Capitol Hill Beacon from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (2024)

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Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

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25 discount ON Wallpaper 150 PATTERN SELECTION ROOM LOTS AT A BARGAIN! DrV'CPfllNT and I WWALLPAPER 302 25th Tel 62 2991 PAGE SIX Community News NEWS NEWS Shields Heights PRAIRIE QUEEN By MRS VAUGHTER MM Joe Shores enter until they returned ui Lilt fabric i home HoraceGreeley nesday the family was 1 breT was born March 3 1811 Mr and Mrs Jack I McAllister Mrs Edith Roark Vaughter and Lyndale Gilbert same slick pavement a I was the nocn hour and worn 1 where he is scheduled Mrs Ralph Russell will present a lesson on knitting at this meeting Mr OKLAHOMA CITY OKLA is 6 6616 the Naval forces Mrs Starks underwent a recent brother in law Mr 'and Mrs children have been Mi 324 are building a Rytlimi flxing Cordi main th difhnml Midwest City Ed Tompkins Week of prayer is being observed Mrs Stepp' I A WltK lnniueMaky Special INNERSPRING mattress SALE! ts 2 PROO NEXT RIDAY proper insurance certainly lessens fear for there 322 West Commerce Tel 6 5403 i in I ew i PAY AS unit as at the shower were Wehry and Ray Mrs Hardy Brown is the security of loss Let our long 1 2 0121 9 8848 7 1340 5 the suf the Club Harry Red Cross volunteer instructor conduct the classwork Classes meet from 9:30 am until 3 for three session March 7 SADBERRYS SHOWER Reg $495 CAN'T TELL IT ZIGZAGS BECAUSE Tm Too to look Ditto the children of Mrs Char lene family What counts is not the number of hours you put in but how much you put into the hours Bowlan rid son Kenneth and Mr and Mrs Orville Bowlan and three children all of Shawnee BG cords Hex in rythm like a precision trained ill racing crew Mott other cords flex out of rythm like a crew out of beat Reg $695 Reg $1295 Charles Scott was permitted to return home Tuesday from the hos pital where he was taken because of illness from a virus infection Joe Birdwell has been off work with throat trouble I Open 'Till Nine tri 4 Sot Night Prairie Queen Baptist Mission There were 69 in Sunday school i ur Storekeeper 2c George Allen of the Naval Air Corps has arrived in Joe Luttrell formerly of tire Berg use and now of Guymon under Virgil Peterson is confined by illness Home for a new of the Sick opens Tues am in the Phone 62 8300 RED CROSS NURSING COURSE OPENS CITY METAL SALES YARD 600 Walker 79 2887 MORE MILEAGE SAETY COMORT prepared to give you more to tnakt you a deal you beat anywhere 1 Mary Lou Swatek and Grandfather Celebrate Mary Lou Swatek and her grand father A Swatek celebrated their birthdays Tuesday eb 21 with a family duck dinner Besides the Harry Swatek family the guests were Mr and Mrs A Swatek cd Glenn and red Straka NEW BLACK and GALVANIZED PIPE ALL SIZES at Reduced Prices Mrs Snoddy Mrs John Ott Mrs Hugo Linguist Mrs I Nestle rode Mrs Dan Brandon Carolyn Lindquist Mrs Vaughter Pat and Philip Huckably Reg $895 Wiley Post Croquet Wiley Post Croquet club 1ms sched uled a meeting for Saturday night at Wiley Post LEGS PER SET $295 EASY TERMS! Larry Wilde with Mr and Mrs me recent evening at a show Mr and Mrs George Sad Mrs Womack is home from the hospital and recuperating cicely ine nuriey ill Mrs Ernest television set Wednesday sary gift marking milestone The Masks storm cellar Mr and Mrs Jobe were in Guthrie Wednesday to visit their sc and daughter in law Mr and Mrs Gerald Jobe You're To RED SKIN CAE 828 29th Street GOOD GOOD HEALTH EATURING Home Cooked Meals Home made Pies Hot Rolls Southern style friend chicken PLENTY PARKING SPACE IN BACK CAE STOP BY AND SEE US OPEN SUNDAYS OKLAHOMA RABBIT MARKET WE WANT YOUR RYERS 3 fo 5 pounds rap prices 2319 5 20 News of oster VALLEY BROOK COMMUNITY GEORGE GIVEN Mrs Lorena Padgett lias been out of school this week lu Also ill with flu Mrs Glenn Au Mission Week of prayer services have been held each day this week Weekly visitation pregram is plai ned with time of visiting set for riday 150 DOWN were Mrs a A Tindell Mrss Miller Mrs i Smith Mrs Cline and Mrs In Mrs at a The affair was held in the home of Mrs Williamson's sister Mrs lovd Bartlett 216 SE 25 Mrs Stills was in charge of the games rankie received many nice gifts and refreshments were served at the conclusion of the evening Among the guests were Margie Rodmen Charlene Vowell Charlie Doty Bob arrer John Holly Jeanie Wadsworth Bronna Lou Winford Mary Helen Webb Roy Rose Connie Coldiron Dorotha Cole Sandra Miller Roland Stills Anita Clark Donald Holcomb Barbara itzgerald Douglas Stills Carol Sue and Jimmy Williamson amily guests present were Stanley Wane Minnie Gilbert Mildred Grant Walt Ketring Dot Pritchard Albertson Gilbert and Macine HILL OKLAHOMA CITY OKLAHOMA RIDAY MARCH 3 1950 Enrolment is open nursing course "Care in the Home" which day (Mar 7) at 9:30 Red Cross chapter classroom 217 Terminal building Mrs Paula Shults Midwest iCty school nurse and will will pm 9 and 14 The class is free to the public Contact Red Cross in the Terminal building to register 4 Club Party at There were 520 members coaches and parents present riday night eb 24 when Midwest City played NEWS AVIATION ACRES 5100 To 6000 SE 15th AVIATION AC RES HOME DEMONSTRATION CLUB went a recent operation at Excelsior Sprngs Mo 2505 So Agnew Allens Attend uneral Mr and Mrs Bill Allen and Mr I and Mrs Allen were in Burk hni'noH i i Our larger display make it much easier Io find exactly what you desire and Mrs Haskell Nix and spent Sunday in Wtonewonrl where they visited Mr Nix's mother Mrs Ola Nix and Mrs Nix's parents Mr and Mrs Clyde Combs COMMUNITY BILL WETWISKA COMPLIMENTED Bill Wetwiska was honored Sunday at a family birthday dinner held at his home (The guests were Mr and Mrs Harper of Yukon Mr now $345 now $298 now $850 now $995 now $595 now $595 DISTRICT MRS MARY HAWTHORNE HONORED Mrs Mary Hawthorne was com plimented by her Sunday school class the TEL of Wilmont Place Baptist church at a surprise birth and Mrs Leland anning of Yukon rln nnrtn 4 Afe A uut vj uuuvmj ujgob VJUlllCJi 1VAI Xtc were played Mrs Hawthorne re family of Banner freshments were served at the con clusicn of the evening The guests included Mrs Elmer Jones Miss Marilyn Hawthorne Mrs A McCoy Mrs Drake Mrs Jane VanVactor Mrs A Stout Mrs Viola Maloy Mrs Stearns Mrs Ethel Campbell Mrs Gertie Golden Mis Carl Hether ington Mrs Effie Jackson Mrs Hall Mrs Ruby Graham Mrs Rena Price Mrs Lula Husted Mrs Hi liter Mrs Edna Blott Mrs Ocie Chester Mrs Blessing Mrs Miller Associate Moore Sec Tel 6 1777 West Commerce (Across rom Browns) Income Tax Service ee $200 Open Evenings and Sunday Smith Room 818 Midwest Bldg 3 0618 8 1239 NEWS LAAYETTE DISTRICT BARBERS ENTERTAIN Mr and Mrs Barber 4903 Sage 'have as their houseguest their daughter Mrs Phelps of Jacksonville la The Phelps have recently returned from Puerto Rica of Banner I During the afternoon additionalguests were Rev and Mrs Jack Thomason and children of Richland torsilectomy At that time her brother and sisters Crow Julia Wallace and Charity Wallace visited here from Miami Other recent guests have been the Starks' sons Mr and Mrs loyd Starks and family of Wheeler Tex and Mr and Mrs Robert Starks and family I of Catus Tex The Starks and Larry plan to spend this week end visiting rela tives in Miami MAYTAG COSTS LESS AND Washes Clothes Cleaner ULLY AUTOMATIC MAYTAG Sales Service 24 West Grand 2904 23rd 2612 5 Robinson HENDERSON CO 2109 Ag new Warm Air Heating Air Conditioning and Sheet Metal Work Courteous Estimate Phone 62 2252 We are celebrating our 1st year in Capitol Hill and would like to express our appreciation for the loyal support you have given our store It is your cooperation that has made this a most successful and profitable year Our pledge to you will be the continued Goodrich service plus qualify merchandise NEWS CROOKED OAK DISTRICT RANKIE WILLIAMSON HONORED honor of her daughter rankie Jimmy Williamson entertained birthday party Tuesday night was a sister of the Allen men Carson has returned to New Mexico Bottrell received a from her husband ebruary 22 Anniver tlieir seventh Ditto Mrs loyd Malicoate Juanita Pewitt has the chicken pox Gary Darragh who had an earlier toiisilectomy postpened because of illness finally shed the offend ng bits of anatomy over the past week end The Wetwiskas have just moved into their home in the same community The house was not quite complete when they moved and Wed Girl Heights met at the school Monday aiternoon tor regular meeting Two new members were welcomed into the group Rosalie Jones and Anna Mae Ball Also present were regular mem bers Dmna Collier Dorothy Coffee Janice Merrill Nancy Barton Naomi Tate Martha Sapp and Louise Sutherlin Absent were Anna Jlell Mullin Norma Bowlware Patty Wood and Helen Narry Next meeting is scheduled for Mniday afternoon Mar 6 when the leader Mrs LC Sutherlin 212 SE 34 will be hostess to the troop op up Toaster Electric Iron Direct rom The actory To You GLAMOROUS HOLLYWOOD SET second car overturned directly fol lowing the accident Mr Jackson suffered Driver of the other car was uninjured INSULATION OER SAVE 50 ON INVESTMENT Poys More Than 20 Each Year Will Insulate Attic of 4 or room Home for $6000 SPECIAL REDUCTION ON WEATHER STRIPPING THREE MC CO 2321 Walker 6 0477 Reg $3995 $500 Worth Extra's REE Temple Baptist Church There were 244 in Sunday school 114 in Training Union our were baptized There were 64 in Sunday school at Sharon mission 30 in Training union There was one re dedication A Sunday school study course is being held at the church this week Mrs Marjorie Cooper of Capitol Hill Baptist church is teach ing tlie adults and young people Mrs Cornelson of Trinity the in termediates and Bob Taylor Temple ediieaticnal director the juniors Sharon mission will have an all day service and basket dinner Sun day Rev Dickson Temple pastor will speak at 2 pm on "Go Ye" Mr and Mrs Hugh Meadows have as1 their houseguest Mrs mother Mrs Lydia Hovis of Toledo Mr and Mrs Thurber and Mrs Stills visited Saturday with relatives in Quinton Mrs Holcomb was called to Perry the early part of the week by the death of her niece Mis George Alger's sister and niece were killed in an automobile wreck Monday night near Ardmore i ne i knowing you ore thoroughly orofected oooino i cxpcrichce serve your insurance needs Mrs Albert Warren Mrs Albert Warren is critically ill at University hospital following the birth of a baby girl early Tuesday mowing Mr and Mrs Smithson are on an out of town trip Mrs Odom has been per mitted to return home from the hospital following a siege of pneu monia Mrs Odom became ill while visiting relatives in Lubbock Mrs Bettis is confined to bed by flu Mr and Mrs rank Silva had as their guest over the week end Mrs brother John erpotto of Marquette Kans Bill Owen has been off work nearly four weeks due to ill health who will be tnree in July was because of the addition of cement steps at each entrance Mr and Mrs Dallas Greeson have moved into the home formerly oc cupied by the Wetwiskas 1 Miss Ruby Ann Burch of the county office was present riday when Aviation Acres Home Demon stration club met Mrs Buckles was hostess Meeting was opened by the president following which Mrs Ernest Bottrell lead in singing down the River" Roll call was answered by naming and de scribing some well known of established quality Committee reports were received The club has voted to buy song books for each member Mrs Underwood will be hostess at the next meeting of the group At this time March 10 Mrs Armstrong a native of Scotland will speak on her home country Mrs Buckles won the club gift at riday's meeting Twelve members were present Miss Burch suggested the good neighbor be instructed to notify the club of any members ill The secretary presented a report on the county council meeting' I Mrs Armstrong and Mrs Bottrell originally from New Zealand at tended the recent Brunch at Bever for members of the British i Girls club end Mrs Armstrong was interviewed over the air 1 Miss Burch announced that the conference on food' and clothing would be held March 29 in time for the April meeting Mrs Johnny Taylor then took charge of the meeting to bring a demonstration on posture and carriage How to se lect a pattern properly was discussed also Brownie Scout Troop Mrs Lona 34(s leader of the Brownie Scout troop I from John Adams district There are eight members in the troop which meets each Thursday at Mrs Long's home The group is currently mak ing house shoes Mrs Elva Rose is confined to bed by flu Her parents are stayin with her during her illness Spot Light I Daisy Air Rifle PROO LAST RIDAYS' ACT! i a i'T IS UNLAWUL TO DESTROY COINS I No federal low forbids the total destruction of coins however or lightening of a coin in such a wav that if mo imer oe ctrcuiarea in its impaired condition BE Goodrich IRST IN RUBBER Baby Auto Seat 43 Piece Dinner $etss9 TRADE IN a in an hr I fi fe ww a NEWS Martin Van Duren STITCH CHATTER CLUB Mrs Joe Wright 539 SW 30 was hostess Wednesday at an all day meeting of her sewing club the stitch Chatter' group A delicious covered dish luncheon was served it the noon hour and a short busi ness meeting was held in the after noon Members present weie Mrs loyd Jensen Mrs Jerry Crawford Mrs Blanch Crawford Mrs Nora Mat thews Mrs Wayne Onstott and Mrs Barber The next meet ng of the club will be with Mrs Barber 4953 Sage March 15 NEWS nr JOHN ADAMS DISTR ICT MRS HUDSON SURPRISED The radio listening group of John Adams TA met Monday afternoon the home of Mrs Merchant 3320 Stolts In honor of her birth day Mrs Jack Hudstn was surprised on the same occasion by a liand riviuei Snower Those present MCMilhn Mrs Jack Reaves Mr TM Brown Mrs Long Mrs Bru on Thirty University of Oklahoma students were chosen for the 1949 50 edition of Who Among I Students in American Universities and Colleges" 1 Among those Mr and Mrs mond Mr and Mr and Mrs Peevler Mr and Mrs Witham Mr and Mrs Jeffers Tingler Mr and Mrs Hicks Mrs Bill Allen Mrs Raymond Laudermilk Mary Jerry and Ray nell Mrs Lauderback Don and Mike Mrs red Witha Mrs Walter Smith Raymond and Beverly Plunkett Mr and Mrs Rock Cham bless and daughters In additiui to the above a great number of friends called briefly during the evening to bring gifts to tile Sadberrys 1 595 With Matchi ng Box Springs $1595 ULL SIZE SLIGHTLY HIGHER HEADBOARDS $895 REE DELIVERY! A iT i T2 i i I vr1r I 1 1 i 1 1 i tpurx uu iv ills 1 1 1 1 1 naruor for the coming season Silhouettes to be stationed for the next two will be boyish and maiden type 'years Colors will take Iheir cue fromsun sea and sky with lilac to plum favoied Shues will be black and red Suits will be softly tailored with pockets low boxy for the larger woman: flairing for tall and box type for shorties Coats and suits will favor stand up collars A great many feminine flowers and feathers will be featured Bags will be horizontal and over the shoulder type with a leaning toward navy in color Not much jewelry Capes will be good A well favored new material is nylon seer sucker requiring no ironing Miss Burch offered individual analysis to those requesting information' Light refreshments were served to conclude the afternoon 62 4466 31425 INSURANCE AGENCY I host to a county wide 4 party Mrs Jack McCormick was present to instruct in square dancing Danc ing canasta dominoes and checkers were enjoyed 4 club members brought cookies for refreshments The Cheerful Workers Home demonstration club prepared 15 dozen cookies for the event Punch was served by Aviation Acres Douglas Heights and Sooner Home Demonstration units and Howard Melson president of Post school Attending from Sooner Home Demonstration club were Mrs Earl Ham and Mrs Howard Chesser rom Aviation Acres were Mrs Don Stover Mrs Claud ranks and Girl Scout Troop 133 Scout troop 133 Shields Mr tained er for berry The Sadberrys lost their home and its contents in a fire of un known origin recently The couple was visiting in Missouri at the time the house bunted and were unaware ot the disaster Starks' News who makes his home and Mrs storks I swallowed a nail ten days ago Larrv i where Mr Phelps was stationed with' who will be tnree in July was the Naval forces fluroscoped agan this week at which Sunday the Barbers had as din time the nail was not discernable ner guests Mr sister and Aft'C Ctirbn i 11 Mrs to bed erndale Home Demonstration club will be entertained Wednesday Mar 8 in the home of Mrs Vern Mefford 2224 SE 15 Meeting starts at 1 pm Dr John Dorr OPTOMETRISTS Eyes Examined Glasses itted Dr IL lackscn Injured Jackson of the Crestline community is in Mercy hospital Mr Jackson's car overturned Monday night during the violent wind and rain storm west rt tm tr returning home from work at rays disclose that he feretl two fractured ribs i Lt IU extent ol unrips from hnc nr snock have not yet been determined vu ue 5 Goodrich games were enjoyed during the afternoon Mrs reeman received many lovely gifts Mrs Eugene King and Mrs Edtl Blnicett called during the after noon to attend the shower members present were Mrs Swatek Mrs Stocker Mrs reeman Mrs Charlene Buller Mrs reeman Mrs reeman Mrs Hicks Mrs II Jack son Mrs Wm Kurz Mrs Nickell Mrs Donna Riley Mrs Hazel Skidmore Mrs Grace Smith Mrs Gilbert Mrs Gladys Swafford Mrs CaiTsle Pratt and Mrs But Staley Marybelle Mercer small dmighh uf Mr and Mrs C'harii Mercer lias chiekf ii pox Helping Hand Has Shower Mrs Dorothy reeman was guest of hnnnr Thlircrlnv nn i ne ruu WIICIJ he 1 10 HeIPinS Hand club held their legmar meeting the home of Mrs Butler Mrs reeman was complimented with a stork shower A covered dish luncheon at oster Baptist church with daily I meeting at 1 :30 Rev Chester Jordrn I was guest speaker Sunday Pastor Rev A Norman is still ill flu Ray Haverly and i I I rtiiu ivilh 111 OUtltltJ bUUUUl ceived many lovely gifts and re Virgil Haverly and daughter Mary eb at Prairie Queen Baptist frnc Vi til rav i 1 rf Dr xuv AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INSURANCE terms if you like Commerce Ph 2 9485 "If it's insuronce Ed Has It" ire Tornado Automobile Liability Life Hospitalization burnett Tex the early part of ebruary to attend funeral services for Mrs Arnie Young Mrs Young Mrs A from her trip LJ jr) i mi lWLhll wots NOT ZIGZAG MEERUT ''ri II A 1 1 ar 1 I 26 Inch Schwinn Bicycle NOKM AOVKHtTI I 7 MLMLArwate I MATTRSSS i PRIGS Ilf v1ST'' I JM DIA i illmli 1 1 HR i'll lltllS I III IM I IIKK III fl I (I II II V9 I 448 os LUriCL.

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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Views: 6289

Rating: 4 / 5 (41 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.