannot make opportunity attacks until the end ofthe dustworm's next turn. +Burrowing Attack + At-Will Effect:The dustworm burrows half its speed. uses dow, then burrows half its speed. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. Change Shape (polymorph) + At-Will Effect: The dustworm alters its physical form to appear as a Small or a Medium humanoid until it uses chanBe shape again or until it drops to 0 hit points. The creature retains its statis· tics in its new form. Its clothing, armor, and other possessions do not change. To assume a specific individual's form, It must have seen that Individual. Other creatures can make a DC 36 Insilzht check to discern that the form is a dislZuise. Psionic Augment (psychic) + Recharge when the dustworm takes psychic damage TriBBer: The dustworm hits with dow or mindknife. Effect (Free Action): The triggering attack deals 2d6 extra psychic damage. Skills Stealth +17. Thievery +17 Str 23 (+14) Dex 19 (+12) Wls 18(+12) Con 20(+13) Int 15 (+10) Cha 2S (+15) Alignment evil Languages Common, Deep Speech, telepathy 10

PSURLON WARWORM Warworms do not share the insidious malleability of their ilk. Unable to take humanoid form, they lie in wait beneath the earth, ready to answer a summons by any dustworm or mindworm whose disguise has been compromised. Psurlon Warworm Level 18 Elite Brute Hug,. ,, 1" '1 rdllt "1"giL,,1hc~st XP 4.000 HP 424; Bloodied 212 Initiative +8 AC 30, Fortitude 32, Reflex 28, Will 29 Perception +10 Speed 6, burrow 6 Tremorsense 20 Resist 15 psychic Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 Armored Mind The warworm makes saving throws against effects that domi· nate, including effects that don't normally end on a save, at both the start and the end of its turn. <D Bite (psychic) + At-Will Attack: Melee 3 (one creature); +23 vs. AC Hit: 4d10 + 5 damage, and ongoing 5 psychic damage (save ends). +Double Attack + At-Will Effect: The warworm uses bite twice. Mind Scream (psychic) + Encounter Attack: Close burst 2 (enemies in burst); +21 vs. Fortitude Hit: 4d1 0 + 5 psychic damage, and the target is stunned until the end of the warworm's next turn. Miss: Half damage. Skills Stealth +17. Thievery +17 Str 23 (+1S) Dex 8 (+8) Wis 12 (+10) Con 22 (+15) Int 11 (+9) Cha 13 (+10) Alignment evil Languages Deep Speech, telepathy 10 PSURLON MINDWORM Masters of psyche and fate, mindworms see multiple futures at once. In its most limited use, this vision allows the psurlons to lower the defenses and cause more damage to enemies from whom it draws blood. The broader application ofthis capacity is more insidious. Mindworms sift among potential futures, determining when circumstances are right for the psurlons to advance another step toward their secret objective. Psurlon Mindworm Level 19 Controller Mediulll aberrant lIlagl(dl beast XP 1.400 HP 181 ; Bloodied 90 Initiative +13 AC 33, Fortitude 30, Reflex 29, Will 31 Perception +15 Speed 6, burrow 6 Tremorsense 10 Resist 10 psychic o Whispering Meme + Aura 5 The mindworm slides any enemy that starts its turn within the aura 1 square. Armored Mind (charm) The mindworm makes saving throws against effects that domi· nate, including effects that don't normally end on a save, at both the start and the end of its turn. When it saves against such an effect, the creature that dominated the mindworm is dominated by it (save ends). <D Psychic Claw (psychic) + At-W ill Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +24 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 9 damage plus 2d8 psychic damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to AC until the end of the mindworm's next turn. Referred Pain (psychic) + At-Will Attack: Close burst 2 (enemies in burst); +23 vs. Reflex Hit: 4d8 + 9 psychic damage, and the target is slowed until the end of the mlndworm's next turn. Ego Control (charm, psychic) + Recharge Iii] Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +23 vs. Reflex Hit: 6d1 0 + 8 psychic damage, and the target is dominated (save ends). Change Shape (polymorph) + At-Will Effect: The mindworm alters its physical form to appear as a Small or a Medium humanoid until it uses chanBe shape again or until it drops to 0 hit points. The creature retains its statistics in its new form. Its clothing, armor, and other possessions do not change. To assume a specific individual's form, it must have seen that individual. Other creatures can make a DC 38 Insi ht check to discern that the form is a disguise. Psionic Augment (psychic) + Encounter Trl8Ber:The mindworm hits with psychic claw. Effect (Free Action): The triggering attack deals 2d8 extra psychic damage. Skills Stealth +17. Thievery +17 Str 20 (+14) Dex 18 (+13) Wls 22 (+15) Con 21 (+14) Int 14(+11) Cha 16(+12) Alignment evil Languages Common, Deep Speech. telepathy 10

TIlE NIGHT EXPLODES WITH VIOLENCE. Buildings erupt, showering the area with rubble before dissolving into a stinking paste. A roar overwhelms the myriad screams offright, and a lumbering monstrosity smashes through the ruins. Its nostrils flare, its black eyes roJl, and its savagery is evident from the stilltwitching limbs spilling from its jaws. The rampager is destruction incarnate. LORE History DC 27: Structures in various states of ruin litter the wastelands, leftovers ofwar, natural disaster, or neglect. Where the destruction is absolute, where only foundations remain, those ruins mark the path of a rampager. This beast was called so-ut in ages past, but that obscure name does little to explain the creature's destructive nature. It spares no living thing that gets in its way, but such killing does not sate its wrath. A rampager is committed to demolishing any and every artifice it encollnters_ The beast has a particular hatred for metal objects. Any humanoids wielding such treasures grab the monster's attention first. ENCOUNTERS The rampager is a tormented creature. It is driven to terrible violence by vengeful primal spirits twisted to madness during Athas's ruination. Creatures • unfortunate enough to encounter a rampager might spot flitting spirits offire, sand. stone, or wind assailing the beast, filling it with uncontrollable rage. The spirits cannot be attacked during the encounter, but further chaos might be averted if a way can be found to placate them through offerings or restitution. Rampager Level 21 Solo Brute large elemental beast XP 16,000 HP SOD; Bloodied 400 Initiative + 16 AC 35, Fortitude 35, Reflex 33, Will 31 Perception +10 Speed 7 Darkvision Saving Throws +5; Action Points 1 o Entropk Presence. Aura 1 Creatures and objects within the aura do not gain the benefit of immunities and resistances. Destruction's Storm While the rampager is bloodied, its melee attacks deal1d6 extra damage. Soul of Destruction The rampager's melee attacks deal4d6 extra damage against ... constructs, objects, and structures. CD Claw (acid) • At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +16 vs. AC Hit: 4d1 0 + 7 damage plus 1d6 acid damage. or 3d1 0 + 47 damage plus 11 acid damage on a critical hit. In addition, the target takes a -1 penalty to AC until the end ofthe encounter. This penalty is cumulative to a limit of -5. +Bite (poison) • At-Will Primary Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. Reflex Hit: 3d6 + 5 damage, and the rampager makes a secondary attack against the target. Secondary Attack: Melee 1; +14 vs. Fortitude Hit: The target is weakened and takes ongoing 30 poison damage (save ends both). +Destructive Rampage • At-Will Effect: The rampager uses claw three times and bite once in any order. It cannot use more than two attacks on the same target. The rampager can shift 1 squares after each attack. TfllGGERED ACTIONS Mauling Outburst + At-Will Tri88er: The rampager is first bloodied or it drops to 0 hit points. Effect (Free Action): The rampager uses destructive rampa8e. Str 16 (+1S) Dex 13 (+16) Wis 20 (+15) Con 24 (+17) Int 2 (+6) Cha 6 (+S) Alignment unaligned Languages - RAMPAGERS IN COMBAT The rampager's only motivation is to reduce big things into their smallest components. Hatred for civilization drives it from the wilderness to destroy everything in its path. It cannot abide metal's stench and focuses its attacks on enemies Wielding metal weapons or wearing metal armor. Once it dispatches these foes, it turns back to structures and rips through walls and buildings until nothing remains. It stops only when it is dead or no artificial object remains intact.

U..I VI Cl 0:: HORRIFYING CREATURES said to come from the Lands Within the Wind, sand brides are twisted creatures once strongly tied to arcane magic but now corrupted by the defilement ofAthas. Sand brides were once vibrant and benevolent fey creatures, but the exile from their slowly disintegrating homeland has driven them to madness. LORE Nature DC 21: Unexpected oases, out-of-place emporiums, and sheltering ruins grant timely respite, but should also sound warnings to the desert traveler. On Athas, favorable environs are as rare as rain. Sand brides create elaborate mirages that appear to be such comforting sites, to which they lure the unwary before killing them. Sand brides claim a section of the wastes, where they hollow out chambers deep in the sand for their treasures. ENCOUNTERS Sand brides despise intelligent creatures, blaming them for their wretched state. Still, they are masters at controlling their hatred long enough to lure their prey. Among their own kind, they are social creatures. One or more of these fey wander an area around their lair, searching for enemies. They target individuals or groups that are clearly short on water and suffering the desert's worst effects. Ifthe sand brides think they can't take on a large party, one among their number might follow for a time to lure any stragglers back to the lair. SAND BRIDES IN COMBAT A sand bride fashions lures for its victims, seducing travelers, wanderers, and the lost with the promise ofwater or the soothing shade ofan unexpected oasis. Once the prey comes close, the sand bride appears as a beautiful. inviting being, the embodiment of desire and comfort. If the creature responds to the sand bride's call, the monster attacks. The twisted fey drains its prey's life force and leaves behind a withered husk. CO Speed 8, burrow 6 Darkvision Cl Immune disease, poison Z Saving Throws +2 (+4 against immobilized, restrained, and « slowed); Action Points 1 AC 24, Fortitude 20, Reflex 22, Will 24 Perception +14 Sandform Body The sand bride ignores difficult terrain. (!) Dehydrating Touch (necrotic) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); + 13 vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d8 + 9 necrotic damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses until the end of the sand bride's next turn. (!) Sand Blast + At-Will Attack: Melee 4 (one creature); +13 vs. Reflex Hit: 1d10 + 9 damage, and the sand bride pushes the target 4 squares. -I- Double Attack + At-Will Effect: The sand bride makes two melee basic attacks. i} Sand Drown + Recharge iZl TIl Attack: Area burst 1 within 10 (enemies in burst); +13 vs. Reflex Hit: 3d1 0 + 10 damage, and the target is restrained (save ends). Insidious Mirage (illusion. zone) + Encounter Effect: The sand bride creates a zone in an area burst 4 within 10 squares that lasts until the end of the encounter. The zone is difficult terrain for enemies. When an enemy ends its turn within the zone, the sand bride can slide it 2 squares as a free action. The sand bride can move the zone 4 squares as a minor action. Deceptive Veil (illusion) + At-Will Effect: The sand bride can disgUise itself to appear as any Medium humanoid, usually a female of any race. The sand bride retains its statistics in its new form. Its clothing, armor, and other possessions do not change. A successful Insight check (opposed by the sand bride's Bluff check) pierces the disguise. Skills Bluff +15, Insight +14, Stealth +13 Str 11 (+5) Dex 17 (+8) Wls 18(+9) Con 12 (+6) Int 10 (+5) Cha 20 (+10) Alignment chaotic evil languages Common, Elven

SHIMMERING HEAT MIRAGES are not all that rise from the surface ofthe desert. At times. particularly at dusk. dreaded silk wynns take to the air. slithering swiftly and silently through the darkening skies. With their keen eyesight. these beasts spy out prey. Appearing out of nowhere, like shadows becoming solid. the serpents dive down and strike. LORE Nature DC 17: Silk wyrms are snakelike monsters armored in chitinous shells. Their psionic abilities allow them to fly telekinetically. to cloak their bodies in shadow. and to mesmerize their victims. Their bite injects potent and quick-acting paralytic venom. Silk wyrms are sly, persistent predators that shadow potential meals for hours or even days. They are fond ofslipping into camps at night to paralyze sleeping victims. They're cunning enough to make a show of flying offin disinterest ifspotted at a distance. lulling potential prey into a false sense ofsecurity. Once silk wyrms have completely incapacitated their prey. they feed until the creature is dead. If the silk wyrms debilitate multiple foes at once, they might drag some, still living, back to their lairs. There. they coat the helpless enemies in silk strands to prevent escape. Bound creatures can look forward to several days ofslow feeding. until the silk wyrms kill them or they die of thirst. ENCOUNTERS Silk wyrms have humanlike cunning. but do not speak. They regard other creatures as threats or prey-not as potential allies. Adult silk wyrms are lone hunters. but as they grow older. they put aside their instinctive aversion to competing predators. Sometimes they follow bands ofraiders such as gith or gnolls. or desert predators such as jhakars or tembos. feeding on any wounded or dying creatures left behind. By offering easy meals. capable psions such as psurlons and braxats can sometimes convince silk wyrms to serve as trackers. spies. or guards. SILK WVRM HATCHLING These lesser silk wyrms range the wastes in search offood. Once they find prey. they sound a chirping noise that draws their pack mates. Silk Wyrm Hatchling Level 3 Minion Skirmisher Medium natural Illilgical beast (reptile) XP 38 H P 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +7 AC 17. Fortitude 15. Reflex 17. Will 14 Perception +3 Speed 6, fly 6 (clumsy) low-light vision TRIlITS Blood Scent The hatchling's attacks against bloodied creatures ignore concealment. CD Bite (poison) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 5 poison damage, and the target is slowed until the end of the hatchlinl1's next turn. ,."[,a',,••m.,ft +Snk Strands (acid) + Encounter Tri88er:The hatchling drops to 0 hit points. Attack (Immediate Interrupt): Melee 2 (one creature); +6 vs. Reflex Hit: 3 acid damage. and the target is restrained (save ends). Str 14 (+3) Dex 18 (+5) Wis 14 (+3) Con 11 (+1) Int3(-3) Cha7(-1) Alignment unaligned languages - SILK WVRM HATCHLINGS IN COMBAT Silk wyrm hatchlings are mindless animals. swarming their foes and biting savagely. They lack the intelligence to recognize when a battle has turned against them. :> ~ 9

SILK WVRM ADULT Adult silk wyrms are stealthy hunters, taking advantage ofcover or distraction, perhaps even that created by hatchlings, to approach their prey. They are aggressive, bloodthirsty, and territorial, refusing to share their hunts with other adults. Silk Wyrm Adult Level 3 Solo Skirmisher Medium Il.ltllr.,llll.lgl< .. IIH,",t ("'ptde) HP 174; Bloodied 87 AC 17, Fortitude 16, Reflex 17, Will 14 Speed 6, fly 8 (clumsy) Saving Throws +5: Action Points 2 Blood Scent XP 7S0 Initiative +7 Perception +8 low-light vision The adult's attacks against bloodied creatures ignore concealment. CD Bite (poison) + At·WlII Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: ldla + 6 pOison damage, and the target is slowed (save ends). First Failed Savin8 Throw: The target is immobilized (save ends). Second Failed Savin8 Throw: The target is helpless (save ends). +Feed (healing) + At·WIII Attack: Melee 2 (one immobilized. restrained, or helpless creature); +6 vs. Fortitude Hit: The target loses a healing surge, and the adult regains 1 a hit points. +Wyrm Strike + At·WIII Effect: The adult uses bite twice, making each attack against a different target. Serpent Strike + At·WIII Effect: The adult shifts half its speed. Mesmerizing Dread (fear, psychic) + Recharge l!..!J I!!I Attack: Close burst 5 (enemies in burst); +6 vs. Will Hit: 1 d8 + 7 psychic damage, and the adult slides the target 3 squares. The target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses until the end of the adult's next turn. Shadow Form + Recharge when first bloodied Effect:The adult becomes insubstantial and Is phaSing. While in this form, the adult gains a -5 bonus to Stealth checks, but it cannot attack. It can resume its normal form as a free action. +Silk Strands (acid) + At·WIII Tri88er: An enemy hits the adult with a melee or a close attack. Effect: Before its attack, the adult shifts 1 square. Attack (Immediate Reaction): Melee 3 (triggering enemy); +6 vs. Reflex Hit: ld6 + 8 acid damage, and the target is restrained (save ends). Skills Stealth +10 Str 14 (+3) Dex 18(+5) Wis 14(+3) Con 14(+3) Int7(-1) Cha 11 (+1) Alignment unaligned languagesSILK WVRM ADULTS IN COMBAT A silk wyrm adult doesn't ny well, preferring to fight on the ground. It begins an encounter by assuming shadowform and creeping up on a prospective meal. When in position to attack, it resumes its normal form and uses mesmerizin8 dread to bring a foe within reach of its bite. Alternatively, it uses bite first , then uses mesmerizin8 dread and silk strands to drive off or restrain any allies of its chosen meal. Once its venom has begun to work, the silk wyrm uses feed to drain blood from its prey. ~ ~ >­ 3: SILK WVRM ELDER Silk wyrms that survive through the years become more cunning and develop more tolerance for their own kind. They stalk the darkened wastes in packs, cooperating in bringing down larger or more dangerous prey. Sillc Wyrm Elder l.Ugt'lIdILJIJlllldgl(,IIIt,·,1\lifl' p l ilpj HP 125; Bloodied 62 AC 28, Fortitude 26. Reflex 28, Will 25 Speed 6, fly 8 (clumsy) Level 14 Skirmisher Xi'I .DO() Initiative +16 Perception +17 low-light vision Saving Throws +5 against immobilized or slowed Blood Scent The elder's attacks against bloodied creatures ignore concealment. STI\NDI\JlIl ACTIONS CD Bite (polson) + At·WIII Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +19 vs. AC Hit: ldla + 6 poison damage, and the target is slowed (save ends). First Failed Savin8 Throw: The target is immobilized (save ends). Second failed Savin8 Throw: The target is helpless (save ends). +Feed (healing) + Recharge when first bloodied Attack: Melee 2; +17 vs. Fortitude Hit: Sdl a + 6 damage. The target loses a healing surge, and the elder regains 15 hit points. Serpent Strike + At-Will Effect: The elder shifts half its speed. MINOI! A<-IIUNS <~ Mesmerizing Dread (fear, psychic) + At·WIII (1/round) Attack: Close burst 5 (one creature In burst); +17 vs. Will Hit: ld1 a + 6 psychic damage, and the elder slides the target 3 squares. The target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses until the end of the elder's next turn. Shadow Form + Recharge when first bloodied Effect: The elder becomes insubstantial and is phaSing. While in this form, the elder gains a ·5 bonus to Stealth checks, but is weakened. It can resume its normal form as a free action. Skills Stealth +19 Str 20 (+12) Dex 24(+14) Wls 20(+12) Con 20(+12) Int 8 (+6) Cha 18 (+11) Alignment unaligned languages - SILK WVRM ELDERS IN COMBAT Silk wyrm elders prefer to gang up on foes. Injured elders fight in shadowform , sacrificing damage for defense. Although less resilient in their old age, elders are more ski llful and cunning. They are quick to nee a battle that has turned against them.

BENEATH THE CHURNING DUST ofthe Sea ofSilt lurk the ruins oflost civilizations and the relics ofdistant ages. The creatures that dwelled in these forgotten cities are gone, their bones now dust and ash. Yet these ruins are not as empty as many would believe. Strange creatures swim in the sea's depths, tentacled horrors whose appetites for flesh are matched only by their enormous, grotesque forms. LORE Nature DC 22: The most common silt horrors are the ones lurking closest to shore; these are characterized by their pale white tentacles. Explorers who venture out into the Sea of Silt sometimes bring reports oflarger, more dangerous breeds. Such stories include forests ofbrown or gray tentacles, horrors so large they dwarf the city-states, and other tales where the winds and silt turned against the traveler, closing offretreat and funneling victims back into the tentacles' reach. ENCOUNTERS Anyone who braves the Sea ofSilt risks an encounter with these creatures. Silt horrors react to disturbances in the dust and creep along under the sand, undetected until they can strike. Giants often fall prey to silt horrors, as do passing ships and other vessels. While a flying creature can usually pass overhead without attracting a silt horror, any creatures that fly too close to the dust might invite an attack. SILT HORRORS IN COMBAT The silt horror is one ofthe few creatures able to endure the shifting silt currents and it, perhaps alone, burrows through the deep silt in search of prey. A silt horror sometimes comes close to the shores, where it nestles on the floor to await a passing traveler or ship. A silt horror can detect disturbances in the silt at up to three miles away, and so it may drift across the bottom to seek out its prey. Once it comes into range, the silt horror sends its tentacles up through the grit to snatch its meal. Its fleshy appendages coil around its victims, crushing them in its tight grip and dragging them into the dust to rip to pieces with its cavernous maw. The silt horror rarely surfaces since its tentacles are long enough to catch even flying creatures. AC 26, Fortitude 24, Reflex 23 Will 21 Perception +9 Speed 2, burrow 6 (loose earth only) Blind, tremorsense 20 Immune blinded, gaze Saving Throws +5: Action Points 2 Regenerating Tentacles Whenever the silt horror starts with fewer than four tentacles within 20 squares of it, a number of tentacles appear so that the number of tentacles within 20 squares of it equals four. These tentacles appear in unoccupied squares aboveground (even If the silt horror is underground), and the silt horror chooses what kind of tentacles appear: constricting tentacle, raking tentacle, or sweeping tentacle. The tentacles roll initiative when they appear, acting on their own turns. <D Bite + At·WlII Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); + 17 vs. AC Hit; 2d1 0 + 9 damage. .j. Chomping Maw + Recharge when the silt horror starts Its turn completely underground Attack: Melee 1 (one or two creatures grabbed by a tentacle); +17 vs.AC Hit: 4d12 + 8 damage. Miss: Half damage. Submerge + Recharge when the silt horror starts Its turn on the surface Effect: The silt horror burrows its burrow speed to a space that is completely underground. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. Fling Away + At-Will Tri88er: An enemy reduces a tentacle to 0 hit points with a melee attack. Effect: (Immediate Interrupt): The triggering tentacle can make a melee basic attack against the triggering enemy as a free action. If the attack hits, the tentacle deals 10 extra damage and pushes the target 5 squares instead of grabbing it. Skills Stealth +lS Str 22 (+12) Dex 18 (+10) Wls 16 (+9) Con 20 (+11) Int 2 (+2) Cha 12 (+7) Alignment unaligned Languages - TENTACLES AS CREATURES Although the slit horror's tentacles are broken out as separate creatures, remember that they are part of a Single monster. This fact should inform the tentacles' tactics. On the other hand, you can also use the silt horror tentacles in an encounter without using the silt horror. Perhaps the characters are under attack from another monster or are dealing with a hazard. Thesilt horror, seeking to take advantage of this distraction, might remain beneath the silt, attacking with tentacles while waiting to assess the power of its prey. One option you can use to make a fight against a silt horror a challenge Is to add extra tentacles. If the characters don't seem threatened by four tentacles, add one or two extras while the silt horror is bloodied or have the silt horror's re8eneratln8 tentacles trait produce five tentacles instead offour.

SILT HORROR TENTACLE The silt horror boasts an array of dangerous, regenerating tentacles that burst up through the surface to strike out at enemies. Each of a silt horror's tentacles is long, allowing the silt horror to attack foes across the battlefield. A silt horror's tentacles have evolved to become sensory organs because of the extensive time the creature spends underground. Thus, the tentacles allow the silt horror to know what is going on near its tentacles even while it is submerged. Constricting Tentacle Level 12 Minion Soldier Medium aberrant beast (blind) XP 175. or 0 if encountered with a silt horror HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +12 AC 28. Fortitude 25, Reflex 23 Will 23 Perception +9 Speed 6, burrow 6 Blind, tremorsense 20 Immune blinded, gaze. teleportation Attached The constricting tentacle can be no more than 20 squares away from a silt horror. Unhindered When the constricting tentacle moves, it pulls with it any creature grabbed by it. In addition, the creature remains grabbed. and the tentacle does not provoke an opportunity attack from the grabbed creature. CD Seize + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +17 vs. AC Hit: 10 damage. and the tentacle grabs the target. CD Constricting Grab + At-Will Attock: Melee 1 (one creature grabbed by the tentacle); +15 vs. Fortitude Hit: 10 damage, and the target is dazed until the end ofthe tentacle's next turn. Str n (+12) Dex 18(+10) Wis 16(+9) Con 20(+11) Int 2 (+2) Cha 12 (+7) Alignment unaligned LanguagesRaking Tentacle Level 12 Minion Skirmisher a: Medium aberrant beast (blind ) XP 175. or 0 if encounteled o with a silt horror a: HP a: 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +12 AC 26, Fortitude 25, Reflex H Will 23 Perception +9 o :r: Speed 6, burrow 6 Blind, tremorsense 20 Immune blinded. gaze. teleportation ..J TIlAITS V'I Attached The raking tentacle can be no more than 20 squares away from a silt horror. Unhindered When the raking tentacle moves, it pulls with it any creature grabbed by it. In addition, the creature remains grabbed, and the tentacle does not provoke an opportunity attack from the grabbed creature. CD Seize + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +17 vs. AC Hit: 10 damage, and the tentacle grabs the target. CD Sweeping Grab + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature grabbed by the tentacle); +15 vs. Fortitude Hit: 10 damage, and tentacle slides the target 3 squares to a square adjacent to the tentacle. Str 22 (+12) Dex 18 (+10) Wls 16 (+9) Con 20(+11) Int2(+2) Cha 12 (+7) Alignment unaligned Languages - Sweeping Tentacle Level 12 Minion Brute Medium aherrant beast (blind) XP 175. or 0 If e"countered with d silt horror HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative + 12 AC 24, Fortitude 25, Reflex 23 Will 23 Perception +9 Speed 6, burrow 6 Blind. tremorsense 20 Immune blinded, gaze. teleportation Unhindered When the sweeping tentacle moves. It pulls with it any creature grabbed by it. In addition. the creature remains grabbed, and the tentacle does not provoke an opportunity attack from the grabbed creature . ... CD Seize + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +17 vs. AC Hit: 13 damage. and the tentacle grabs the target. CD Suffocating Grab + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature grabbed by the tentacle); +15 vs. Fortitude Hit: 13 damage, and the target falls prone. Str22 (+12) Dex18(+10) Wls16(+9) Con 20(+11) Int2(+2) Cha12(+7) Alignment unaligned Languages ­

THE DIMINUTIVE SILT RUNNER proves that even the smallest ofAthas's creatures are disproportionately deadly. Distantly related to ssurrans (Athas's lizardfolk), silt runners combine greed with cold-blooded ruthlessness. Their xenophobic hatred of other races is renowned. Survivors of attacks by silt runners describe how their companions were swarmed over and gradually lacerated to death by numerous tiny, razor-edged blades- a particularly unpleasant way to perish. LORE History or Nature DC 15: Silt runners live in tribal warrens, temporary camps spread between dunes and connected by tunnels. They use these bases as staging areas for raiding small communities or slow-moving caravans. As their name implies, silt runners move eaSily across loose sand and silt, preferring to hunt where the terrain works to their advantage. Silt runners wear the clothes, treasures, and body parts oftheir victims as trophies. The rest of their prey is consumed. For reasons lost to history-perhaps nothing more than a quirk of biology-these humanoids harbor a particular hatred for fey. They have been known to break off attacks against far more numerous or vulnerable foes to attack a lone elfor eladrin. ENCOUNTERS Battles with silt runners occur in the open desert or within communities on the edges ofthe wastes. Unless an attacking force is small, silt runners quickly abandon their transitory warrens rather than defend them. The silt runners prefer to retaliate later with a surprise attack. Silt runners prefer the company oftheir own kind. On occasion, a tribe cooperates with reptilian creatures such as ssurrans or dray. Some tribes tame lizards as beasts ofwar. SILT RUNNER DARTER Scurrying about the periphery of a battle or lurking behind rolling dunes, darters skim across the sand on broad, webbed feet. They keep careful watch for the right moment to launch their stinging projectiles into an enemy's exposed flesh. Silt Runner Darter Level 1 Artillery Srnalillillural hlJllhllHliti (reptile) XP '00 HP 15; Bloodied 11 Initiative +4 AC 13, Fortitude 11, Reflex 14, Will 13 Perception +1 Speed 7 Low-lIl!ht vision Slit Runner Swarm Any enemy that starts Its turn adjacent to two or more silt runners takes 1 damage. <D Wooden Dagger (weapon) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature): +6 vs. AC Hit: 1d4 + 5 damage. ® Blowgun (weapon) + At-Will Attack: Ranged 11 (one creature): +8 vs. AC Hit: 1d10 + 4 damage. Polson Dart (polson, weapon) + Recharge TIl Attack: Ranged 11 (one creature); +6 vs. Fortitude Hit: 1d10 + 3 poison damage. and the target is immobilized (save ends). Aftereffect: The target is slowed (save ends). Miss: Half damage, and the target is slowed until the end of the darter's next turn. Skills Athletics +S, Stealth +9 Str 10 (+0) Dex 18 (+4) Wls 14 (+2) Con 13 (+1) Int 6 (-2) Cha 11 (+0) Alignment unaligned Languages Draconic Equipment wooden dagger, blowgun, 10 darts SILT RUNNER DARTERS IN COMBAT Darters remain at long range, using blow8un. A darter tips its darts with a fast-acting, immobilizing poison, which it produces from glands in its mouth. By using their darts to immobilize enemies, darters give their melee-oriented cohorts more time to cause damage.

SILT RUNNER RAGER Clutching slender spears twice their height, silt runner ragers are comical sights. Once those spears have drawn substantial quantities of blood from a prodigious distance, humor is transformed to alarm. Silt Runner Rager Levell Brute Small nalural hunldlloid (reptilp) XP 100 HP 34; Bloodied 17 Initiative +2 AC 13, Fortitude 13, Reflex 13, Will 13 Perception +2 Speed 7 low·light vision Silt Runner Swarm An enemy that starts its turn adjacent to two or more silt run· ners takes 2 damage. • CD Bone Spear (weapon) • At-Will Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 5 damage. +Brutal Spear (weapon) • Recharge when first bloodied Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Hit: 4d6 + 4 damage. +Penetrating Spear (weapon) • Encounter Requirement: The rager must be bloodied. Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Hit: 4d6 + 4 damage, and the target gains vulnerable 5 to all damage until the end of the rager's next turn. Skills Athletics +5, Stealth +7 Str 11 (+0) Dex 15 (+2) Wis 14 (+2) Con 14 (+2) Int 6 (-2) Cha 10 (+0) Alignment unaligned languages Draconic Equipment bone spear SILT RUNNER RAGERS IN COMBAT Although they are called "ragers" because their fighting style appears wild and roughshod, these reptilian humanoids are no more undisciplined than others of their race. Taking advantage of their superior reach and speed, ragers thrust and stab, concentrating on one foe to drop it swiftly. SILT RUNNER INCITER Although inciters are similar to the other child-sized silt runners around them, something about them draws the eye-or perhaps the mind. These reptilian warlords direct their allies in battle, channeling potent psionic energy that blasts foes or drives other silt runners to extraordinary feats. Silt Runner Inciter Level 2 Controller (Leader) Small ndtural humanoid (reptile) XP 12S HP 38; Bloodied 19 Initiative +3 AC 16, Fortitude 14, Reflex 14, Will 15 Perception +3 Speed 7 low-light vision Silt Runner Swarm An enemy that starts its turn adjacent to two or more silt runners takes 2 damage. CD Bone Sword (weapon) • At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Hit: 1 d1 0 + 5 damage. iZ, Psionic Detonation (force, zone) • Recharge l!.lJ Attack: Area burst 1 within 10 (enemies in burst); +6 vs. Reflex Hit: 1 d1 0 + 5 force damage. The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of the encounter. Squares within the zone are difficult terrain for enemies. Miss: Half damage. , .. Incite Fury. Recharge when first bloodied Effect: As a free action, each silt runner within a close blast 5 shifts 1 square and makes a basic attack before or after it shifts. Incite Frenzy. Encounter Tri88er: The inciter is first bloodied. Effect (Free Action): As a free action, each ally within a close burst 5 shifts 1 square and makes a basic attack before or after it shifts. Skills Athletics +6, Intimidate +9, Stealth +8 Str 11 (+1) Dex 14 (+3) Wls 15 (+3) Can 14(+3) Int 8 (+0) Cha 16 (+4) Alignment unaligned languages Draconic Equipment bone sword SILT RUNNER INCITERS IN COMBAT Inciters open combat with psionic detonation to impede their foes and cause damage. They lead from the front, standing with ragers and others, stirring them to greater efforts. As long as an inciter lives, no silt runners flee, even from a losing battle.

THE SPIDERS OF ATHAS HAVE EVOLVED as the verdant world turned slowly to sand. They have grown to monstrous proportions and have learned to make the terrain an ally in their hunts. LORE Nature DC 19: Natural loners, the spiders of the Tablelands haunt shallow caves, deep valleys, and similar locations that offer cramped confines and twisting passages. The spiders weave webs across these passages. In some instances, they spin their webs over great pits or across chasms. CRYSTAL SPIDER Light gleams from its crystalline carapace, casting a riot of colors across a cliff face. The crystal spider is one of the Tablelands' most alluring and menacing arachnids. Its spare frame and delicate movements are gracious and attractive, while its crimson eyes and slender, venomous fangs radiate danger. Crystal Spider Level 4 Lurker Large niltural beast (s pider) XP 175 HP 39; Bloodied 19 Initiative +10 AC 18, Fortitude 14, Reflex 18, Will 16 Perception +9 Speed 8, climb 8 (spider climb) T remorsense 10 Resist 5 radiant; Vulnerable 5 thunder Gleaming Carapace OI.". When the crystal spider moves at least 5 squares during its turn, it gains concealment until the end of its next turn. CD Razor Leg • At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Hit: ld6 + 5 damage. +Bite (polson) • At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature that cannot see the spider); +7 vs. Fortitude Hit: ld6 + 1 poison damage, and ongoing 10 poison damage (save ends). Radiant Agony (radiant) • Recharge when the spider uses bite or when no enemy Is blinded Attack: Close burst 1 (creatures in burst); + 5 vs. Fortitude Hit: The spider pushes the target 3 squares, and the target is blinded until the end of the spider's next turn. =>r Brilliant Ray (radiant) • Recharge r;:;J rill Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +7 vs. Reflex Hit: 4d6 + 4 radiant damage, and the target is blinded until the end of the spider's next turn. Skills Stealth +11 Str 10 (+2) Dex 18 (+6) Wls 14(+4) Con 9 (+1) Int 1 (-3) Cha 3 (-2) Alignment unaligned Languages - CRYSTAL SPIDERS IN COMBAT A crystal spider is patient and agile. Its glass webs can slice through bone, and the spider spins them in dim light along the travel route through its lair. The arachnid creeps behind prey, attacking with teeth and razor·sharp legs the moment a creature stumbles into a web. A crystal spider quickly withdraws, only to appear elsewhere in a blinding blaze oflight. WHITE WIDOW The white widow is a relative ofthe crystal spider. 'While it lacks its cousin's radiant abilities, the widow is far larger, stronger, more venomous, and more stealthy, despite its great size. The widow spins thick, loose, sticky webs. White Widow Level 15 Lurker Huge natural beast (spider) XP 1,200 HP 110; Bloodied 55 Initiative +18 AC 19, Fortitude 17, Reflex 18, Will 16 Perception +16 Speed 8, climb 8 (spider climb) Tremorsense 15 Resist 10 poison, 10 radiant; Vulnerable 10 thunder Combat Advantage When the widow hits a blinded creature with a melee attack, it deals ongoing 15 poison and radiant damage to that creature (save ends). r •• •'Ij'?, CD Bite (polson, radiant) • At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); + 18 vs. Fortitude Hit: 3d6 + 7 pOison and radiant damage. Reflective Defense. At-Will Effect: The widow gains a +5 bonus to all defenses against melee attacks and ranged attacks until the end of its next turn. In addition, any enemy that attacks the widow and misses before the end of the widow's next turn is blinded until the end of that enemy's next turn. +Scuttling Attack. Recharge [;.:' [j} Effect: The widow shifts half its speed, uses bite, and then shifts half its speed. P' <.. Venomous Dawn (radiant) • At-Will Tri88er: The widow is hit by a fire, lightning, or radiant attack. Attack (Immediate Reaction): Close burst 5 (enemies in burst); +18 vs. Reflex Hit: 3dl 0 + 6 radiant damage, and the target is blinded (save ends). Skills Stealth +19 Str 20 (+12) Dex 14 (+14) Wls 19(+11) Con 14(+9) Int 1 (+3) Cha 3 (+3) Alignment unaligned LanguagesWHITE WIDOWS IN COMBAT A white widow chokes long tunnels or chambers \-\lith its clingy webs, looking to ensnare multiple morsels Simultaneously. Like its cousin, a widow remains hidden until a prime moment to dash out, attack. and retreat back into shadows. It is a crafty fighter and knows every nook of its lair. A widow rarely attacks from the same spot twice.

VI Crystalline Web Level 4 Obstacle TI"[1 XP17 ', Thin, shimmerlnB 8lass strands interlace into an intricate, beautiful web. Hazard: The crystalline web stretches between two surfaces, creating a 4-by-4-square barrier. Perception • DC , 4: The character notices the crystalline web. Special: Ifthe web is in dim light, characters take a -5 penalty to Perception checks. Trigger When a creature enters one of the web's squares, the trap attacks. Attack Opportunity Action Melee Target: The triggering creature Attack: +7 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d6 + 4 damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends). The target returns to the last square it occupied, and its move ends. Miss: The target returns to the last square it occupied, and its move ends. Countermeasures • A character can move through a square containing a web by spending a move action to make a DC , 4 Acrobatics check. On a failed check, the trap makes an attack. • A character can attack the web (AC , 8, other defenses , 6; hp 25; vulmerable , 0 thunder). When it is reduced to 0 hit points, the web is destroyed. Upgrade to Elite (350 XP) • Increase the trap's hit points to 50. • Increase the damage of the trap's attack to 3d' 0 + 6 damage, and ongoing' 0 damage (save ends). ENCOUNTERS I.IJ c::: a Athas's spiders regard a.. other creatures as food, and they establish lairs in territory through which easy prey passes. They prefer areas have see regular travel, steering clear of high-traffic routes to avoid unwanted attention. A spider's lair usually contains three to five webs stretched across its major passages. Widow's Web level 15 Obstacle Trap XP 1.](J() Thick, 8ray strands oja voluminous web sway Bently across the pas a8£'way. Hazard: The widow's web stretches across an area as large as , 0 by , 0 squares. Perception No check is required to notice the web in bright light. • DC 22: The character notices the web in dim light. Trigger When a creature enters one of the web's squares, the trap attacks. In addition, all squares of the web are difficult terrain for creatures without spider climb. Attack Opportunity Action Melee Target: The triggering creature Attack: +' 7 vs. Reflex Hit: The target is restrained (save ends). Countermeasures • If the surrounding terrain permits, a character can attempt to leap over one or more squares of the web by making an Athletics check of moderate difficulty for his or her level. • A character can attack the web (AC 29, other defenses 27; hp 40; half damage from ranged attacks, vulnerable' 0 fire and thunder). When it is reduced to 0 hit points, the web is destroyed. Upgrade to Elite (2,400 XP) • The trap can take two opportunity actions each turn. • Increase each square's hit points to 80.

LORE History DC 15: The nomadic ssurrans, also called sandscale lizard folk, traverse the blistering desert sands in loose tribes. Several groups, with reptilian beasts in tow, make up a tribe. Some groups hunt while others raid settlements. They allow inhabitants to flee, and kill only those who resist. The ever-practical ssurrans then strip a village ofits usable goods and move on. The tribe's hunters follow behind, clearing away signs oftheir passage and laying false trails. ENCOUNTERS Ssurrans rarely live outside a tribe. On rare occasion, a ssurran wanders alone, either as an outcast or the last of its tribe. Sometimes, slavers capture young ssurrans to sell in city-states as exotic merchandise. To create additional varieties ofssurrans, start with lizard folk , replace swamp walk with earth walk, and apply one ofthe themes from Chapter 2. SSURRANS IN COMBAT A ssurran shaman draws in the searing heat ofthe land as it chants quietly to the elements. As the symbols carved into its scales begin to shimmer, it raises its palms and blasts its foes with the sun's fiery kiss. Inhibited by this attack, foes are vulnerable to the ssurran hunters that then rush in from all sides. SSURRAN SHAMAN Despite being derided as primitive beasts, ssurrans have a wealth oftradition. Preserving that tradition, communing with the elements, and protecting and adding to the tribe's oral history are a shaman's foremost duties. Ssurran Shaman Level 3 Controller Mpdilllllll.J, ur .d 1""11.",oiJ In'l'l ill'l, li hud lolk XI' ",0 HP 47; Bloodied 23 Initiative +2 AC 18, Fortitude 15, Reflex 14, Will 16 Perception +9 Speed 6 (earth walk) (±) Spear (weapon) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 2 damage, and the shaman pushes the target 1 square. @) Sun Curse (fire) + At-Will Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +7 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d6 + 4 fire damage, and the target is dazed until the end of the shaman's next turn. Treacherous Spirit (charm) + Recharge if the power misses Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +7 vs. Will Hit: The target is dominated (save ends). Skills Athletics +7, Nature +9 Str 12 (+2) Dex 12 (+2) Wls17 (+4) Con 15(+3) Int10(+1) Chal0(+1) Alignment unaligned Languages Draconic Equipment spear SSURRAN HUNTER \Vith a carved bone pick and nimble feet, a ssurran hunter serves the tribe as scout, protector, and raider. A hunter is the first to greet the sun when it leaves camp at daybreak, and its plate sees the best ofthe day's foraging. Ssurran Hunter Level 4 Minion Skirmisher M"dilll1l 1I.1 I ur.11 hll111.lIlOid (n·plikl,li,.t,dfolk XI' 44 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +7 AC 18, Fortitude 17, Reflex 15, Will 16 Perception +3 Speed 6 (earth walk) (±) Pick (weapon) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Hit: 6 damage, or 7 against creatures granting combat advantal!e to the hunter. Sidestep + At-Will TriBBer: An ally hits an enemy adjacent to the hunter. Effect (Immediate Reaction): The hunter shifts 1 square. Skills Athletics +9, Nature +8 Str 15 (+4) Dex 17 (+5) Wls 12 (+3) Con 14(+4) Int8(+1) Cha 8 (+1) Alignment unaligned Languages Draconic Equipment pick

AGGRESSIVE SAVAGES ofAthas's hilly and mountainous regions, tareks are the bane of borderland communities. LORE History DC 15: According to legend, an entity of mad destruction created the tareks. These fierce warriors served as its instruments of murder and destruction. The earth shamans eventually led the tareks in revolt against their maker. Xenophobic and aggressive, tareks live in small communities. ENCOUNTERS Tareks fight in raiding parties, patrols, and other bands. They are sworn enemies ofthe gith. Tareks are valued arena combatants, making them popular quarry for slavers. To create an additional variety of tarek, take an orc and replace its bonus to speed when charging and warrior's surae with deathless warrior. TAREK RAIDER Despite the viciousness of their attacks, tarek raiders are disciplined warriors. They are not easily scattered, and they will brave even dangerous terrain to reunite with their fellow fighters. Tarek Raider Levell Soldier Mediulll Ilillural humanoid XP 150 HP 49; Bloodied 24 Initiative +5 AC 19, Fortitude 16, Reflex 15, Will 14 Perception +2 Speed 6 Tarek Squad Tactics The raider gains combat advantage against any enemy adjacent to one or more other tareks. WBone Heartplck (weapon) • At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +18 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 4 damage, and the raider slides the target 1 square. The target is marked until the end of the raider's next turn. . . Dangerous Aggression. At-Will Trigger:An enemy marked by the raider makes an attack that does not target the raider. Effect (Immediate Reaction): The raider uses bone heartpick against the triggering enemy, and if the attack hits, the enemy is also immobilized (save ends). Deathless Warrior. Encounter Tri88er: The raider drops to 0 hit points. Effect (No Action): The raider makes a saving throw. If the raider saves, it does not fall unconscious or die until the end of its next turn. Skills Athletics +10, Endurance +9, Nature +7 Str 18 (+5) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 13 (+2) z Con 17 (+4) Int 11 (+1) Cha 11 (+1) t Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Giant o o Equipment bone heartpick :3 ~ TAREK EARTH SHAMAN Tareks revere earth shamans for being both sages and warriors. Earth shamans sometimes give an enchanted weapon to the most virile of the tribe's leaders, Signaling a new chief among the people. Tarek Earth Shaman Level 4 Controller (Leader) Mediulll nillural humanoid XP 175 HP 59; Bloodied 29 Initiative +2 AC 18, Fortitude 17, Reflex 14, Will 16 Perception +4 Speed 6 • <D Fist of Stone • At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. Fortitude Hit: 1d10 + 7 damage. Effect: The shaman slides the target 3 squares. <.. Clutching Stone. Recharge [Z; [1] Attack: Close burst 3 (one enemy in burst); +7 vs. Fortitude Hit: ld10 + 7 damage, and the shaman knocks the target prone. The target is restrained (save ends). <.. Tide of Stone. Recharge when first bloodied Attack: Close blast 5 (enemies in blast); +5 vs. Reflex Hit: 3d6 + 4 damage, and the shaman knocks the target prone. Effect: Allies in the blast shift 3 squares. Deathless Warrior • Encounter Trigger: The shaman drops to 0 hit points. Effect (No Action): The shaman makes a saving throw. If the shaman saves, it does not fall unconscious or die until the end of its next turn. Str 18 (+6) Dex 11 (+2) Wis 15 (+4) Con 19 (+6) Int 14(+4) Cha 13 (+3) Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Giant TAREKS IN COMBAT Tareks fight in units and target vulnerable opponents. They focus on eliminating one enemy before moving on to the next.

TEMBOS ARE VESTIGES FROM THE CLEANSING WARS. The Champions created these merciless predators to aid in their genocidal struggle. Tembos were designed to sniffout and snatch those most loved by their masters' opponents. Tembos survived even after war or old age claimed their creators, and they are universally hated across the Tyr Region. LORE Nature DC 17: Nothing ends a disagreement in a Tyrian settlement as quickly as the rumor of a tembo approaching. Everyone, regardless ofrace, culture, or prejudices, despises tembos. A real-life bogeyman, the tembo creeps under the blanket of night to steal away the beloved-brides and beaus, mothers and brothers. Even animal companions have been taken. A tembo kills for food and pleasure. Though intelligent and capable ofspeech, it shows no remorse, and its chilling laughter echoes through the soul. ENCOUNTERS Many tembos roam the western wastelands, but a few have been Sighted as far away as Draj and Balic. Sometimes, tembos gather in small packs for days at a time. Lacking cohesion and a pecking order, the packs dissolve quickly. A tembo prefers to be alone. Only Athas's most vile souls seem able to stomach using tembos as servants. HP 280; Bloodied 140 AC 20, Fortitude 20, Reflex 18, Will 16 Perception +8 Speed 8 Darkvision Resist 5 necrotic Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2 \) Killing Presence (necrotic)" Aura 2 Any enemy that starts its turn within the aura takes 5 necrotic damage. \) Tainted Wounds" Aura 5 While the tembo is bloodied, enemies within the aura regain only half the normal hit points from healing effects. Double Actions At the start of combat, the tembo makes two initiative checks. The tembo takes a turn on both initiative counts. Immovable The tembo can ignore forced movement. When an attack would knock the tembo prone, the tembo can make a saving throw to remain standing. tlf.ltUli1IU CD Bite" At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC Hit: 2dl 0 + 3 damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of the tembo's next turn. +Raking Assault .. At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC Hit: 2dl 0 + 3 damage, and the tembo shifts 4 squares and then uses bite. Blending (illusion) .. Encounter Effect: The tembo becomes invisible until it attacks or until the end of its next turn. Unspeakable Violation (necrotic)" Recharge [jJ Tri88er: The tembo hits an enemy with bite. Attack (Free Action): Melee 1 (triggering enemy): +9 vs. Fortitude Hit: The target loses a healing surge, and the tembo's killin8 presence aura deals 10 necrotic damage instead of 5 necrotic damage during the tembo's next turn. Shadow Evasion" Recharge when first bloodied Tri88er: An enemy hits the tembo with a melee or a ranged attack. Effect (Immediate Reaction): The tembo shifts 4 squares and then becomes insubstantial until the end ofthe triggering enemy's next turn. Skills Stealth +10 Str 19 (+7) Dex 15 (+5) Wls 11 (+3) Con 14 (+5) Int 13 (+4) Cha 9 (+2) Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common TEMBOS IN COMBAT Caprice rules a tembo. In one village, the dark beast might infiltrate a settlement, letting its deadly aura thin the population as it blends into the shadows. In another, the same tembo might spring at a passerby in a flurry ofclaws and fangs. It is fierce and quick and nearly impossible to catch. Townsfolk swear the creature fades away as soon as fighters attack.

POTABLE WATER IS A VALUABLE COMMODITY on Athas. Only the sorcerer·kings' favored nobles govern outly· ing sources offresh water, and they employ military forces to keep interlopers at bay. New recruits in these patrols laugh behind the backs ofgrizzled veterans who whisper ofthraxes-water vampires. The recruits mock the old soldiers for bringing plump hogs on lead ropes with them as they make their late·night rounds. It is only a matter oftime, though, before the young upstarts awaken one dawn to find a friend's mummified corpse curled up outside. LORE History DC 21: Ruins litter the Tyr Region, each speaking to a society lost to calamity, war, or plague. The town ofGerot, nestled beneath a mountain range northeast ofRaam, met with a particularly unpalatable end. According to legend, Gerot's people were great warriors, haughty and proud. They impressed Grand Vizier Abalach-Re, who offered the mountain community an alliance ifits fighters would join Raam's legions. In their arrogance, the Gerotians declined , and they kiUed Abalach-Re's envoys. Enraged, the sorcerer-queen unleashed a vicious curse against Gerot's populace. The townsfolk were struck with an unquenchable thirst. The twisted brilliance behind her curse was that life-sustaining, pure water would bring death to any Gerotian. \Vithin days, the entire town had died. What Abalach-Re hadn't expected was that every cursed Gerotian would rise in undeath, becoming the first thraxes. ENCOUNTERS Insatiable thirst drives a thrax to hunt the living. The water vampire extracts fluids from the flesh of its victims. It's said to be an agonizing death. The distinctive cadavers are clearly the work of a th rax. Fearing retribution, the undead predator flees. A thrax wanders alone in parched misery. It loathes the monster it has become, but it cannot stop; its thirst is unbearable. Some thraxes seek revenge on Abalach-Re, and they haunt Raam and drink the sorcerer-queen's supporters dry. THRAXES IN COMBAT Shadows coalesce around a thrax. The water vampire moves in silence and gently brushes against a victim, causing the water in its body to rush toward the skin. The bloated quarry is dazed, and the thrax wraps its limbs in an iron grip around the creature, whispering apologies as it drinks deeply of the mortal's fluids. Thrax Level 11 Lurker Mediulll ndtural hUnldnold (undead) XP 600 HP 88; Bloodied 44 Initiative +13 AC 15, Fortitude 14, Reflex 13, Will 11 Perception +10 Speed 8 Darkvision Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant TIIAITS Roiling Shadows The thrax gains a +1 bonus to all defenses against ranged attacks. Clinging Grasp When the thrax has a creature grabbed, the thrax is insubstantial and immune to forced movement. . ,.,. CD Grasp of the Dead (necrotic) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +18 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 5 necrotic damage. If the thrax has combat advantage against the target, the target is grabbed and takes a -5 penalty to attempts to escape the grab. +Drain Fluids (healing, necrotic) + At·WIII Attack: Melee 1 (one living creature grabbed by the thrax); +14 vs. Fortitude Hit: 4d1 0 + 5 necrotic damage, the grab ends, and the thrax regains 10 hit points. If this attack bloodies the target, the target also falls unconscious (save ends). +Flesh Bloat (necrotic) + At·WIII Attack: Melee 1 (one living creature): +16 vs. AC Hit: 1d10 + 7 necrotic damage, and the target is dazed and slowed (save ends both). Skills Endurance +13, Stealth +14 Str 11 (+10) Dex 18 (+9) Wls 11 (+5) Con 16 (+8) Int 13 (+6) Cha 15 (+7) Alignment unaligned Languages Common Equipment fine clothing

THE lTINERANTTHRI-KHEEN ARE FIERCE WARRIORS and pragmatic hunters. They form deep bonds to their birth clutch and caregivers. Each thri-kreen accepts its place among its clutch mates and the greater pack. The primal instinct runs deep, linking the race to its ancestral history and the spirit world. LORE Nature DC 19: Thri-kreen bond with their clutch mates and greater pack. This cohesion amplifies their hunting and fighting prowess. Thri-kreen prefer to hunt nonsentient creatures, but they make exceptions in desperate times. They do not fight for vengeance; rather, they safeguard their freedom and attack only when threatened. Thri-kreen who stray from this norm are often under the influence ofmalevolent creatures or spirits. Shamanistic desert talkers (see Monster Manual 3, page 193) lead the thri-kreen in rituals to connect with ancestral spirits. Each thri-kreen taps into the race's memory. Some ancient memories reveal that the thri-kreen once held a powerful empire of their own. ENCOUNTERS Thri-kreen packs roam the wilds. For centuries, slavers have trailed thri-kreen and stolen eggs. Newborn thri-kreen fetch a high price because they')) bond with their primary caregiver and clutch mates, regardless of race. Generations ofthri-kreen have been integrated into city-states in this way. THRI-KREEN BOUNDER Thri-kreen bounders are less experienced hunters. They seem skittish when compared to other thrikreen warriors. Bounders study their pack's fighters with an eye toward mastering the skills that protect the pack. Thri-Kreen Bounder leve l 6 Minion SI(irmisher Medium na lur.llll1J1ll.1l1oid XP 63 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +8 AC 20, Fortitude 18, Reflex 19, Will 18 Perception +5 Speed 6 low-light vision TRI\I TS Deft Dodger The bounder gains a +2 bonus to all defenses against ranged attacks. iWi ' ill aaw + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC Hit: 7 damage. ® Chatkcha (weapon) + At-Will Attack: Ranged 6/12 (one creature); +11 vs. AC Hit: 7 damage. Mantis Bound + At-Will Tri88er: The bounder is missed by an attack. Effect (Free Action): The bounder jumps 3 squares. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. Skills Athletics +10, Nature +10, Stealth +11 Str 14 (+S) Dex 17 (+6) Wis 14 (+5) Con 13(+4) Int10(+3) Cha10(+3) Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Thri-Kreen Equipment leather armor, 2 chatkchas THRI-KREEN BOUNDERS IN COMBAT A thri-kreen bounder creeps into range, unleashing its chatkcha before jumping into combat alongside a stronger ally. It flanks with its clutch mates and leaps about the battlefield to evade enemies.

THRI-KREEN MAULER Heavily built and brutally efficient, a thri-kreen mauler's job is to leap atop the quarry and rip the creature limb from limb. A mauler's practical attack pairs well with a bounder's agility and precision. Together, they keep their clutch fed despite the sparse offerings available in the Western Hinterlands. Thri-Kreen Mauler Level 8 Brute Me di um 11,ltU I.l1 huma liOid XP 3'> 0 HP 105; Bloodied 52 Initiative +9 AC 21, Fortitude 20, Reflex 21, Will 19 Perception +12 Speed 6 Low-light vision CD Claw. At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 5 damage. ® Chatkcha (weapon) • At-Will Attack: Ranged 6/12 (one creature); +13 vs. AC Hit: 4d6 + 5 damage. +Mauler Frenzy. Recharge:: lfil Effect: The mauler uses claw twice, or three times while bloodied. +Mauler Leap. Recharge when first bloodied Effect: The mauler jumps 6 squares and then uses claw twice. It gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls and a +4 bonus to damage rolls for these attacks. This movement does not provoke opportunity attad<s. M OVE A CT IO NS MantisJump. Encounter Effect: The mauler jumps 6 squares. This movement does not provoke op ortunityattacks. +Pain Amplification (psychic) • At-Will (l/round) Attack: Melee 1 (one bloodied creature the mauler hit this turn with claw); +11 vs. Fortitude Hit: Ongoing 5 psychic damage (save ends). Skills Athletics +13, Nature +12, Stealth +14 Str 18 (+8) Dex 20 (+9) Wis 16 (+7) Con 15 (+6) Int 10 (+4) Cha 8 (+3) Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Thri-Kreen Equipment hide armor, 2 chatkchas THRI-KREEN MAULERS IN COMBAT When its pack attacks, a mauler is the first into the fray. It slices foes mercilessly, amplifying an enemy's pain to keep its attention away from weaker clutch members. A mauler is the last to leave the field, protecting the pack's retreat. THRI-KREEN MANTIS WARRIOR Mantis warriors are hunt leaders. QUick and ferocious, they are widely feared in battle. They are notorious for Simultaneously delivering psychic and physical attacks. Thri- Kreen Mantis Warrior M" d luin Ihllmal 1111111 ,11101<1 HP 208; Bloodied 104 AC 26, Fortitude 23, Reflex 22, Will 21 Speed 7 Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 (±) Claw. At-Will Level 10 Elite Soldier XI' 1.000 Initiative +11 Perception +13 Low-light vision Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +15 vs. AC Hit: 4d6 + 4 damage. (±) Gythka (psychic, weapon) • At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +15 vs. AC Hit: 1 d8 + 6 damage plus 1 d8 + 3 psychic damage, and the target is marked until the end of the warrior's next turn. ® Chatkcha (weapon) • At-Will Attack: Ranged 6/12 (one creature); +15 vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + 4 damage. +:>r Mantis Flurry. At-Will Effect: The warrior uses 8ythka and claw, or it uses chatkcha twice. +Springing Assault. Recharge (;"~J [!J Effect: The warrior jumps 4 squares and then uses 8ythka. If the attack hits, the warrior slides the target 3 squares. Then the warrior jumps 3 squares and uses 8ythka again. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. Mind Wrench (psychic) • Encounter Attack: Close burst 2 (enemies in burst); +15 vs. Will Hit: 4d6 + 4 psychic damage, and the target is marked until the end of the warrior's next turn. Mantis Jump. Recharge when first bloodied Effect: The warrior jumps 7 squares. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. +Spasm. At-Will Tri88er: An enemy adjacent to the warrior and marked by the warrior moves, shifts, or makes an attack that does not include the warrior as a target. Attack (Immediate Interrupt): Melee 1 (triggering creature); +15 vs.WiII Hit: 2d6 + 3 damage, and the warrior knocks the target prone. The target is slowed until the end of the warrior's next turn. Skills Acrobatics +14, Athletics +15, Nature +13 Str 21 (+10) Dex 18 (+9) Wls 16 (+8) Con 16 (+8) Int 10 (+5) Cha 12 (+6) Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Thri-Kreen Equipment 2 chatkchas, gythka THRI-KREEN MANTIS WARRIORS IN COMBAT A mantis warrior springs at the strongest opponent, its gythka spinning between its many hands. The thri-kreen's attacks [pain the mind and break the body. A mantis warrior is a brilliant fighter, and it uses its chatkchas and claws at opportune moments to protect its clutch and rule the battlefield. Z I.LJ I.U a: ::.::: a: :r I­

SOLDIEHS stAUGHTER AN ELF TRIBE after a messenger fails to bring warning. A poisoned blade cuts down a dwarf before he achieves his life's goal. Both die, but their intense yearnings resurrect soulless bodies, driving the corpses to endlessly pursue what likely can never be accomplished. LORE Religion DC 21: As a soul passes into the Gray, its deepest unmet desire can splinter off to animate the physical form that its soul aban· doned. The splinter accesses the memories, needs, and desires of the body's former occupant. Those passions are married to an overwhelming hunger for life force , and a wight is born. A wight's Com· peting pursuits leave it incapable ofsatisfying any craving. Wights bleed frustration, anger, grief, and hate. Their emotions creep into nearby conscious· nesses, and quick·witted creatures might realize a wight is nearby. Those hunting a particular Wight can use knowledge ofits former life as an emotional weapon to gain an upper hand over the creature. Experienced hunters also know that killing a Wight requires its body's destruction. Dis· memberment followed by fire is the surest way to accomplish that. According to legend, an occasional earnest soul completes the task that awakened a wight, freeing the miserable creature. For most wights, however, the components required to complete a task are lost in the ashes of time. ENCOUNTERS Wights are unscrupulous about allies, although a habit of the creature's living existence might influ· ence its associations. Some A charismatic ruler or commander is brought down, and the servants and trusted advisors who perished at her side rise up as wight thralls. These creatures' devotion spills over into death. Wight thralls, zorn· bielike except for their cunning, are unflaggingly committed to their leader. Wight Thrall Level 12 Minion Brute Medium natural humanoid (undead) HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. AC 24, Fortitude 25, Reflex 23, Will 24 Speed 7 Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic CD Claw + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); + 17 vs. AC XP 175 Initiative +10 Perception +6 Darkvision Hit: 12 damage, and the target cannot gain temporary hit points and regains 5 fewer hit points than normal from healing effects (save ends both). Dark Passing + Encounter Trigger: An attack that does not deal radiant damage reduces the thrall to 0 hit points. Effect (No Action): A nonminion undead creature within 10 squares of the thrall gains 5 temporary hit points. Str 22 (+12) Dex 18 (+10) W1s 8 (+5) Con 15(+8) Int8(+5) Cha20(+11) Alignment evil Languages - WIGHT THRALLS IN COMBAT A wight thrall crouches atop an unusual perch. It leaps into combat, purposeful and protective ofits commander. Cackling and derisive, a wight thrall uses its vicious claws to disable foes nearest its lord. When an enemy brings it down, the thrall continues to serve its master, imparting a devotional burst to a nearby undead member ofits cohort. .J ~ ". ,t , ..;,JWights work with living allies whose pursuits paral­ ~/ ~" ) lel a wight's dark appetites. /J _~-I... ~. t More commonly, wights abide the presence of predatory beasts, which don't see the undead creatures )' ~~ " ' -~ as food. \ . "I " ~-­ i-) , '\', ii' I \ '""" "~

•• •• • DUNE RUNNER WIGHT Under the stars runs a lithe and muscular figure, with pale skin and burning eyes. Each night, the undead elfsprints to complete its impossible task, returning to its starting point as the sun rises. Frustration and despair radiate from its undead frame . To slake its ache, the dune runner terrorizes nearby creatures during daylight hours. Dune Runner Wight Level 11 Skirmisher Medium natural humanoid (undead), elf XP 700 HP 124; Bloodied 61 Initiative +14 AC 16, Fortitude 14, Reflex 15, Will 13 Perception +11 Speed 7 (earth walk) Darkvision Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant Skirmish (necrotic) When the dune runner ends a move at least 4 squares from the square where it started the move, it deals 1 d8 extra necrotic damage until the start of its next turn. ill Claw + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +17 vs. AC Hit: 1d8 + 11 damage. +Mobile Melee Attack + At-Will Effect: The dune runner moves its speed and uses claw once at any point during that movement. The dune runner doesn't provoke opportunity attacks when moving away from the target of Its attack. Running Curse (charm. psychic) + At-Will (l/round) Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +15 vs. Will Hit: The target must move at least 4 squares on its turn, or it takes 1 d1 0 psychic damage (save ends). Skills Athletics + 11. Endurance + 16 Str 12 (+7) Dex 11 (+12) Wis 8 (+5) Con 20(+11) Int10(+6) Cha 18 (+10) Alignment evil languages Common DUNE RUNNERS IN COMBAT From a distance, a dune runner is easily mistaken for a normal humanoid. an advantage it exploits. The Wight rains curses on its foes as it draws them apart with runnin8 curse. It keeps moving, slashing at the enemies most able to pin it down . A dune runner fights until dusk calls it away. It has a message that must be delivered this night. OATH WIGHT Ruins pock the wastelands ofAthas. Devastating attacks leveled cities and buried inhabitants where they stood, heedless ofwhether the victims were scoundrels or scholars, wastrels or artisans. The slain seldom rest easy, especially those who were on the brink ofsuccess, a historic discovery, or birthing a child. Oath Wights crawl from the rubble. The creatures vibrate with rage and disappointment, throbbing with the futility oftheir former souls' pursuits and passions. Oath Wight Level 14 Elite Controller lMedium natura l humanoid (undead). dWdrf XP 2.00 0 I: HP 140; Bloodied 80 Initiative +11 IJ AC 17, Fortitude 15, Reflex 14, Will 16 Perception + 7 ~ Speed 6 Darkvision Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 10 radiant Saving Throws +1; Action Points 1 o Inevitable Failure + Aura 1 Enemies within the aura that aren't dominated by the Wight take a -1 penalty to attack rolls. skill checks. and ability checks. . . CD Rotting Touch (necrotic) + At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +17 vs. Fortitude Hit: 3d1 0 + 6 necrotic damage, and the target cannot regain hit points until the end of the wight's next turn . <.. Frustration's Fury (charm. psychic) + Recharge when the wight uses promised return Attack: Close burst 5 (two enemies in burst); +16 vs. Will Hit: 3d10 + 6 psychic damage. and the target uses a free action to make an at-will attack of the wight's choice. which can include a charge, against a creature of the wight's choice. If the target's attack misses. the target of frustratian 's fury is dominated (save ends). Miss: Half damage. and the target is dazed until the end of the wight's next turn. M INOR A CTIONS Accursed Gaze (charm) + At-Will (1!round) Requirement: The Wight must be bloodied. Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +18 vs. Will Hit: The target is dominated until the end of the Wight's next turn. Oath's Agony (necrotic) + At-Will Trigger: An enemy within 1 squares of the wight takes damage. Attack (Immediate Reaction): Close burst 1 (triggering enemy); +18 vs. Will Hit: 4d6 + 6 necrotic damage, and the target is dazed until the end of the wight's next turn. Promised Return (healing) + Encounter Trigger: The wight drops to 0 hit pOints. Effect (No Action): The wight is removed from play until the start of its next turn. The wight then appears with full hit points in an unoccupied square within 5 squares of its last location. Str 11 (+8) Dex 18 (+11) Wls 8 (+6) Con 10 (+11) Int 11 (+8) Cha 11 (+13) Alignment evil languages Common OATH WIGHTS IN COMBAT Grief and failure are lethal weapons in an oath wight's emotional arsenal. Despair emanates from the fiend, and its touch enfeebles. It drowns enemy minds in images of helplessness and horror as it uses a foe's body to attack other opponents. An oath wight reaches into enemies' memories and lobs private heartaches and insecurities at the strongest opponents. Warriors have been seen sobbing as they strike and parry across the battlefield. When an oath wight finally falls and hope blooms in the hearts ofits enemies, opponents find it's just another failed hope. The oath wight soon stands up, as vital and strong as when the battle first began.

(ENG) D&D 4a Ed. - Dark Sun - Creature Catalog - Flip eBook Pages 51-100 (2025)
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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

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Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.